....Is that a human?
....Is that a human?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's a severely deformed monkey I bet.
No, she's clearly a wizard.
>quick, make a poppy thread, my thread, I'm gonna have my own thread on teh Sup Forums!!11 not even gonna put that dildo out of my ass!11!
and again, no indication what comic is it in the title, no link to the previous thread.
Woah there. If a thread is hurting you THIS much then just make a new one. It's from poppy-opossum.com
>previous thread
Dude get that stick out of your ass. I didn't know there was a previous thread. This is just a random thing that's not part of whatever poppy general thread there is.
I always get slightly entertained when a show, comic, etc. with a furry cast has a human character enter the cast. It almost always means shits about to go down.
>No, she's clearly a wizard.
She's a witch, actually. A Magi by title.
Morbi's confirmed that Seals are also not present on Flora
>previous thread
You are the worst kind of person and you're ruining Sup Forums
No, he's exactly right. There's this weird entitlement that some fans have and it doesn't make any sense. He's not beholden to anyone, especially internet anonymous.
for public artists/creators/whatever being mean to your fans is career suicide
for people like Morbi that just does this shit for giggles it doesnt really matter at all
The real question is are there lewds yet.
And if not, should I.
You always should
There is a difference between "I don't have to like you." and just being an antisocial dick in general.
Morbi does not know this difference.
I want hardcore pornography of it.
Morbi's hardly antisocial, there's a bunch of people he publicly talks to that he's clearly on good terms with.
This is more like how Kamiya is obviously a well-liked guy in his industry, but he still trash talks every idiot who tweets at him.
I'm pretty sure on the internet, no one can know the difference since its so hard to tell if people are joking around or being super cereal.
are these freckles or shaved fur/hair marks?
theyre melons
like the fruit
>S-stupid fans, I love being an asshole!
>But I love complaining about my fans!
Morbi might wind up becoming Jhonen
He's BFFs with P-keks.
Take a step back and think about that.
Now do one without clothes, please.
Morbi you lying fucker
He didn't lie about anything, he said that humans can't survive on Flora. This page does not take place on Flora. He's said that there's a lot of animals that can't live on Flora that do live there, like seals and humans.
He said "we" wouldn't survive on Flora because we can't process magic radiation.
This is some kind of in-universe human who obviously can, seeing as she's a witch.
>Poppy is furry Star Ocean with some human races
Not in Flora
>>Humans in Poppy
I am no longer interested in Poppy.
I'm pretty sure it's the same for all humans, not just us.
To quote Morbi himself: "There is a reason most of the species you see in The Veil don’t often appear on Flora and vice versa.
Seals don’t appear outside of The Veil either, for instance."
That seems to imply that some species can only live on Flora, and some species can only live in the Veil.
So, what, did OP accidentally get their ass blasted by Morbi and is now crying about it here on Sup Forums in the hopes that they will find like-minded people who are willing to cry about it alongside OP?
There's a thread on the new comic every time it goes up.
They probably just forgot good general thread posting etiquette and didn't link to the last general, or even put the comic name in it.
Is there more?
I do not go to whatever poppy general here in Sup Forums nor knew even one existed. If people from a general are getting pretty upset over this then it's probably a good thing I never knew about it. Just a new reader who got into the series. The sensitivity over this is baffling.
Have some advice from another fan of the comic.
If you happen to see the general with less than 30 posts, check it out for the discussion on that day's specific comic.
If it has more than 30 posts then just avoid the thread like the fucking plague.
I will keep that in mind.
nice bait
Literally who?
I think he's talking about purplekecleon now known as glitchedpuppet,
Reckon that's more misdirection.
It'll turn out the Veil is a complete other realm (dimensional pocket?) that some entire species (who aligned themselves with/pledged themselves to the Mothers of Magic) departed for ages ago (much as the rabbits might have left for the moon) and usually only souls can go either way (which makes it an extremely secure place to run an intelligence headquarters from). Feats of actual physical transit might be reserved for the uber-powerful, like the Mothers of Magic who portaled everyone there to begin with - the one we've seen in the comic seems to be able to mangle the geometry of spacetime any way she pleases, for instance, and it's depicted as a high-tier power.
And who the fuck is that? Why should we
take a step back?
I was the first user to ask morbi what species she was, and I still can't see the human in her.
Jesus, what the hell happened to his humans? In the hellmouth comic they actually looked like ones.
Morbi can do human guys well enough. It's his human woman that look weird. You can tell he draws monster/nonhuman woman much more.
