Try writing your language with no forieghn loanwords

やまと の くに は とても いいくに です。おいしい うし にく
を まいにち たべて すごしています。ほか の くに の ことば を つかわないで やまとことば を しゃべる のは むずかしいです…

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c'est très facile

The word for "bread" in Russian is a germanic loanword, cognate of "loaf".

Sellat nit aso schwa sein

Βρε δεν γαμιεστε λεω εγω παλιομαλαkες,αλλη δουλεια δεν ειχαμε.

Cyкa блядь пoшeл нaхyй пиздoглaзый yeбoк.

Köne türki tilinen kelgen söz köp eken. Sol üşin, qazaq bayırğı sözderin qoldanıp, qanday bolsa da bir söylem jazuw qıyın emes

Did you avoid kanji because it's chinese? Should have avoided hiragana too then because it's based on kanji anyway
And isn't 毎日 a 漢語?

國大和非常Iikuni。 美味的牛的肉
我們花了天天吃。 這是很難說和語不使用其他國家的話...

Ich versuche im Alltag ohnehin, Fremdwörter zu vermeiden, sowohl bei Gesprächen mit Mitarbeitern, als auch am Fernsprecher und sogar wenn ich von meinem Klapprechner aus das Netz besuche und mich dort auf Deutsch unterhalte.

Oh yeah it is. I realise just how much Kango we use.

U guessed I could use いつも instead

哦,是的這是。 我意識到我們有多麼卷五使用。


Nice try though

To be fair, you have to have an ever so hiȝ witscore to understand Rick and Morty. Þe wit is utmostly crafty, and wiþout a strong grasp of beheld worldken most of þe gags will go over a plain watcher's head. Þere's also Rick's wearning outlook, which is deftly woven into his mood- his own outlook draws heavily from Narodnaȝa Volȝa bookcraft, as a forebeeld. Þe rooters understand þis stuff; þey have þe witly inhold to truly get þe depþs of þese gags, to find out þat þey're not just funny- þey say someþing deep about LIFE. As an aftermaþ lede who don't like Rick & Morty truly ARE dolts- kindly þey wouldn't get, as a forebeeld, þe wit in Rick's þingwise fangwords "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a hidden hint to Turgenev's Russish ettin Faþers and Sons. I'm smirking riȝt now just þinking about one of þose addled plainheads scratching þeir muddling heads as Dan Harmon's oversmart wit unfolds itself on þeir farseer shirms. What dolts... how I feel bad for þem. And ȝes, by þe way, i DO have a Rick & Morty carving. And no, ȝou cannot see it. It's for þe ladies' eȝes only - and even þen þey have to show þat þey're wiþin 5 witscore of my own (I'd hope lower) beforehand. Noþin beliȝting kid


Yamato is a very good country.
I'm spending eating delicious beef everyday.
It is difficult to speak Yamato language without using a language of other country.


Daj ać ja pobruszę a ty poczywaj

Kurwa pizda suka pierdolę chujem

Đi đến chân đồi, nhặt một khúc cây, rẽ lối cỏ mọc, bước sâu vào rừng. Giữa một trảng trống, nằm xuống rồi nhìn lên trời.

At the foothills, pick up a tree trunk, clean the road, going deep to the forest. At open field, [I] lie down and look up to the sky.

Writting in pure Vietnamese is pretty hard, as there're tons of loanwords, includes pronouns too. I couldn't think of a "normal" piece of everyday conversation, so i wrote the above, although it's cheesy.

You fucking stupid gaijin, hiragana were derived from Chinese characters.
Are ANY of you fuckers under Japanese or Korean flags natives? Not a day goes by without some obnoxious American military brat or English teacher shitposting under either of these two flags.

yamato damashii



Just eat korovai or kolobok instead

> derive, character, native, obnoxious, military
they are words borrowed from Latin language, bro.

Can can can can can can can can can can.

the Japanese spirit :D

Det er ikkje mogeleg å skriva heilt utan låneord, [set inn bindeord her] eg kan freista å ikkje nytta dei som er komne inn dei siste tusen åra eller noko slikt.

Zanafilla hyrja e parë

Sajimi i Botës
Në fillim Zoti sajoi pjetën dhe Tokën.2 Toka ishte pa gdhe dhe e zbrazët, e errësira ishte mbi dhe nën kudo. Edhe ava e Zotit rrinte sipër ujërave. 3 Dhe Zoti tha, "Le të jetë dritë,"dhe pati dritë.4 Dhe Zoti pa se drita ishte e mirë. Dhe Zoti e ndau dritën nga errësira. 5 Zoti quajti dritën Ditë, dhe errësirën Natë.Dhe kishte mbrëmje e mëngjes ditën e parë.6 Dhe Zoti tha, "Le të jetë një zgjerim midis ujërave, dhe t'a ndajë ujërat."7 Dhe Zoti bëri që zgjerimi midis ujërave t'i ndajë ujërat.Dhe kështu u bë 8 Dhe Zoti e quajti zgjerimin Pjetë.Dhe kishte mbrëmje e mëngjes ditën e dytë.9 Dhe Zoti tha,"Bëji ujërat nën pjetë të bashkohen në një vend Dhe le të jetë tokë e thatë." Dhe kështu u bë. 10 Zoti e quajti tokën e thatë Dhé , dhe ujërat që e rrethonin Dete. Dhe Zoti pa që ishte mirë. 11 Dhe Zoti tha,"Bëj që Toka të nxjerrë të mbjella,bimë që bëjnë farë, dhe drunj vjele që përmbajnë vjela me farën brënda, secila sipas llojit, në dhe.

