Just realized

I was happier when I didn't give a fuck about pills/Jews/conspiracies etc etc etc....I want off this ride

Ignorance truly is bliss.

I was more depressed until I found reason and evidence

Redpilled is a fad just like every other fad. You'll grow out of it eventually. As will we all.

Post more of that.

Ignorance is bliss for you faggot

>unseeing crime stats and racial IQ differences
>unseeing how the holocaust is gravely exaggerated and used to gaslight whites into silence

It's too late to go back.

I've found hedonism is a good antidote to red pill.

Eat drink and be merry.

you're gonna die anyway, might as well do it drunk or high off your ass not knowing caring about what's going on

This. Hedonism is, in fact, the only logical response to the red pill. It is egotistical to assume that anything can be done to stop the wheels of change. The jews are too deeply entrenched. Too many people believe their lies and are too addicted to their media. Too many people willfully ignore any evidence that inconveniences them.

Explain this image

>They came to Sup Forums just to tell us how much they don't Sup Forums

why are black women so beautiful?

Most of them aren't. Would racemix with the girl in OP's image though.

I'm not saying you'll go back to the way you were before. But this ideology is on its way to radicalism and in my observation, views that become radicalized are doomed to extinction. Some asshole is going to ruin it for everyone and make us all question what the fuck we're doing with our lives and move on to something else.

Why do you think this ideology is becoming radical? Do you realize a lot of things you give for granted now were radical in the past?

Nice try shlomo

Maybe you're right. I'm just paranoid somehow that this isn't going to end well.

I was depressed until I realized I loved black women.

There's no antidote. Once you learn how the world works, you'll always have this nagging feeling in the back of your mind. The only way to get rid of it is to live a virtuous life and to fight against the corruption in whichever way you can. Every little bit helps, just as you can see from Brexit. You have to fight them everywhere, as the only way out is through. Giving up and pretending all is ok is only a way to become subservient and a slave. Resistance ang giving them the finger is their wosrt nightmare. If enough people do this, then they lose.

blessed is the mind too small for doubt

Why do so many Sup Forumsfags love black women? This is a genuinely curious question.