>Instead of being a tree, humans are a vine that covers the leaves of other species and turns them into humans
>This vine isn't centrally connected, so all of humanity isn't concentrated into one big plant.
What the hell did you think she was if not human?
I though she was some sort of short-haired chimp, I dunno man, I never cared much for animals, that's why I decided to ask.
I was surprised he gave a straight answer, seems like he was waiting for the fallout from the start.
she looks like one of those depictions of sun wukong that leans heavily towards human
OK, so seals are also a no-no in flora, fucks know why, so which other animals are also in the veil realm? Dolphins?
She's a human. Get over it
polar bears
What animals are sirens based off of? Not really an aquatic mammal
probably a few commonly anthro'd species that haven't been seen in the comic yet
Why is she wearing a curtain rod?
I think he meant those extinct sea cows, not the mythical creatures. wikipedia it.
I think there were no bats or any chiroptera also, amirite?
She looks like she has a cleft lip.
There was the bat referee at the tournament.
There are, remember the bat referee from the fight with Boris.
oh, shit, thnx
there were giraffes, rhinos, hippos already, so why not elephants?
I don't think there's a specific theme to what races are veil exclusive (besides, seals and humans don't really have that much in common)
maybe octopi are also veil exclusive
have there been bugs?
only as nonsentients
they're not nonsentient, they can feel love
they are, however, nonsapient
>I don't think there's a specific theme to what races
there is definitely a theme - only those animals are present whose patron gods planted their trees on Flora. but we as readers have a hard time listing them, because we don't know all the gods involved. For example we don't know if there were any lizard or chiroptera gods, but since we already saw these as characters it is safe to assume that the gods were also there.
BTW, concerning this whole drama, If the author said there were no seals or humans on Flora - that means that there were no corresponding trees, because the corresponding gods didn't planted their trees. Doesn't mean these gods didn't existed and didn't plant trees somewhere else...
antisocial? Morbi is constantly answering asks, occasionally popping up on Poppy threads, and has a bunch of artist friends. All I hear is a bunch of faggots on Sup Forums whining because he answers most of his questions with snark.
That's interesting. Is the surface of Flora just inhospitable to all marine mammals?
I think I know what the problem is with these threads. Whenever something new pops up, a bunch of anons want to know every possible detail about it immediately and can't wait for answers naturally as the comic professes. Then Morbi provides half-answers or just plain up snark to questions that are obviously going to be revealed later so that causes these anons to get even more pissy.
Wouldn't the singular be Magus?
Oh well, different world, different rules. We've already got a High King's wife who formally answers to "Madame", I ain't sweating it.
>stonkin' great tits
>boob freckles
>no smartass grin
two out of three ain't bad. Good work!
Maybe the hell-winter is bad enough to freeze the oceans solid so no mammal could surface to breathe? I mean, they could switch hemispheres, but half a planet is a long way to swim every six months and still have a civilisation, I think.
Or maybe these giant fish things are just too much for anyone to deal with...
They're fruit.
>tfw WhiteMantis has good character designs but dogshit entry-level weeaboo writing
it's like she saw Rurouni Kenshin and was all "this is the greatest thing that anyone has ever written and I must aspire to create something similar"
there will never be a good comic featuring bug ladies
Hey, have the giant pair of hands behind the gods in this page been discussed before?
>there will never be a good comic featuring bug ladies
but we're all short-haired chimps, user, right down to the fierce tribalism and bloody resource wars. Just look at the shrieking idiots ITT thumping their chests over Morbi's "betrayal".
that's no bug lady
that's a lady who's bug-themed
You're making up this "observation" just to rile things up.
No, the common thing is people asking what's going -currently- on the comic. Then there's the people who make up thories ITT that don't ask Morbi directly about the future, he just sometimes humours them by telling them if they're hot or cold. Morbi does get questions about lore that usually involve spoilers but he make sit ckear when enough is enough.
>tfw user will never draw the rest of these
and... and... your bug is not a lady!!! >_
>not realizing it's fruit
Can there ever be a Poppy thread without incredible stupidity like this?
And don't forget the metaphorical shit-flinging.
Morbi go to sleep.
Yes, some people assumed they were the hands of a human god. That's when Morbi actively started denying humans.
just learn to draw better, we are not mindreaders, fcol
That was drawn by Morbi, idiot.
>drinking tea while standing
eyep, no proper lady education as expected
ha, my bad, but it's an easy mistake if you don't stare at them long enough to notice.