How do we feel about David Duke's run for Senate?

How do we feel about David Duke's run for Senate?

Would you support a David Duke 2020/2024 presidential run?

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David Duke is kind of a Jew but on the other hand he is actually a far-rightist unlike most on the "alt-right," and I would never condone punching to the right.

So yes.

I'm a Duke fan. Wish he had merch for sale on his campaign site...

I think it's quite bad timing. He runs for office all the time anyway. It's not like he won't run later if he loses.

He's a cuck.

I don't support cucks.

This is his first run in twenty years and he was elected remember and when he did run for president he got more votes than sleepy ben and Duke was banned from all debates.

He's the only prominent man in America who will point the finger in the right direction.

He looks like he has down syndrome

Already donated $50 to his campaign. Its time to stop the jew infection and save what is left of America.

He may have Down Syndrome, it doesn't affect my view of him or his policies though.

How is this man possibly a cuck?

David Duke can eat my balls nigga.

If you're from Louisiana and you don't vote David Duke for Senate in November you should neck yourself.

3.5 minutes:


>"Keep on fighting until we ensure the future of our race in this universe! White power." -- BASED DUKE

White supremacy is not the answer to affirmative action

I also find it ironic how he supports trump, seeing how he's the most pro-israel and has the most jewish ties of all the candidates currently running

This, would absolutely buy Duke mersh and if the dude ran for president I would quit my job and support him full time

i would. wherever the memes are I go. I dont give a fuck about the future of mankind i just want memes to laugh at while the west crumbles

The man is trying to sabotage Trump imo, so no.

wtf they banned him from the debates? I didn't actually look too deep into his previous campaigns, I just knew he ran before a lot of times

He had face surgery

No he's not you faggot, Duke's a true believer who has stood up publicly and taken abuse for our position longer than most of us have been alive. Duke is a fucking saint.


>The man is trying to sabotage Trump imo, so no.
Maybe he knows that a lot of Trump's base will also support him, so he's making a strategic run. If there's already a swell of voters with similar viewpoints getting involved in politics, it makes a lot of sense for Duke to try this year.

I would vote for Duke if I lived in Louisiana.

This guy gets it

fix one problem at a time. No one is standing up to the Jews yet. When that man comes, be assured, we will support him.

Duke already lost the fight.
Deal with it, my friend mestizo.

he has some campaign merch here

perfect, We have to stand another racist white trash that will make Mexico another scapegoat

thx, I'll check it out.

never understood why non-white especially from the USA find it funny. Whitey carry the country if we're not here it will all fall apart you wont win or gain anything

you cant actually be under the dellusion that america will still be no1 once whites arent a majority

Can't Nuke the Duke!!!!!

>not "can't spook the duke"

for all the people complaining about david duke let's remember deray ran for Baltimore mayor and did any BLM members say anything bad about deray ??? so for all the people talking shit on david duke and they say their pro-white you are fucking retarded go join BLM

I think he's cool

Guy from Louisiana flying the Tennessee is just pathetic, no class.

can't gook the duke

David Duke is more of a nigger than blacks are.

You can't be serious. There's no way ppl in intelligence would support the obvious limited hangout known as Duke.

You're attempting to use dumb tribalism of people with double digit IQ to bait others into doing the same thing? Fuck you faggot I'm smart first and white a distant second.

The face of racial cuckoldry.

no your just apart of the pussy generation

NPR interviewed him and they went full liberal. The bias I've ever heard from them. They played a few seconds of the interview then said "He went on like that for a while" and detailed how they disagreed with the idea that European Americans exist and are discriminated against.

He was more rational and level headed than NPR. Blew my mind.

>racist white trash that will make Mexico another scapegoat
You realize that in the US whites are the scape goat for everything, right? We can't even mention illegal immigration without being called "racist white trash"

So out of touch and retarded he endorsed a candidate he actually wanted to win.

This. I had never bothered to look into him, just heard he was a white nut. After NPR I went and looked, nothing racist, just doesn't like jew media and white hating. The fact he's vilified and killary is their nominee makes me sick. I'm definitely voting Trump.

You could just wait until he begs for cash and then spends it gambling

Duke is attention-whoring cancer fuck him

What even are his current positions? all i knew is he left the KKK because other chapters were giving them a bad name and he's a white nationalist.

Fuck off shill. David duke hasn't been relevant longer than you've breathed air. We don't need anymore hillary fucking Clinton shill threads tonight.