What the fuck was he doing to her sister?

What the fuck was he doing to her sister?

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dissected her, most likely.

looks like he was harvesting her

Filling her body with spiders to make a spider-woman

Organ harvesting

Don't you see the jar

h-harvesting for what purpose?

Probably to sell the organs on the black market.

but I thought the nazis only targeted jews, not blonde aryan children

It was 1940's Germany and her sister was perfectly healthy.

The fucked up thing here isn't that he was harvesting the organs from her, it's that he was doing it while she was most likely still alive.

you mean, things like this actually happened?

what's this from?

Dude shit like this STILL happen. People don't just suddenly stop needing a new heart or, god forbid the stupidity of it, a liver.

Do you think some rich asshole cares where his new organ came from? Do you think the people who do these things give shit?

Everybody wants to warn little Timmy about crossing the street and not using the incorrect pronouns, but nobody wants to actually tell them what happens if you go vacationing with your family in some other country and get separated.

Thousands of people go missing every year, a lot of them kids. The organ game is fucked up because you can keep the fucking body alive for a long ass time without most of it's parts. There are farms where shit like this happens man.

Yeah, but the context was that like the military took over the orphanage or whatever

Morals have no place on the battlefield.

but Sup Forums told me the nazis weren't so bad...

But seriously, naive as I am, I don't understand why the military would be harvesting a little girl's organs

What does dissecting children on a table have to with "the battlefield"?

>listening to Sup Forums on anything but MGTOW topics

The battlefield is where the people in charge need it to be.

I'm actually not trying to joke here, it's fucked up how often this is the case.

Why are you not getting this? Don't you know that modern medical science owes a lot to the medical experiments carried out by Nazi doctors?

Don't recall that from our textbooks, no

And I'm not really seeing the correlation between what's going on in the OP image and what you're describing

Only parts, most was thrown out for not being conducted properly and so the results couldn't be proven.

I'm still finding it hard to believe anything as over the top evil as that happened

Check out Japan and Germany during WWII, they did some tremendously fucked up shit - and the US forgave those "scientists" in exchange for their data

Operation Paperclip

Also they were literally Hydra

Hell, you can just look at ISIS or the Cartels, seriously those fuckers leave the skinned faces of their victims hanging like masks sometimes.

But generally, there's more of a reason or a motive
What happened in Minutemen just seemed like it was for the evulz

shit that reminds of the fuck up experiments that the Japanese were doing to the Chinese

Do everyone a favor and look this shit up, your naïveté is astounding to the point of shitposting.

Oh god that entire fucking movie, I can't remember what it was called but it was about that base or building or whatever where all these scientists did some of the most fucked up things possible. It wasn't even rape, it was straight up trying to find out how much the human body could take in different conditions.

I think they actually exposed a guy to radiation until his entire stomach exploded.

I'd like to keep it that way to be honest

>telling this shit

You know they intentionally leave this stuff out?
Otherwise they wouldn't be approved for public schools

I'm not that stupid, but I just can't believe it

It's so awful

Honestly why is it wrong to tell kids that humanity is fucked up from the get-go?

>I think they actually exposed a guy to radiation until his entire stomach exploded.
I think you're thinking about the microwave tests. They did plenty of fucked up radiation tests, too, but pretty sure that one was a focused microwave antenna.

The worst part about all of it was that it's not like they didn't know it would cook him, they just wanted to see how it actually went down. And for that frankly it was almost pointless to use an actual human being, except just because they didn't give a fuck.

Because kids need to get disappointed in humanity on their own terms.

Sociopolitical reasons

Say you put the rape of nanking in your textbooks, then you as a country try to make trade agreements with Japan. Their ambassador will say you're teaching your people to hate the japanese and it's no deal.

And if it's something your country did that was awful, the government isn't going to want people questioning their future actions

>rape of nanking
About as real as Armenian """""""genocide"""""""

This isn't even about morals, my point is what the hell are they doing? Selling organs? Doing experiments on them? What's the point?

