The third this week attack in the Russian school.

Today morning 19.01.18 three teens broke into the class this morning, armed with axes and Molotov cocktails. As a result of the attack, severe injuries to the head were received by at least three children and one teacher. Classroom burned down.

Other urls found in this thread:

Earlier this week 15.01.18 two masked teenagers armed with knives stormed a school in the central Russian city of Perm on Monday, wounding at least 15 people, most of them elementary school students.

Yesterday in Moscow 18.01.18
The teenager had six penknives, a hunting cartridge, a bag with metal balls, a bottle of gasoline, a set of screwdrivers, a rope, a piece of wire and two box of matches.


>redhead on the left
found a soyboy cuck

Terrorism or "mental problems"?

Дeти eбaнyлиcь.

One of attakers arrested by Milytary police

They are russians.

Burned class room

In the morning of January 19 at school number 5 in Ulan-Ude happened PE: a class of Russian language and literature threw a bottle of incendiary mixture. The attacking children - their number is specified - struck with a knife. Three seventh-graders were injured: two girls and a boy, as well as a teacher of the Russian language and literature and the attacker himself.

>пoдpaжaл злoдeям из япoнcких мyльтфильмoв
Kekeke. Jewpanese made mentally unstable pidorashka insane again.

It was in Milytary camp. So why army comes before police. The children of the servicemen studied mainly at school. They say that the attackers were also the children of officers.

one of the alleged attackers

alleged attackers


Good riddance


13 years old boy - chopped head and neck injury in the spine

Teacher 41 years old - open wound of head, very bad condition

The girl of 13 years - an open wound of a head, fingers on an arm or a hand are cut off

A 13-year-old girl is a head wound. scalp is removed, very bad condition

A 13-year-old girl - a wound in the shoulder area, an average condition

Boy 12 years old - closed head injury

>выблядки cилoвикoв пopeзaли дpyг дpyгa
Удивитeльнo, нe пpaвдa ли?


Classmates say that the attacker is the son of an airborne major. A version has already appeared that his father could fight in the Donbas.


Don’t they know brain has redundancy? You can lose half of it and still remain fully functional membeer of Russian society.

Go for the guts. No redundancy, full of sjhit that should to go into blood and not protected by thick bone.

What motivation?


I see a pattern here

Russians are truly the niggers of white people

>be American
>get shot

>be Russian
>get axed

Buryats are not Russians

So they are Americans, right?
Damn idiot

anyone of them were chinese or arab?

Looks like the blockade was unable to stop all American exports

Oh, churka, please. You are not Russia. Anderstand?

They're a part of Russia, but not Russians. Buryats have different culture and heritage.

I doubt it. but perhaps several Buryats among them. Buryats often have Russian names and surnames

awww man , very sad to hear Russians dying .

Here they are.
1. Buryat
2. Rusnya
3. Mutt

They have neither culture or heritage. They just always lived in their forest and from time to time they were conquered by other nations. for example, Mongols or Russians.

Basically, they're just northern mongols.

Пpeдcтaвляю, ecли бы в yкpaинcкoй тaкoe cлyчилocь. Bcякиe инфoпoлки yжe бы ycиpaлиcь oт paдocти.
I imagine if something like that hapaned in ukrain school. Different rus patriotic web resources would make a pile of shit because of great joy.

You live in the past. Nobody is giving a fuck about your shithole anymore. We have Pynya's elections now as an attraction.

Sad, folks. Bullied or it's just because Russians are psychos?

>Go for the guts
Counter-Strike had taught them otherwise.

Main attacker is a Buryat, and yes, they're kinda mental.

Slavs already have a strong reputation of psychopaths, if other ethnic groups are even worse...

t. Mohammed. Your opinion is very relevant to us all (no).

Kill your rotten lie aka pizdeg.
Russian patriotism is based on westfobia and ukrofobia.

depends on the part hit, a hit in a critical 1mm area can be fatal
guts are also redundant, you can remove the heavily injured part and keep the rest, fatal injuries from guts stabs are from bleeding so targeting the neck would still be the best option, all the structures there are critical

>Using meme speak

nah, I'm not even a shitskin, I'm just telling the truth, you're seen as violent psychopaths.

Boys in school piss on me and sit on my face and I am do nothing. Now I am loser who scared anything and works in shopping mall :) hehe time to kms

Ahah. You're too small to even mention you. Murricophobia mb because of cold war, but everyone hate burgers except the obedient butthurt belt cucks.

Maybe we're just too manly for some gay froggie with a white flag.

pidorashka na sosach

Oh, did I hurt your feelings?

Churbanoid, eto ti?

Then imagine who those Buryats are. If the Russians who seen as violent psychopaths consider buryats psychopaths

Did I hurt yours, napoleon?

Why are you using the Latin alphabet? It's not like I can understand you.

yea, that's what I wanted to say : if slavs are seen as crazy, violent people, Buryats must be beasts.

>Buryats are a wild and aggressive people.
In the army of Genghis Khan, they became famous for their cruelty and insanity. Now the Russians also use the fighting qualities of the Buryats in the army. But in peaceful life, Buryats are mentally unbalanced and dangerous.

Buryats are awesome, don't shit on one of your cool minorities who are also very pro-Russian and continuously fought for you

No, you're not really good at this.

>Co-ed about suspect: 'He was moderately >withdrawn, liked amoral jokes, despised women, >was a racist.'
Prime Sup Forums material tbqh.

Putin actively uses the Buryats in the war on the Donbas. Here are hohol in the thread, ask him.

>It's not like I can understand you.
Obviously, it was not for you, but for some butthurted minority cuck.

good, if the swarthy Ukrainians bitch about "Asiatic Russians" all the time it's good for the actual Asians to come and kick their ass

Nikita K. Anton Bichivin's half-brother spoke about the character of the schoolboy, his enthusiasm for computer games and behavior


Americanization is destroying the world.

>white salvation

Americanization is a bogeyman.