>White people
White people
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Ert þú jafnvel Dane?
Ertu enn Danish blóð?
What are they doing?
Just some weird game, didn't you have a childhood?
They're clearly retarded
not shooting each other
you're fucking white too, denmark.
And no kids yet!
Shocking at that age.
>White people.
>black people
they so weird
why don't they enslave themselves into the prison industrial complex like us cool cats?
>black people
Which game?
wtf is wrong with those whitebois
The 21 chromosomes game
Clap 4 times, strike a pose, and the first one to strike a pose someone else (yourself included) have already struck lose.
So why you wanna slam our white hos's?
>Autist teenagers*
>Cuck hunter.
All I see are kids being kids
go melt in a tub of acid, beaner
>ironic nigger posing
It's a pretty common white suburban pass-time.
When white's are comfortable enough together, Sup Forums becomes real life.
how do you know?
Just fuck my shit up
Tyrone is confused because they're not killing people or doing drugs.
I've always found this gif so likeable and I have no idea why.
How about no?
Blue girl a cute
More like confused at the faggot OP that's clearly a shitskin
the happiness of dancing is infectious, don't let these people convince you otherwise
>1 post by this ID
>participating in socially-minded extracurricular activities, probably just got out of church
yup, it's white people
>already using laptops, bought by father who has a job, part of a stable nuclear family; will probably use knowledge of computers to catapult into a successful STEM career
yup, it's white people
>Choose your character
Why is this so common? Niggers always being cowards, I wasn't surprised at all seeing them jump in
Those are aborigines from Australia.
It's quite rude to black people to compare them.
We've at least known blacks were human for as long as we've been aware of their existence.
However, it was believed that aborigines were not humans until the mind 1970s.
God, women look so stupid when they fight.
Fuck. I didn't came here to rage.
Top notch banter.
That bitch took a 3 on 1 like a champ niggers got rekt
pretty good desu, more
One of those white people games where they sing a song and do a silly pose. They make you do them in summer camps and shit. Never understood the appeal. Rather play cards or a sport.
What do you think everyone is doing in that pic?
Daughter is on snapchat
Mother is buying shoes
Dad is watching stocks
Son is playing Minecraft
wtf I hate americans now
>mfw phoneposting
Sorry, all I had.
niggers are tribal and help a brotha out, meanwhile YT sees another YT getting chased by a pack of wild niggers and decides to not help because "i dont wanan get called racist :("
get your shit together YT you should know these things by now.
At first, I thought that woman was hot. Then I realized that she was probably white ghetto trash and would probably abuse her children.
Why aren't women feminine anymore?
My first reaction was to laugh at them.
Them I remembered that I probably will never make enough dosh to buy 5 apple products at once and take my entire family to starbucks.
Is this why I'm poor? Because I look for flaws first before possibilities?
>White people
Do a shitty "dance"
>Black people
Kill entire generations of themselves through drug violence and other degeneracy
>Is this why I'm poor? Because I look for flaws first before possibilities?
No, it's because you're a dirty spic.
>is this why I'm poor
It's why you're not happy.
woah, teenagers being retarded
really makes you think