Jeg kommer lige pludselig i tvivl om hvilke ord på dansk der er låneord


Vëria bërthamore
Për teprinë e te qënurit të tij,njerëzimi nuk dinte se nga cfarë ishin bërë gjërat, por thjesht mund te hamendësonte. Me zhvillimin e botdijes, ne filluam të mësojmë, dhe sot kemi një vëri të lëndës dhe mujës ku i vëzhgojmë jo vetëm në pundhatë, por edhe në jetën e përditshme. Lëndët janë të përbëra nga thelbësorët, te cilat lidhen në udha të ndryshme te sajojne të gjitha lëndët e tjera. Fillimisht ne dinim 92 thelbësorë, që nga Ujlini, më i lehti dhe i thjeshti, deri te Enjani, më i rëndi.

oiajdfoisadf isdjf sodjfowejf ;djf nvnsdfojisdof ijewofij ojdsfoje TO YOU TOO BUDDY!

Not sure, but I think "plain" is non Germanic


Finst det inga kostnadslaus ordbok på nettet der du kan sjå opphava til dei ulike orda?

Förskräckligt tufft att inte inkorporera låneord.

Good eye, user.


>not foreign

thank god for the normans

english is a germanic language. all those words are germanic. he got rid of the french and latin influence.


Zugegebenermaßen, man muſs ein ſehr hohes Denkvermoͤgen aufweiſen, um Richard und Mortimer zu verſtehen. Der Witz iſt aͤußerſt unterſchwellig, und ohne feſte Kenntniſſe gedanklicher Weltenlehre werden die meiſten Scherze des gemeinen Zuſchauers Haupt uͤberfliegen.


Pa saj tako vendar pišem že skozinskoz. Sicer je res, da se da ta jezik pisati skoraj v celoti s starorimskimi ter starogrškimi izposojenkami, a tako so se navajeni izražati samo posvečeni, tisti na visokih šolah in podobno. Pa saj ne, da ne bi znal pisati v takem slogu, vendar v tem preprosto ne vidim smisla. Mar naši učenjaki mislijo, da bo kdo poskušal brati za njimi, če ta zakotni slovenski govor začinijo z (izobraženemu bralcu) obče razumljivimi tujkami? Jaz menim, da ta naš jezik nikogar ne zanima, tako ali drugače. Najsi drži, da je ta jezik zaradi svoje posebne izgovorjave med lepšimi, vsaj kar se slovanskih tiče, mu je še zmeraj usojeno, da utone v pozabo, ali pa celo, in to je še hujše, podleže ostalim južnoslovanskih jezikov, ki Slovencu zaradi svoje popreproščenosti in na moč čudnih izposojenk nikoli niso sedli v srce. No vidite, pa je mimo cel odstavek v čisti slovenščini, brez ene same tujke. A sporočilnost tega besedila, no to je pa poglavje zase. Raje me kar prezrite, kot tudi vem da boste v vsakem primeru.

>pisati slovensko v letu gospodovem 2018


>ほか の くに の ことば を つかわないで やまとことば を しゃべる のは むずかしいです…

Στα ελληνιkά δεν υπάρχει τέτοιο πρόβλημα γενιkά. Νομίζω στην Ευρώπη υπάρχει άλλη μία χώρα που αποφεύγει τα γλωσσιkά δάνεια αλλά δεν επιτρέπεται να πω το όνομά της... εkτός kι αν τα ονόματα ξένων χωρών επιτρέπονται;

It's not like this word was made only to be used in the fairytale, you know?

What qualifies as a "loanwoard"?
In Catalan we have several words of Germanic or Celtic origin (non-Latin), which are not borrowed from modern languages, and which usually do not have Romance synonyms or alternatives.

One can not really write the language without them. They are "native".


hmm, but if you're going that far how can anyone post? Pretty much every writing system is somehow derived from a dead language, the only person who could post would maybe a chinese, since the latin alphabet comes from Greek comes from Phoenician(dead) comes from Egyptian(also dead, though a small few still speak coptic)

About 30 to 40% of the Norwegian vocabulary are actually loan words from Low German due to trade with the Hanseatic League in the middle ages/renaissance. I'd have to check every word just to make sure.

>han veit ikkje kva for ord som ikkje er opphaveleg norske
Eg veit ikkje sjölv heller, om eg skal seia sanninga. Berre litt veit eg.

