The UK and Europe have nothing in common

Why did the UK ever join the EU in the first place?

- Europe drives on the right side of the road, the Brits on the left.
- Europe loves winter sports like skiing or biathlon, Brits like cricket
- Europe loves spaghetti and pork roast and baguette, Brits like chicken tikka
- Europe has the Euro as a currency, the UK the pound
- Europe has always had to deal with Russia, the UK was always shipping of to places like China or Australia or America to kill indigenous people

Big brother USA wanted it. Plus it allowed UK to dictate the daily politics in central Europe.

never trust the anglojews

>thinks the "special relationship" is between the UK and the US rather than between the US and DE.

>between the UK and the US rather than between the US and DE.

We don't have a "special relationship" with the US at all. We didn't go to the Iraq war and are generally a formal pain in the ass - you can't talk with any German leaders on an informal basis, which drives Americans crazy.

The UK is the closest ally of the US after Israel.

What's wrong with that?

Well it's nice that you believe that.
Germany is the US's guy in the EU. Not the UK.

It was interesting for a while to see Eurocucks trying to build Babby's first Empire.

Having seen what a bollocks up it turned out to be (no surprise there) we want out.

Great Britain, and it's children, glorious USA, Canada and Australia will always be there to be awesome.

Get over it.

-europe like pussy and breasts while UK wants feminine penises and boypussys

The precursor to the EU (the ECSC, and to a lesser extent the EEC) was very useful for trade in a post-war Europe between major economies, no matter how much the economically illiterate here will disagree the idea to create a trading bloc in the civilised parts of Europe was a good idea and was a success for the first few decades, but from the 70s onwards it started to fail, more recently introducing the shared currency and allowing a lot of third-world ex-soviet shitholes in was a huge mistake and made it obvious the EU was never going to last for long.

We joined because it was a good idea at the time.

>but from the 70s onwards it started to fail,
just a coincidence that you folks joined in 1972 then.

The aim was always to fuck it up from the inside.

What's wrong with being gay exactly?

I can suck dick and blow your cunting little head off with no issue. You think because I pack fudge I won't slit your pathetic, weak little throat open? Is that what you think?

Hahahaha oh boy I want WWIII so badly, so fucking badly, I'm craving to slaughter every single one of you pieces of failure mainlander shit.

Build your fucking army and let's go to war babby boy.

Yes they do, they're just as massive arrogant cunts to us as the rest of europe and they and the rest of Europe has called them Europeans ever since the term has ecisted

Unlike maindlers we have the right to be arrogant.

They have never and will never amount to anything of worth. Oh and it's "existed" you stupid cunt.

>we have the right to be arrogant.

for building and losing an empire like so many others?
fucking top kek

>12 dubious examples over seven centuries.

We built the greatest empire the world has ever known...

Libraries could be filled cataloging daily french perfidy.

You're a nation historically known for three things: Surrender, collaboration & faggotry.

If it make's you cheese eating allah monkeys feel any better, Churchill actually felt really bad about blowing up your shit tier fleet at Oran, what were we meant to do?

Let your muslim vichy ships go to the nazis? That's not how wars are won - not something i'd expect you to know much about.


sure we have stuff in common, you all speak english between our selfs.

>Why did the UK ever join the EU

because the UK was an economic shitfest. Anything north of London is basically an anglo russia. The UK was the sick man of europe when they joined and thats exactly where they will end up being again if there are not major reforms coming in. The british government is so inefficient and ragged its not even funny. They suck at almost everything. Also they pretty much sold off anything of value in terms of industry to the Arabs and Indians. THEY ARE FUCKED. unless, as i said they are reforming their country and industry from the ground up. They will of course continue to pay into the EU funds and will allow EU migration.

>inb4 brits will have free access to EU market without granting accsess to theirs

Ur just salty because achmed ran over your nan

>What's wrong with being gay exactly?

Increased risk of getting STD's, Less chance of having a long term partner, sexual promiscuity unable to raise kids like a normal person, more chance of using drugs or being associated with drug users...

Society hasn't always hated homosexual acts, that really doesn't effect anyone. What we hate is the degenerate lifestyle associated with modern homosexuality.

It's fucking easy to pick up guys because guys have lower standards than women when it comes to sex so a lot of young gay guys end up having unnatural amounts of sex with multiple partners because young men are incredibly horny.

They blow their most important years (roughly 21-35) blowing dudes and fucking ass when men are supposed to be developing their place in the world and finding a partner for life. Obviously there are exceptions but I don't think I've met a gay guy over the age of 30 who isn't a washed up loser.

tl:dr: because homosexuality is degenerate.

Hate to say it, but this is the most accurate post in this thread.

That, being said, I do think that we are reforming our country and industry (not sure whether from the ground up, though). That, and we didn't sell anything of worth to other nations; most of our industry was dying out to cheaper and better competition.

Why haven't you guys taken the US/EU redpill? The EU is a US stooge and always will be as long as they pay for NATO and therefore our protection. Even if the EU leaders get what they want i.e. the Fourth Reich, we will still be their stooges as long as they pay for our protection. There is no special relationship, they use us. They'll never attack us but we are never safe from them either.

t. Ahmed

Theres also the geographic element. Most people i know say 'going into europe' if theyre going onto the continent.
We arent european atall

They're the same as any other euros, Swedes drove on the wrong side of the road until 1963 or something too. They're just retarded.

Plenty of eurofags don't use the euro.

Spain and other countries in the far west like UK don't deal too much directly with russia either.


>Brits like cricket

>Southern English people like cricket

fixed it for you.

When we joined it was an economic union. It made sense on -some- levels, and was sufficient to get an informed public to give it a go.

Get fucked kraut

>greatest general France ever produced
You spelt Italy wrong

is Yorkshire in Kent?

Fuck the EU famalam

>Europe has always had to deal with Russia
Oh that fucking qute.
Name last time when we pulled world domination over shitty europe?.

Losing an empire is small apples to losing the war