What do Spaniards think about Mexicans?

What do Spaniards think about Mexicans?

What are the Spanish-Mexican relations like?

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Mexicans are bros, they saved thousands of people from the Fascist hordes.
Some Mexicans are salty that (((Spanish businessmen))) own half of DF.

Hace exactamente 498 años el 18 de febrero de 1519 Hernán CORTÉS hijo predilecto de MEDELLÍN y crisol de la virtud EXTREMEÑA partió con su flota de 11 barcos y teniendo por única arma SU PROPIA POLLA conquistó a los indios CANÍBALES COMEPERROS y SALTAMUROS conocidos hoy en día, dios me perdone, como MEJICANOS. El EXTREMEÑO y el MEJICANO son polos opuestos, pues el EXTREMEÑO es hombre de HONOR y PROBIDAD FRANCO y SACRIFICADO lo que le llevó a abandonar sus HERMOSAS DEHESAS y conquistar todo un HEMISFERIO, mientras que el MEJICANO es un ser entregado a la DESIDIA y a la DEPRAVACIÓN cuyas máximas aspiraciones son DECAPITAR a su prójimo COMER CHAPULINES y NO DESCUBRIR LA RUEDA.

What fascists?
They didn't defeat Franco

No, but Mexico did take in many refugees from the Spanish civil war
bad pasta

>Some Mexicans are salty that (((Spanish businessmen))) own half of DF.

What? Most of the rich folk in DF are Lebanese or just plain Mexicans.

t. riggered


You should've killed them all, because they and their families returned after 1975 and contributed to make Spain the shithole it is today

They're better off as a community than Mexicans but most are middle class, not Carlos Slim. Look at the top richest families in Mexico and the group that actually dominates is Anglos. As for Spaniards they don't own half of Mexico City, they used to be very visible as owning liquor stores, small corner shops and hotels.

Nah, those who went back were mostly upper middle class. In Mexico many worked in academia, they more than re-paid Mexico through their work.

Mexico is more relevant than Spain at this point.

>What are the Spanish-Mexican relations like?

Why would modern day Spaniards give a shit about a colony that gained independence centuries ago?

onda vital

Why would any ex-colonial power and ex-colony care have any relations? Britain is the exception with the Commonwealth and leeching off the US with their "special" relationship.

We don't give a shit about latin america but they can't live without thinking about us all day everyday

Online forums tell me that you actually hate latin america, there was also a spaniard here who make a thread about how he hated them, so nice try.

Se picaba la naríz y jugaba a pedradas con sus hermanos

as i said, we don't give a shit about you, we give a shit about all those low-quality immigrants you send us

that spaniard was probably a larping latino

>We don't give a shit about latin america but they can't live without thinking about us all day everyday

tfw spanish gf

>reddit spacing
el castellANO

We do have relations with our former colonies tho. We have some companias in latin america, co-produce films with the Argies, some of our singers are famous there and we got Pimpinela and trashy caribean music in return. And there was a time when local channels were filled with Colombian telenovelas because those were really cheap to air.

But I can't think of a single Mexican thing here.

t. aborto de argentino

>reddit spacing
el shurmANO

>reddit spacing
Hello, newfag.

You definetely do reddit spacing though.

shur shur shuuuuuuuuuuuur........ el nevadito jajjsaajsa!

el americANO

Cállate simio apestoso y maloliente.

I know a Spanish girl and she is very cute.

I wish she would be my girlfriend but she is dating some Honduranigger.

>knows what reddit is
>visits reddit


Spanish people are funny. We don't remember them very often, but when when we do is because of salty meat, wine and stuff or a bad dub so we make fun of it.

I don't think Spain is hated here.

Those low quality immigrants are also the ones who can't stop thinking about you, that's why we send them there bro.
>that spaniard was probably a larping latino
Sure with a spanish proxy I guess.

Because Mexican diaspora is overwhelmingly in the USA not Spain. Still there's a relation in some circles, you must have at least heard of Guillermo del Toro.

crazy tall railing to spark

Hey, any spanish trance over there?

Forgot about him, his two
movies were pretty good.

>those people received education from a system that teaches to hate everything spain related
Sure the problem isnt something bigger than that

>let me tell you about your country
I don't even remember ever being thaught how to think about Spain. Also, the immigrants you see actually like Spain, they're obssesed with loving it, not hating it.

There's Iñárritu as well youtube.com/watch?v=3WzJcwGA6YM

can somebody explain this ANO meme?

