Tall Dinaric mountainniggers

What's wrong with Dinaric people? why are they so tall?

How do they even function as human beings?

I wouldn't know, since I am a manlet here (6'1)

They would all slay if they came to America.

Apparently they are supposed to have the tallest genes.

They look inbred too

Why yes, I look like a Caucasian churka

nice mongol nose, faggot.

You wish you had that fat, juicy aquiline-straight shooting nose

you have a pleb-tier nose, straight upward type. also you have gay gracile features.

That's a nose of a subterfuge engaged Hebraic gentleman. Very well done


I'm a real mountainnigger, unlike you filthy lowlander med. you are just jealous of my patrician nose.

>another mongol-nose

Me in the Guess shirt

>I'm a real mountainnigger
I grew up in this terrain. No nice little forests and waterfalls like in your homeland, Gr*zin. Fed by rocks, thirst sated by barren goats. 6'1 90kgs of pure Dinaro-Mediterranean masculinity, little churka-man. Fite me

Lol yoyr eyebrows are thicker than mine.

>I grew up
Exactly, you didn't evolve their, you are just a lowlander that moved up there.
actually I'm 6'3 and I fuck more sheep than you can imagine.

i have a straight nordic nose, just like most other finns

>Exactly, you didn't evolve their, you are just a lowlander that moved up there.
I was born there, and I live there. Gr*zin

They aren't that thick actually, they are just average. nobody ever told me that I have thick eyebrows, I think it's just the picture.

>nordic nose
>posts bunch of mongolian looking Finns

Is Elon Musk nigger for being born in africa?

Go back to avlabari Armen-jan

Didn't want to drop the Erm*ni bomb, it would be too much, but ... there we go

yes the resemble is uncanny

ნომერი დაწერე!

U gtfo shitskin

I am actually a pajeet studying in medical school in Tiflis i dont speak the language of the masters

>that body
>that face
>Shkijet (slavs) are not inbre-

Fucking hell, now im sure all shkijet came from a tribe or some shit and start reproducing and spreading into balkan.
Thank god that they mixed with a bit of Illyrian divine blood and that cured them a bit, otherwise...

On an another note, this is proof that Albanians are the most normal nation of the Balkans. They are not block-heads, neither triangle heads, but normal.

I can't wait for Ossetians to conquer you

>Ossetians to conquer you

You made a grave mistake, I'm coming for every single pajeet medical student now.

Georgians for some reason look whiter than everyone else around them.