When did Batman become such a beefcake?

When did Batman become such a beefcake?
Does a muscular Batman even make sense? He should be lean and agile, not have a physique of a bodybuilder.

Have you ever seen a gymnast before? They're fucking ripped.

They're muscular but they're not THAT ripped, they just have extremely low body fat. Batman's arm girth in that panel is like 50cm, that's pro-bodybuilding tier.

Nah they can be pretty big.

ultimately it just depends on the artist anyways.

Like Batman & Robin after Damian died.
Nice art, and Carrie was cute as fuck, but Bruce was ridiculous.

> make sense?

That picture looks photoshopped. If you just look at the guys who tired out for and/or made the current US Olympic team (or who competed for Germany, Russia, China in London, for example), all of whom you can easily find via Google search, but here's one of the US guys, they are somewhere between CW Arrow guy and slightly bigger. NONE are nowhere near as big as say Cavill was in MoS or BvS or the way Clark is somewhat shown in books, for example.

Bruce should be more muscular, he's not going to be doing purely acrobatic stuff, he's going to be fighting. But no, some of the art work is way too much.

>applying real world logic to a comic about a ninja-trained kazillionaire who goes around at night beating up crooks

who cares? he's hot.

Superman shouldn't be a bodybuilder either if his strength comes from the sun. He'd have to lift huge weights to even get definition.

joker pls go

True, but his shitty personality is kinda a turn off. Now, just make him lose his memory and give him a well-kept lumberjack beard and you've got yourself an A+ husbando.

>He should be lean and agile

Why? That doesn't even make sense.

i prefer my husbands to be mentally ill.

>wanting to stick your dick in crazy
Never ever.

The best looking Batman is either lean 70's Batman or crazy mode Frank Miller strongfat Batman.

male gymnasts are insane

seriously. starting to think Dick is too skinny.

>inb4 gymnast vs acrobat


even the asians are crazy

Muscular and agile can work actually. Think about it, you're a criminal and you see a huge bat-like creature right infront of you moving at a speed that boggles you mind.

Also now that Batman knows what the hell Metahumans are he's fully aware of his humanity and needs to perfect his body to it's extent to keep up as much as possible.

Bronze age Batman generally fit the mold you're talking about, OP. Muscular, but lean and agile. Batman as this hulking linebacker seems to have been introduced with TDKR, where he's not only super beefy but terrifyingly strong, like when he punches his arms through a wall to grab a guy.

>Does a muscular Batman even make sense? He should be lean and agile, not have a physique of a bodybuilder.

For me that's what makes him so frightening. The fact that a guy who's built like The Mountain from Game of Thrones has the speed and agility of Bruce Lee. It defies logic and if you saw it coming at you you'd brick and start begging for your life.

Adams consciously and deliberately reshaped him as a slim agile lean acrobatic type and that became the norm.

Miller beefed him up for DKR because the idea was he was too old and beat up for the acrobat shit so he had to compensate by bulking up to remain formidable. Plus it made sense visually for an aging grouchy old Batman to tower over everybody and be a bigger physical threat.

>When did Batman become such a beefcake?
Why not?
he is peak human.