What if your favorite animal flew threw Bruce's window on that fateful night instead of a bat?
What if your favorite animal flew threw Bruce's window on that fateful night instead of a bat?
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>and on that day , Bitch-Man was born
Well, a hippopotamus comes lying through the window and Bruce Wayne is so traumatized that he forgets all about his dead parents for a bit.
Well, this is gonna be tough. Tushkans are vicious though.
But user... bats are already my favorite animal.
>Bruce was scared of those wittle things
What a pussy
so Bruce would become the Muad'Dib, the messiah, ushering in a new age of humanity with his holy Jihad?
>"A wolf! That's it! It's an-"
>Bruce then begins to scream and wrestle a rabid animal to the death because he doesn't have guns to shoot it with
Why would anyone have a favourite animal that isn't a bat?
I mean look at them
What would Batman look like if it had been a Honduran bat that flew through the window?
The most dangerous superhero
>Beware the Whaleman
I just don't know...
During the day Willy Freeman is a mild-manner Sup Forums shitposter but at night, he becomes the Orca!
What if it was Man-bat instead of a bat.
Why, he would become some sort of... Spider man!
>batman butler eht didti
what did he mean by this?
What if when the Bat Crashed through the window Bruce decided to become "Broken Glass Man" and threw shards of glass at criminals
>criminals are a suspicious lot, they hate a face full of glass
Moth-Man looks awesome.
thats why they made him scared of bats as a kid
Okay, so, how did that Orca get into the air and was flung through Bruce's window?
I don't know how the fuck a three-toed sloth flew through Bruce's window, but I'm all for him trying to intimidate criminals while sleeping most of the day and shitting only 1 time a week
man, I miss painted covers like these
I have a stack of Savage Sword that I bought solely for the covers
The Fox
>mfw this thread made me discover a superhero I never heard of before
Well, somebody has to post it.
Either this or a red panda, which is pretty mix the least intimidating animal. I assume he would end up being like Mario in the tanuki suit.
Why is he green?
God fucking dammit, Anansi was so cool.
What an odd mix of adorable and revolting.
Moon Knight, probably.
You know, I never thought to ask.
He doesn't kill but man does he hurt.
Green is the colour of envy.
It's a deeper comic than you'd think.
How the fuck is a gorillas gonna crash through Wayne Manor's window?
Comes crashing down from a space station in an escape pod.
how the hell did a Shark get on land!?
Any way it wants
That sounds like the start of a pretty great comic.
God, there was an older edit of Batman's origin that exchanged the bat for "A dusky stranger."
"That's it! I shall become - A NEGRO!"
copyright avoidance
Aw, man, those things are super cute. You're killing me, here!
>"I shall become A HUMAN!"
>"Master Wayne, are you quite sure you've thought this costumed vigilante plan through? You could at least avoid being charged with public nudity by wearing pants."
It didn't have to touch the land. It just had to be launched by a tornado or something.
But alligators don't fly.
Or that might just be what alligators WANT you to think!
>Snake-Rider never
Fucking edgelord.
Aw dammit now I feel like an idiot.
Nay, the amount of angles he's sustaining has transformed him into some kind of EDGE GOD.
B-but giant isopods can't fly.
>Bruce Wayne became: Kiwiman!
...Aside from a catapult, how the FUCK would a coyote fly through a window?
Two swallows can carry it together
>Peregrine Falcon
Something like this, probably
He couldn't be the same terror of the night.
But criminals would still fear his superhuman punches.
I'm more concerned as to how a Manatee flew into Bruce's window.
>Crocodiles with the ability to fly.
I don't know, how the fuck COULD you react to that?
Truly something to be terrified of.
It's neat how the bat grows bigger with each panel.
How would a capybara, nature's couch, get through a window?
>"It could have been worse."
>Shows concepts that are actually better.
He was riding a rocket.
It's Braniac 2