>Its unreasonable to blame illegals for stealing jobs even though they literally do steal jobs because more people=less jobs
>It is perfectly reasonable to blame modern white people for stealing resources from 3rd world shit holes that were even 3rd world shit holes back when the shit was stolen

>evil business owners make illegals jump the border in get hired to be taken advantage of

Right, but that still doesn't mean we should let subhuman spics enter our country illegally and infect us with their bad genetics and inferior culture.

there are literally millions of jobs american don't want to do that beaners will. and the reason they will is because they get a taste of freedom, and one US dollar is worth over 5 in their shithole of a country.

wow really made me think

>admits there is an immigration problem but is too pussy to say so directly

why not go after illegals and employers of illegals? coward?

Americans won't do for shit pay*

Isn't this why the rich and powerful are behind globalism and liberals are buying into it hook line and sinker thinking it's a good idea for no open borders? When in reality it's big business wanting to take in immigrants and pay them less for more profit?

>my logic is completely correct
>now vote for my candidate who is on wallstreet payroll