Can someone story time this

Can someone story time this

Sure can, my dude!



not OP, but cheers!







I'm always happy to share an OUTRAGEOUS tale!

Also this book is literally perfect.











If you think time has gone off the rails, you just ain't seen nothing yet.








Not OP, but thanks for the storytime, dude!





Gonna post all the variant covers, too?









>each other, and we'll like it

>the horrified look on the turtles and renet's faces

This is all I got in my file, my dude.














They're monsters to the Turtles and other victims, I know, but I can't help but love them.
Thanks for this, Outrageous Storytimer. Also I'm going to call you OS from now on your name is too long.










Only noticing on the second read "Reggaeton" is wearing snake shoes. With actual snakes attached.




The book is full of little details like that!
It's lovely~









Page of the year.


Well there's something you don't see everday!

Lol yeah, that's pretty sick

These friggin' guys!












