Japanese Denial

Why do the Japanese continue to openly deny their past? How can a nation that appears so civilized and produce so much technology be so blatantly ignorant of the atrocities they committed less than a century ago? How can they sugar coat Nanjing as if the vast collection of documentation, photographs, video, and first-hand testimonies simply don't exist?

Because it was because if them being cucked by the old man and little boy that they became a technological powerhouse. However, they did become more degenerate as a result.

What are you talking about? Japan is pretty apologetic about the 30-60k people it killed. It just doesn't accept China inflating the death toll by an order of magnitude.

>How can they sugar coat Nanjing as if the vast collection of documentation, photographs, video, and first-hand testimonies simply don't exist?
Sup Forums does the same for Hitler and the Nazi Regime, so who is in the wrong? Its either both or neither.

We accept it, apologized several times, but don't like to talk about it. Like Germany doesn't like to speak about Nazi era.

Thats what happens to subhumans.

Deal with it. Its ok and normal for the strong to remove the weak.

What atrocities ?
I cant remember any country that committed such things in the last century.

A lot of countries have brutal pasts. Russia and China both like to criticize the US for slavery and racism, when Russia had brutal serfdom for centuries and China is still a de facto slave state.

Says a nationality who is currently being replaced by brown people that lived in sand huts

excuse me

so sorry

please forgive

That picture in the middle is so fake.

Rome did. Rember chartago?

Or just take any other conquest.
Thats part of it. You make space. Its nothing personal.

Those photos are actually from chinese civil war and represent chink on chink brutality.

Fuck the Chinks!
Nippon will return to it's former glory.

>China regional power since forever
Never once attempted to take over Japan and at best made Korea a vassal the japs are subhumans that went mad with power

user please. Do the math first before writing such shit.

But i guess your a jude thats just angry.

Mosslems are only 3% of total population thats nothing.

Chinks are subhuman Jews of Asia. Japan's only sin was not finishing the job.

Great grandpa was captured in Hong Kong and went through the death march.

Sad some fucking retard jap revisionists still insist nothing happened.


>believing communists
Mao probably committed half those "" atrocities " himself. History is written by the victorious, so of course they'd like to paint their historical mortal enemies in the worst way possible.

Wishfull thinking by the chinks.

Japan is the regional power and has the back up of all other nations plus america. Even europ.

China has nothing.

Japan was hardly Mao's biggest enemy. You were very useful to him. There's a reason he was toying around with some actress from Shanghai when Chiang Kai-shek was actually leading the fight against Japan and taking the heaviest casualties.

He even thanked the Japanese for providing him with an oppurtunity to take power.


yeah I don't think it's something you'd want to bring up at dinner everyday

Most of these images aren't chinese people that were killed by Japanese soldiers. The CCP is pretty much using any photos with dead chinese people (and japanese civilians killed in tingchow) and adding random captions, saying they were killed by IJA soldiers. You have to know that the kmt and commie soldiers also killed their own people and pillaged villages to prevent the Japanese from getting resources (just like the Russians did against Napoleon's army). Btw You can't even tell who they were killed by in op's image since there is almost no background evidence.

It was against chinks so I don't give a shit.

Based nippon

I like this guy

It was Russians dressing up like Japanese and committing war crimes to make them look bad

>no background evidence
>MacArthur struck a deal with Japanese informants[50]—he secretly granted immunity to the physicians of Unit 731, including their leader, in exchange for providing America, but not the other wartime allies, with their research on biological warfare and data from human experimentation.[10] American occupation authorities monitored the activities of former unit members, including reading and censoring their mail.[51] The U.S. believed that the research data was valuable. The U.S. did not want other nations, particularly the Soviet Union, to acquire data on biological weapons.

Hm, I wonder why...

Don't worry, your politicians are working on changing that.

If only we were so lucky right goys?

>Why do the Japanese continue to openly deny their past?

Jansen are savages. But these photos are faked as fuck.


You do tealize that white babies are a minority right?

Germany is over 90% white.

3% muslims >>> 13% niggers

Can I own guns in Serbia?
What if I have multiple OWI's?

You can own small caliber weapons. Pistols and smgs are legal. You can even buy AK's with 10 round magazines, but you need a hunting lincense for that.

A lot of people have automatic weapons left over from the war tho

Because they refuse to let themselves be cucked by guilt and propaganda like the German goys

I'm not looking to move anytime soon, but I've always thought about the future.
Too much shit with family here right now I want to be around for the next few years.
I just don't want my background to be too much of an issue if I want to move.
I'm not huge into guns, but shit that's happened in my life made me realize they're useful when you need to defend your property and family.
Even if it is small caliber guns or whatever.

do you feel bad for nuking hundreds of thousands?

if no then why should they?
if yes your a bit of a cuck.

either way you just lost

It's quite pathetic how eager weeaboos are to defend Jap war crimes.

what about what you did in kenya england feel bad? or the indian famines?

if no then why should they?
if yes your a bit of a cuck.

either way you just lost

Why do the Burgers continue to openly deny their past? How can a nation that appears so civilized and produce so much technology be so blatantly ignorant of the atrocities they committed less than a century ago? How can they sugar coat the Atomic bombs' killing of 300,000 as if the vast collection of documentation, photographs, video, and first-hand testimonies simply don't exist?

Why don't the Burgers apologize for the Vietnam war atrocities, War on Terror's collateral killing of civilians, Jackson's Indian Removal act, and American rapes of the French and Japanese during WWII?

that's hot

anymore photos tho?

When are the Americans gonna admit that they genocided 100 million native Americans?

I wonder why you're confusing Unit 731 with Nanking.

You are aware that Soviets performed this sort of experiment? With all of the gulag prisoners the number of victims could have been in the tens or hundreds of thousands.

Allied experiments you would never hear about. We're too careful.

Cheating doping chinks want their own holohoax along with some Nip Islands

War is hell and terrible acts were committed be everyone. You would be hard pressed to find a single group or nation who hasn't been terribly treated by another or hasn't terribly treated another themselves if you go back far enough.

Stop with the sins of the father bullshit, it makes you no better than the nogs demanding reparations for acts committed generations ago from people who played no part in to those acts, many of whoms ancestors weren't even involved. This is the same sort of mentally that gives rise to people having to apologize for their "privileges" as if they should have to be ashamed and responsible for having the good fortune of being born into favorable circumstances which they played no part in creating.