Reading about Unit 731 makes my physically ill. I know I'm on Sup Forums, but you people are actually fucking saints compared to what humanity is actually capable of. It actually scares me a little to know that we can so easily view other people as non-human, and thus, ripe for microwave experiments.

To be fair, slant-eyes are not human.

Division 731, imagine an entire research group run by Josef Mengeles. Meaning an entire division of useless sadists. They did things like build a pressure chamber, force a man inside and lower the pressure until his organs exploded out of all of his orifices.

Why? Because they felt like it. They did things like pour liquid nitrogen on a woman's arm and then smash it with a sledgehammer. These people would take Prisoners of War and disect them. Alive. And record them as "monkies."

The most heinous thing is a lot of these men were never tried thanks to Operation Paperclip, they quitely handed in their 'findings' and were given a free ride by the US Government.

Their science was of no practical value. Say what you want about Werhner Von Braun's past as a Nazi Scientist but at least his work had value.

these men did nothing that deserved their pardon and the american goverment let them walk without punishment.

>posting on an inhumans media forum

Why didn't the US Government just lie to them and throw them in the chair after receiving their "findings"?

because the US Government wanted Japan on board with their NATO shit and figured if they pardoned a lot of the assholes responsible for all the awful shit they did in WW2 they could stabilize the country easier.

Ever wonder about why Germany and Japan have such a significant difference in how they treat their time as Fascists?

Germany's Fascist Officers were purged, heavily, we didn't get all of them but by god we tried.

Japan's Military was most ignored in favor of turning them against the chinese communists as a useful puppet state.

Now this isn't to sell the average japanese person as a nanking denier or a someone who would deny Divison 731 from happening. But part of why you only see the odd apology from a Prime Minister for Nanking or the Death Marches instead of a national day of observance is their culture of face and the fact that a lot of the fuckers who did that shit got to go home, settle down and raise children.

>read comics to escape this
>comic books start having a lot of this

I watched a documentary on the rape of nanking that was pretty similar. Had a dude talk about his mom being shot multiple times but still trying to breastfeed his baby brother even as she bled to death. Watching him tell that story messed me up for awhile.

There was also a Japanese soldier interviewed who admitted to taking part in the actual rapes and said it was just what you did in wartime. He even talked about how rape wasn't that great because the girls were usually dry and either struggled or didn't move at all. Then talked about how some soldiers raped a 9 yearold Chinese girl just to see what it felt like, only to saw her in half afterwards from the bottom up.

Crazy stuff.

Before Watchmen Minutemen

wtf i hate nazis now

Only in the field of hypothermia treatment, because as it turns out Mengele wasn't that good at experiments more complicated that "dunk them in ice water and see what happen"

There's some irony in who's primarily doing it nowadays.

>Don't recall that from our textbooks
>walk into NASA sometime and yell "Heil Hitler!" WOOP! They all jump straight up!

What the actual fuck? What are they teaching in schools these days?


>and now, time for some anime...

Most schoolbooks in America are printed by Texas-based companies and the closet-case christian cowboys there all want to tell kids that God created the world so Washington could found America on it and other harmfully stupid shit


You think that the actual records of what those scientists did ever made it into the public? That's reddit teir political understanding user. There's plenty of black projects that never made it to peer review, of which we only have cursory documentation on. Shit that makes the tuskeege syphilis trials look like a cold sore.

That's part of what fucked the Nazis; they were meticulous records keepers. Even then, they destroyed a ton of paperwork and evidence when they realized they might be caught.

All you need to know is that your average human being is capable of the worst acts imaginable given the right circumstances.

Even if they're an otherwise decent person, getting caught up in group dynamics can lead to some seriously fucked up shit. That's why mobs are dangerous.

To stop AI from killing all life in the galaxy because it makes so much sense and isn't embarrassingly hack writing that goes against the original intended ending or anything.


I thought Turkey was in an Internet blackout.