British Muslim AMA

Ask a British Muslim anything.

I am a second generation Pakistani Muslim in Britain. I support Islamization and I am a devout believer in the Qu'ran.

I have heard that this site hates Islam. I am a studying doctor in theology, and probably smarter than all of you. I am 19, already married to a white British woman who converted for me. We have one child together, and she wants more.


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why do you like role playing on an Indonesian basket weaving site?

>someone will actually believe this isn't bait

Confirmed bait. Hide this thread.

Have you visited Mecca what does the cube feel like?

you probably understand the rules of test cricket, that makes you British and in an elite club

Why don't you believe it??

>I have heard that this site hates Islam. I am a studying doctor in theology, and probably smarter than all of you. I am 19, already married to a white British woman who converted for me. We have one child together, and she wants more.
Nice bait

I have taken hajj. The Kabah is beautiful. It is so pristine and pure.

Because you are a filthy wog?