Indians smell like curry and cumin

Indians smell like curry and cumin
Jews smell like ashes
Blacks smell like spices
Chinese smell like dried pee
Arabs and Turks small like kebab

And white people ?

meds like olive oil
nords like cum

>nords like cum
First time I heard that. Had Japanese exchange students tell me that they find us smelling like salt or rhubarb .

Meds like olive oil
Nords like butter.

i smell like mix of shit, piss and sperm because i rarely change my underwear

>Chinese smell like dried pee
d-do i actually smell like that
i thought that asians were odorless


sour milk, say some people, or wet dogs

you got some of it wrong, OP

Indians = Curry, Cumin
Jews= Old library books
Blacks = Body Oder
East Asians = raw Fish
Arabs and Turks = Kebab
Whites = Butter
Meds = Olive Oil

Chinese have the worst possible odor. When I go to the chinese district to do some shopping, during the queue chinese before me smell horrible.

whites smell like dairy. first thing i noticed coming to canada. people smell like sour milk

trash dump.
Fucking wh*Yoids.

Thanks for the kek

>Blacks smell like spices
>t. nigger in the Paris banlieues

Literally the last good character of the series and they killed him like that...

Rouleau is still here

>the actor didn't even bother to appear

Nah, nigga, he will never come back, its the Crazy Ivar show now

Spics smell like taco seasoning and duration

dairy products


Wet dogs

pic related

sat by a chinese guy on an airplane that smelled like decaying garbage.

not even bo, but like bacteria.

Milk and butter apparently

Ever been in a subway filled with Asians? They might not have the traditional body odour, but they can stink just the same as any other race