Pic unrelated.
Pic unrelated.
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What a coincidence 13 is what my last 4 digits add up to
Also note that Obama has done all the things Trump claimed should be done (without billions spent on a stupid wall).
Deportations have gone up, deficit halved, 20 thousand or more bombs dropped on terrorist/sand people.
He's even increased drone funding and the NSA like good old George W. Bush.
Holy fucking shit
Just wait a minute, the defense force is delayed in another thread it seems.
>What a coincidence 13 is what my last 4 digits add up to
>Holy fucking shit
American Education
When I noticed their flags, I was hoping nobody else would point it out.
>that pic
I hate all of those faggots.
Why is the mom black? That's racist.
You can make compilations like this for anyone, stop targeting Trump.
Bandwaggon cuck.
It's probably a planned parenthood statement.
Poor people and minorities need it for abortions and birth control while the middle and upper classes have private OBGYN care more available where their pregnancy control services can be privately administered.
We can bring up hillary if you'd like.
I dislike in political discussions when someone is accused of "targeting" someone. It's somehow implicit that if you're not currently discussing both candidates, you're defending the other.
No, sometimes you just want a conversation about one politician without whataboutism.
jesus christ this is fucking embarrassing
Alright, I was just trying to point out that this isnt something that should be held against Trump when you can do the same for any other politician.
Hey, ho, CTR must go!
I wouldn't go so far as it say that it can't be held against trump, it should be held against every public official.
Living as were are today, in the information age, we are uniquely empowered to recall, reveiw, and fact-check our public figures and hold them all to a higher standard than ever. Although we may live in an age where infidelity no longer prompts a public official to bow out of office in shame, we can at least hope to make their words and consistency count all the more.
Fuck off, CTR.
CTR go suck nigger cocks.
CTR sucks my hairy, greasy balls.
CTR smells my morning farts.
Wtf i hate trump now
>title says 13 minutes
>video is 14 minutes
>Don't murder babies
>Get a job
Sounds about right.
>bombs dropped
And that created ISIS
Besides, it's not about him, it's about Clinton, who will do far worse. She will hand out citizenship like it's the last days of Rome.
>mfw a woman doesn't fertilize every egg she creates
All those dead babies. Life begins at ovum release and the spermatozoa.
If you hate him for this you should hate all politicians
Life begins at conception. Any other definition is unscientific.
I live on Alaska and have never heard of the Alaska State Defense Force.
except that egg and sperm cells are alive too. How do you think sperm swims?
Don't be an idiot, Trudeau. He's obviously talking about human life.
>human life.
what exactly is about a fertilized egg that makes it so much more important than a sperm cell and an egg that havent fertilized yet