Daily Japanese Thread #1958

DJT is a language learning thread designed by and for those studying the Japanese language.

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Previous thread I made a new thread picture. おやすみなさい、皆さん

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What are people reading?

Jojo Part 6


How's that going

The news, which allows me to learn useful words such as 銃乱射,脱線,電波。。。

I read the Asahi editorials (there's two per day, usually) continuously for like half a year. I felt like it helped me a lot. You can try that instead of reading news articles. Editorials are usually more interesting.

Thank you, I shall look into it with pleasure.
I read news.livedoor.com/topics/category/world/ for the most part as knowing the stories before starting to read it's Japanese counterpart of the same story is highly useful.

I'm starting with some basic stuff, got myself a copy of Yotsuba to get through

Can someone correct me on this?

>do you like your cellphone?


You need to check but けいたい for phone is an abbreviation from けいたいでんわ (携帯電話)
Dependant on the politeness you are using you might use the full version.

大好き means love, すき is better.

Lastly, this might be a bit anal but か replaces "?" expect if you are using the plain written form and in that case the sentence becomes あなたの携帯が好きだ?

Absolutely based choice m8.

I need a Jap gf...

Why the だ instead of か at the end?

Two different points going on:

There are two forms in Japanese : plain and polite.
You used the polite form ですか。The polite form never uses "?".
The plain form can be seen with "?" so "だ" is not instead of "か". "?" is instead of "か".

Which leaves the question, what is the "だ doing here?

That is another set of rules which goes like this :
ーです → ーだ
ーじゃありません → ーじゃない
ーでした → ーだった
ーじゃありませんでした → ーじゃなかった

Sorry, when I mean "another set of rules" it would be simpler to say "to change the polite form to the plain form for nouns followed by です"

thank you user

We all do, friend. I wish more Japanese lived out here...

>all hiragana

sorry I'm a beginner

What is the context? Are you texting to a girl, perhaps trying to be her friend?

In either case, ですか or だ, are way too rough. And the pronoun doesn't really add much, assuming is a two sided conversation. I would go with いまの携帯、好きの? But It would depend on who am I talking to and with what intentions.

Yes but you are jumping a lot oh loops here. It's obviously a beginner question, giving answers with the go-to-go grammatical structure is a must.

There's no context because it's hypothetical. Polite form by default?

I'm just bustin your balls user. I'm still a beginner too. The ride never ends

>I'm still a beginner too.
We're all beginners, user.

Pokemon adventure special.

Wait, is DJT different than the japanese thread? I thought they were the same.

DJT is for learning Japanese
Japanese thread is for talking with Japs and watching an autistic spammer spam the thread


What are some of the best Japanese puns?


Here's two that I can remember:

1. これには薑が入っていますか? (入ってない前提)
あー しょうがないね

2. アルミ缶の上にあるミカン





Tried to read 日常, sadly disappointed that I still don't know enough to be understand anything. Back to Daily News I go.

Why are they wearing Jorts?

commonly used expression is
「あなたは じぶんの(own) けいたい(cellphone)が すきですか?」
けいたいでんわ is correct, but often abbreviated to けいたい in spoken language.
"your" is translated into 「あなたの」, but 「じぶんの」 sounds more natural in this sentence.

a kind of hakama
see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hakama

That was a really sensible explanation. From what I got there was 癒す is used for the more "spontaneous" types of healing (e.g. placebos and other non-drug negative mood relievers) while 治す involves medical interventions.
It certainly helped me a lot.

5 days until JLPT results are out. Post yfw or tell what you're expecting.
Expecting 50-70% to pass. No problem with overall score as I certainly have enough points from Reading/Grammar and Vocab to help raise my score but a section fail (listening) is the most likely way that I will fail JLPT N4.

If I watch anime at full speed with JP subtitles but I'm only understanding a small % of it, will it actually benefit me or should I spend my time elsewhere?

I'm also working through N3/N2 grammar books, watching a drama (pausing at every line to try to understand it), and reading Read Real Japanese, so the anime would just be a supplement.

I'm not particularly a fan of anime, I just thought I might try it out for the sake of learning. Is my time better spent on other activities?

>If I watch anime at full speed with JP subtitles but I'm only understanding a small % of it,
Why's that? Is it because of lack of vocab/grammar needed to understand it or is it because your reading speed is slower than the dialogue?
Inherently, there's no problem in immersing yourself in listening but if nothing much is registering, either get an easier material to watch (and slowly increase difficulty if you feel comfortable) or beef up your reading skills to keep up with the dialogue at least.


What does this phrase mean? I saw it on a 5ch on a discussion thread about an anison singer. Link is here: medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/asong/1492363563/

Also, could someone give a gist of what the thread is discussing?

和島あみ will retire from show business...

oh, you are another Filipino(I thought you're one who post above).
English version:
Because of poor physical condition, the concert of Ami Wadajima has been canceled many times. Therefore, her fans are worried that she will quit the singer.

I think it's a mix of both, really. A lack of vocab/grammar is definitely part of it, but the main problem seems to be reading/understanding speed. There's usually not enough time after one line of dialogue for my brain to process it before the next line occurs.