Om det er eitt ord eg saknar er det "men". Ordboka som famnar om målföre går berre frå "i", så eg kan ikkje sjå om det finst stönad i norske målföre for å nytta "enn" i staden for "men", som ville vore skapet på ordet om det fanst i norsk.

Most of that is Latin.

Rætt föroyskt hevur ikki lániorð.

זה ממש קשה, כי אני לא יודע איזה מילים הגיעו מיוונית או ערבית

Anscetral words aren't loan words

our language is latin you fucking mong

щe ти eбa poдитeля

Bышeл зaяц нa кpыльцo
Пoчecaть cвoё яйцo.
Cyнyл pyкy - нeт яйцa!
Taк и ёбнyлcя c кpыльцa.



>the whole language is loan

en jom era

hello, how are you

hola me llamo user


In that case just write in Latin

Then it would not be Catalan.
Old Latin is very different.
It is pointless. Might as well write in Proto-Indo-European.

tânisi kiyawâw, ninehiyâwan
tb.h my language only has like

It was more pointing out that what he wanted was "no loanwords" so using the chinese logogram shouldn't be a problem if the word he would be typing was a native one.

They are loanwords, and no, they are not "native" they just happen to be very old loanwords, similar to most Chinese loanwords in Japanese
>It is pointless. Might as well write in Proto-Indo-European.
As OP said, it may be difficult to write a language without words from another languages, but that's the point of the thread, and most loanwords actually replace/duplicate a meaning for which a native word already exists.

Ær þæm þe Romeburg getimbred wære iiii hunde wintrum 7 hundeahtatigum, Uesoges, Egypta cyning, wæs winnende of suðdæle Asiam, oð him se mæsta dæl wearð underþieded. 7 he Uesoges, Egypta cyning, wæs siþþan mid firde farende on Sciþþie on ða norðdælas, 7 his ærendracan beforan asende to þære ðeode, 7 him untweogendlice secgan het þæt hie [oðer] sceolden, oþþe ðæt lond æt him alesan, oþþe he hie wolde mid gefeohte fordon 7 forherigan. Hie him þa gesceadwislice ondwyrdon, 7 cwædon þæt hit gemalic wære 7 unryhtlic þæt swa oferwlenced cyning sceolde winnan on swa earm folc swa hie wæron. Heton him þeh þæt ondwyrde secgan, þæt him leofre wære wið hiene to feohtanne þonne gafol to gieldanne. Hie þæt gelæstan swa, 7 sona þone cyning gefliemdon mid his folce, 7 him æfterfolgiende wæron, 7 ealle ægypte awestan buton þæm fenlondum anum. 7 þa hie hamweard wendon be westan þære ie Eufrate, ealle Asiam hie genieddon þæt hie him gafol guldon, 7 þær wæron fiftene gear þæt lond herigende 7 westende, oð heora wif him sendon ærendracan æfter, 7 him sædon þæt hie oðer dyden, oðþe ham comen oððe hie him woldon oðerra wera ceosan. Hi þa þæt lond forleton, 7 him hamweard ferdon.

I can't read or write my other mother tongue besides English (yet) and neither can many speakers of it for a variety of reasons. Some speakers mix it with two or more languages when they talk.

Nevertheless, this movie spoken in a classical dialect likely has few loanwords, that anyone with basic knowledge of the Bible can detect such as Caesar. Probably this movie was translated to this ancient dialect (about as different from what's current as Shakespeare is) because of its closeness to the common language in Israel in Jesus's time, while another three translations of the movie exist for modern dialects.

The one of those other three which likely has the fewest loanwords:

I'll also point out that it's amusing how Passion of the Christ became known for those Aramaic lines while these lesser-known movies/translations were made before that.

Also note there's already a loanword after 30 seconds in the 2nd one.

characters aren't words


Are you even trying

It would be hard to tell, given that kanji have multiple readings of different origin

French is Latin with some German.

I don't know what

Plain is not a Germanic word.

I can't, other than something in Cherokee.

>muh 1/64th

Also What does a native guy have to do with the thread topic?

And every european language are proto-indo-european.
There's no point in this thread then

Please explain

Hola bebé,
¿Cómo has estado?
Tal vez no sepas quien habla
o tal vez lo hallas olvidado

Bebé yo no soy tan malo
bebé sabes que te amo
salgamos el viernes
y hablemos de frente

>And every european language are proto-indo-european.
not true

Those words have Latin origin
Latin "Varius"
Latin "Reri"
Latin "Lingua"

Piramidal, funesta
de la tierra nacida sombra
al cielo encaminaba
de vanos obeliscos punta altiva
escalar pretendiendo las estrellas

Not every european language descends from Proto-indo-european
We also have proud members of Ugro-Finnic and Turkic language families, and the isolated language of Basque
And if it counts we have Maltese, Turkish and this whole Caucasian pot

this but almost all jap words are loanwords from chinks anyway


Zu atrapu arte

English has more loanworda than Japanese

Yeah no!
Japs even loaned the numbers lol

> hallas

a dialect is not a language

Well you lost already because Nips had no writting system before Ching Chong Kanji