Season 5 when?

Season 5 when?

I'm still wating for link on sjw busters

Not without McGruder.
Never again without McGruder

This, that last season was fucking terrible.

Waiting on black Jesus. Bless you to Vic!


Yes. That would be like South Park without Trey Parker

no actually. very no.
i thought having a black president would basically shut boondocks up forever, and then they just came back with an episode where he's still sad and doesn't understand why

Never. Dude has got a new series coming out.

This is fake

expert sleuthing there ace

Literally Mr.Popo

>Mr Popo's wild west adventure

holy shit, take my money now

After season 4 it was evident that Aaron McGruder was the glue that held that show together. Rodney Barnes made fun of McGruder in a behind the scenes interview because he was suggest the characters fight all the time. This was probably done to make the writers room think outside the box other wise you get season 4. Very hacky black comedy that relies on garbage humor instead of wit, subtlety, and tact to make a funny show and also get a point or moral across.
I never want another season unless Aaron McGruder is at the helm.

Never, thank god. First two seasons were okay, lost interest somewhere during the third, never watched the fourth. Everything I've heard about four seems to validate my not watching it.

The Boondocks called it. All the hype for a black president was for nothing because he was subpar and did very little for race relations. In fact made it worse by playing into the race baiting, giving his two cents where it wasn't needed, and taking sides on cases he knew nothing about.

>sjw busters
>just because a majority of the cast is black

Literal fucking retard.

Creator of that was only the character designer and co-director of boondocks

Fucking this

Eh, MacGruder doesn't even think Obama is black. Or at least he didn't last I checked.

Macgruder's politics are weird. He's Ceaser but also kind of has Huey moments.


Also I don't care for the black robot character having blonde hair. Though I'm interestd in it anyway.

Would it be pro or against BLM?

Black Lives Matter is a terrorist organization dedicated to causing as much conflict as possible under the guise of black power
Huey is a black terrorist dedicated to causing as much conflict as possible in the name of black power


I can imagine an episode where where Riley gets caught up in the movement though, and Huey just observes from from afar, like always.

Now that I think about it, a BLM episode would be a really great Granddad episode, considering he was a part of the the original Civil Rights movement.

He doesn't think he's African-American.
Black Dynamite seemed to have a pretty positive view of BLM.

I'd watch that. Hell, I'd read a summary of a fanfic of that

Boondocks is more subtle than being simply for or against. They're not afraid of calling out black people who are doing criminal or stupid shit.

I would want the episode if nothing else but Uncle Ruckkus's take on it.

Black dynamite is a very different ethos.

Hopefully never

Season 4 was a mistake and should've never happened. It was horrible


They constantly make fun of black on black violence AND black stereotypes.

It wouldn't settle well with those BLM fanatics.

>He doesn't think he's African-American

Well, Obama was born and raised in the USA. Doesn't that mean he's American, not African-American?

Why not just identify as American?

I'm an Ameri-kin

to be fair, as far as I'm aware of Barrack Obama's background his mom was white and his dad was a Kenyan immigrant. He doesn't have much more in common with the majority of the black American population that is descended from West African slaves than, say, John McCain or Mitt Romney.

So would Hillary be better at a minority being US president?

Women aren't a minority.

>So would Hillary be better at a minority being US president?

I wasn't aware that extradimensional lizard people that feast off human suffering are consideres a minority in America.

I think Trump would be closer to being part of a minority as he's obviously severely mentally disabled.

But the 1% are


That said, the 1% don't have to worry about being properly represented in the USA government. Money is a huge factor in policy and legislative decisions.