So far, I've only watched the first ep of Sword Art Online this way (arbitrary choice of show). If anyone has better suggestions, I'm open.

>do you like your cellphone?
the interrogative form of 好きだ is 好きか (stem+か)
the polite form of 好きか is 好きですか

です of 好きです and だ of 好きだ are conjugative suffixes of 形容動詞 (nominal adjective=な-adjective)
those derive from あり, that is a copula (its principal verb 有り(在り) is a substantive verb. cf. be: être)

Therefor, the な-adjective is called the nominal adjective and the stem of な-adjective is the noun itself
So, we use the noun, which is the stem of the な-adjective, added か, as the interrogative form of a な-adjective:


read following:

Yes, don't watch sao, watch overlord or log horizon instead
Bonus: if you have enough time on your hands, finish SAO first and then watch LH or overlord
The contrast of how bad SAO is will make those two seem 10x better

Do you mean that they will be more understandable or just that they're better shows?


they are objectively better shows
good thing SAO was the third anime I ever watched, because if it was first one, I would probably never touch anime again
I can't think of a worse show I've seen
well, to be fair it's the worst show I didn't drop
looking back, I don't regret watching it and I'll admit It was captivating and the production quality was good

You could always try watching with English subs so you can quickly read and understand what is being said and then focus on listening until the next line


Kanji for 幼稚園 ?

みっか 三日
ようか 八日
はつか 二十日
分かりません ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yotsuba and Non Non Biyori



the teacher should have given にがつ にじゅうはちにち

what's wrong here aside from 七月?

If I wanted to say "The only beautiful parts of Japanese are those related to flowers", would this be correct:



I finished Tae Kim's grammar guide and I'm attempting to read Yotsuba raw but I find it pretty difficult so far.

I can sound out the words, but often times, I don't know know what it means or which part of the sentence are words due to no spaces. Its taking me like 5 to 10 mins just to read a simple page.

Any tips?

Keep at it, it gets easier. Maybe try another Yotsuba-tier manga. Different writing styles can make it easier to read some things more than others.

suggestions? What's easier to read than Yotsuba?

Are you consulting the Yotsuba Reading Pack like the guide says? Your first time reading native content is going to be very difficult regardless but the vocab list should make it a easier. There's nothing wrong with spending 5 or 10 minutes on a page as a complete beginner though.

Excuse my ignorance, are you referring to this?


If so, I haven't been using it. Guess I should do it?

I think it is better to start with books rather than manga because you can effortlessly use Yomichan with them.
(even though yomichan is a crutch that for me became a bad habit that I have to fight now, but I can not imagine advancing as I did without it)

赤とんぼ is a really short story for kids written in the simplest language, about a girl befriending a dragonfly on her summer vacataion - give it a go, read it here.

Here there is also an audiobook for it (朗読 they are called)
Download it and listen to it as you read the sentences, set up some global hotkeys in your audio-player for pause and 30sec-rewind.
Having an audiobook along helps to find the breaks between words, when you can't figure out whether some kana is a part of the word or a particle, and also builds listening comprehension.

Here is a same short story in English, in case you you cant figure out some particular sentence or phrase.

Eki no mae ni koban ga arimasu kara, koban no mae de aimasen ka

Does this mean:

In front of the station is a police station. Let's meet infront of the police station?

i tried learning japanese but then my nihilism took over and i stopped

Where can i download jp gamecube roms?
I suddenly wanted to play jp version of Paper Mario TTYD but i cant find anything.


thanks for this

There must've been some kinda crackdown on roms.

>memorize hiragana and 50% katakana
>don't practice for 6 days
>forget half of it
fug :DDD

Once you relearn them, they'll be stuck in your head a little bit deeper. Then you'll forget some, then relearn them, and so on until you can just read them without even thinking about it.

pretty much this . Once you get into the anki deck youll be using hiragana so much that youll pretty much master it. same for katakana once you get like 300 cards into the deck (there are barely any katakana words in the first 300 words)





What's the actual significance of getting JLPT N1?
I am learning Japanese right now because the job I just got does a lot of business with Japan and I'm going to be going there often for work and working with Japanese people. The people I'll be working with are "supposed" to have a business level understanding of English but if I can learn Japanese then things will be that much easier.
Do Japanese companies get a boner when a 外国人労働者 has a JLPT cert or do they not give a shit as long as you can communicate? For what it's worth my company didn't even bring it up during the interview process.

JLPT doesn't even test for any kind of construction skills (speaking, writing) and companies don't give a shit as long as you can speak and write well in a corporate setting (i.e. know much keigo and be familiar with business terms). A JLPT certificate might help but it won't mean shit if you can't do the above.

I know that some companies, Japanese ones, have JLPT requirements. But the impression I've got is that the JLPT not really that well known in Japan, and that companies that don't advertise a requirement themselves won't view it as more than a curiosity. Don't take my word for it, though. I have zero first-hand information about the job market in Japan.

But even if the certificate itself isn't useful per-se, aiming to pass N1 (or N2 if you want a shorter term goal) is a pretty good source of motivation to stay diligent with your studies. It was for me, for sure.



JK suki
