Its all but official now guys. Hillary is sick as fuck and is psychically and mentally unable to be the next president
>Hillary having an episode in the middle of a speech
>Martin Shkreli on Hillarys apparent health problems
>full 2 hour video of Martin Shkreli discussing Hillarys health problems
>Montage of Hillary being sick
Hillary fainted and hit her head a few years back, and now has a blood clot causing most of these problems
Also, #Hillaryshealth is starting to ramp up on twitter
ITT: We gather evidence of this and discuss the best ways to get this info out to normies and make this part of the american zeitgiest
old thread
Sauce on the video of this???
DOes anyone have it????
>>Hillary having an episode in the middle of a speech
She is not "having an episode". Security merely jumps on stage because there is a protester in the crowd.
Mysterious Black Man Handler is not from the White House Medical Unit.
even if she does has major health problems, that won't even begin to influence voters. try another tactic.
Shillary has Parkinson's, Shkreli confirms on twitter.
The proof isn't with the man coming on stage, its the way she reacts to the situation. It is in no way normal
Oh right, you must be autistic, so you didn't catch that.
Couldn't find it but here's this one from a few years ago
no she's just confused and disoriented
totally normal reaction to a sign