>We don't give a shit about latin america but they can't live without thinking about us all day everyday

Only Internet nerds with nothing better to do. Don't flatter yourself.

I like Spain but they are probaly salty about the migrants we send.

I actually have tons of friends from Spain, they're cool guys. Racist fuckers exist everywhere but you don't have to hate a whole country because of them.

Do people in Spain usually use Telegram or is it just an internet thing?


Ano means anus.

We are all salty because 40 years later you requested visas to countries that saved your fucking commies and you praise until today.

We don't need a visa

es verdad
los sudacas seguis siendo salvajes


Los españoles se burlaban de mi por decir wey y decir muchas palabras con diminutivo pero los quiero mucho

Isnt it irritating as fuck for a Spaniard when he sees a sudaca who looks half like him half like something?

would creep me out

good good

Mexicans in Spain are almost non existent.
But in the other hand, we got quite a lot of Spaniards on the city. They are cool tho.

Wew lad, are you unfamiliar with American media?

devuelvan el oro

americans creep me out, too.
they look a lot like us, but at the same time not really.

Polanco? my brother worked in Mexico city for telefonica


anyways your ancestors did it ,

>We do have relations with our former colonies tho. We have some companias in latin america, co-produce films with the Argies, some of our singers are famous there and we got Pimpinela and trashy caribean music in return. And there was a time when local channels were filled with Colombian telenovelas because those were really cheap to air.

some thing like


in spanish is


ANO in spanish means anus.

el potencial de sudamerica esta desperdiciado,por ejemplo el que mejor programaba de mi clase era de Chile, un puto hacha de la programación.

it makes me want to fuck it hard

>Los españoles se burlaban de mi
nunca he conocido un mexicano en toda mi vida

What did she mean by this

>decir muchas palabras con diminutivo
No era ésto un meme? De dónde sos?

¿Qué te hace pensar que se desperdicia ese potencial aquí? (tal vez tengas razón)

>No era ésto un meme?


esto para

por lo que veo en general es un potencial desperdiciado, tienen mucho futuro por delante y solo les queda prosperar, lo cual beneficia indirectamente a todos por igual.

We took all the commies from Chile, Spain, Argentina and everywhere
Reminder that the Mexican Revolution that overthrew Diaz was commie biased

They are really fucking dumb but lovable. Their men believe that they are manly while they are midgets and their women are really sweet are really light hearted.
They are too innocent for this cruel world and that is why they should have never become independent

>that spaniard was probably a larping latino
Hey look, another one!

es el mismo retard de siempre.No hacerle caso e ya.

La mentalidad pancha es de corruptela y desarrollo despacio. La región jamás será más que un zero a la izquierda

What happened to all of them?

Spaniards fears and envy Mexico for its superiority

>La mentalidad pancha es de corruptela y desarrollo despacio
España no es mucho mejor y tu lo sabes.

The died, spanish civil war was a century ago.

Many of them stayed and are integrated into our society, run restaurants or some other shit

La Española es de corruptela y pelotazo. La pancha es esperar que el maná caiga del cielo mientras se matan entre ellos

Mexicans are taller and more handsomer than spaniards

Kek delusion.

Kek, the only two rich indigenous people I know are both Yucatec Mayas who hold Spanish citizenship. One owns a corner shop/car repair lot and the other runs a hotel in the Yucatan. Can any Mexican get Spanish dual citizenship?

Yea, all mexicans can get citizenship in 2 years, 10 years for non hispanics.

From what I've seen in this board Spaniards are obsessed with latin america, specially Chile, while everyone is chill in the /lat/ thread not giving a shit about you.

There's a spaniard right now posting all the wars of spain and mapuches, I guess he's another larping latino?

so why didn't Mexico become communist? Were they kept out of important political circles?

The PRI party was already controlling running the country and since they became USA bitch since the end of the revolution, they chose to be loyal and stayed capitalist

seguro eres prieto

Der MexikANUS

Hermanos de sangre. Sin duda el país más país de verdad de toda LATAM. Ojalá algún día México sea para España lo que EEUU para Gran Bretaña.

trabajando de mesero en suecia o qe?

>De dónde sos?
Tu? yo de Jalisco
Me fui de intercambio en la Universidad

es la sueca
que universidad

Española que vive en suecia y que le gusta el sadomasoquismo

>es la sueca
Lol, no

El HaitiANO?

Yo qué sé, yo soy la sueca, no sé quién posteo