Wtf did you guys do?!

Apparently, you doxxed and harassed a young grill and her familia? What the fuck is wrong with you savage animals?

Other urls found in this thread:



Literally who?



Metaphorically who?

Did she steal a trump sign?

The trumpstaffel will keep going forever

A Jew

took me literally less than 15 seconss to find this

and obvious sjw who vandalized property of a trump support because he likes trump



This I think?
Don't commit crimes and bad things won't happen


To everyone asking who this is-
Somebody posted a thread with a video of her stealing Trump flags from someone's yard and acting smug about it. OP doxxed her and this happened, I guess.


How can she call us bigots with a straight face? Does it not make her a bigot if she took down a sign from someone's lawn just because it conflicted with her beliefs?

It was this bitch.

Sup Forums, I love you so much. Stay gold.

Sup Forums is a board of peace you racist

when is she going to pay reparations for her WHITE DEVIL SKIN

She deserved it.

yea this cunt deserves it

>liberals think

Why don't you show her real last tweets shitlord

What a delusional bitch. I am glad she made amends to the home owner, but that does not change the fact that she destroyed property in real life. But some meanies on twitter called her bad words? Shut the fuck up, bitch.

Pol would never do this. You can't judge a (satirical) fascist neo-nazi board frequented by millions of people based on the actions of a few bad apples. Pol is a board of peace.

Evil racist nazis from Re*dit did it

fuck off cuck
not going to let the bitch try and play the victim now

blame tumblr, they routinely call for all blacks to be exterminated. fucking nazis


>made reparations

They love that word

literally illegal

Pretty sure it's the savage goons from something awful and MPCdot.

Sup Forums is a board of peace

>I kept the aluminum rods from the signs bc that shit's useful af
What the fuck for?

Sincerely what?

Sup Forums is busy hunting down info on the Clintons, their associates, and their campaign members.

This seems more the work of some bored script kiddies or a false flag.

A Jew only identifying with her Costa Rican mother's side of the family, in typical jew shape-shifting and SJW oppression hierarchy fashion.

We also destroy sign thieves


Hispanic cunt is afraid she'll get charged for vandalism. HAHAHA

She got full on doxxed. Home address. Parents phone numbers and businesses. Dean of university and department at school.

Sounds like she learned something.

This is easier and a lot more fun then ending up on a Clinton kill list.

Besides, I already have 7 dummy kikebook accounts posting pro-Stein anti-Hillary propaganda on Bernie Sanders groups.

These doxxings were done by radical members who do not represent us as a whole. Sup Forums is a board of peace.

Now she's "sorry"

She posted her own birth certificate like a dipshit.

I would fuck her.


>get filmed breaking the law in public
>get mad when people harrass you for it in a public forum
What a stupid bitch

Mess with the bull, get the cuck

Wow, I would say lesson learned but shes a woman. I doubt she thinks she did anything wrong and is full of resentment and plotting revenge already.

That's a good girl

She needs to go back.

Are you talking about the girl who stole/vandalized a trump sign and then decided (probably her dad made her) apologize for it?

Sup Forums had nothing to do with that. Go back to sleep, CTR

this desu
Sup Forums doesn't do shit anymore except speculate. it's not like central troll command it's just a place that trolls congregate

This is why the alt-right is winning. They are not afraid of being called liberal names like RACIST BIGOT SEXIST and are not afraid of fighting back either.


Lol look at @terrortacos tweets at her

Define congregate

Not according to the polls.

>weeaboo message board attacked by feminist sjw

>giving a fuck

Pick one. Only one.

Trump is not alt-right, he is a centrist-populist battering ram opening the door for them. Whether he wins or loses, he has permanently changed the political landscape.


praise kek

>I'll pay for the one I got caught destroying but not the other ones!

Literally a hypocrite that renders her entire "apology" bullshit. If she was truly sorry she would repay everyone she committed a crime against.


She deserves every mean thing said to her on Twitter

Force her to fly Trump signs in her front yard or her and her parents will have to move from the neverending shit storm.

It was reddit, Sup Forums is a board of peace.

Mexibro speaking the truth.

You mean

>films self committing crime

It's another level above stupid.

she is employed at the university.
she is a fellon.
her employer should know that.

A HA HA HA classic deflection tactics, lets not focus on the crime I committed guys, instead I'm going to post the nasty mean things people tweeted at me so it appears that I am the victim and not the perpetrator.

It's those motherfuckers at Sheeky Forums again

idk wtf she did

but she got what she deserved

and I'm happy that justice was served

>it's only ok when we do it
>t. Paid for by the Clinton Foundation
Get kekt on, faggits.



Making this account was the best idea. Anyone who calls me ugly or stupid, i just call them antisemitic and threaten them legally and they apologize or block me

top fucking kek! i will follow u!

For you fags that only come on Sup Forums at the end of the day, this was some bitch this morning who stole a couple of Trump signs from peoples lawn and tweeted it. She fell for trollbait and posted her birth certificate, then deleted it.

>Jew, Lawyer, & New Yorker
It's so obvious, and yet they fail to see the stereotype. You are fooling them yuge

home made abortion stick.
better than a coat hanger.

OP this is a satire site, maybe you are confusing us with the 9gag army.

Sup Forums is a board of peace

end of the day fag here, thank you.

jesus fuck that is beautiful



Oh, so she deserved it. Okay then.

>blowing his cover by swarming his follow pool with ur gay anime porn avatars

>going to steal someone's trump signs
>that'll make them vote Hillary

fuck . they already locked my account for "unusual activity"
i guess using the words kike and nigger is considered unusual activity.
fuck twitter.


looks like nudes were fake.... unless she also lied about that.
i would like to see birth certificate. i saw it earlier but didn't save it.


>This is why the alt-right is winning

No one in the real world cares about it

Seemed like your crusty old chancellor cared an awful lot about Brexit

> posting kike and nigger on Twitter

Yeah, no, don't do that. Use chosen and Harambe instead.


I hate how people talk like dindus.