RALLIES >Trump in Windham, NH, 8/6/16 youtu.be/aApLHeAi3Fo >Trump and Pence in Green Bay, WI 8/5/16 youtu.be/HolIHHr0_xg >Trump and Pence in Des Moines, IA 8/5/16 youtu.be/Y-NPJJs68bk >Pence in Norfolk, VA 8/4/16 youtu.be/fax6kqNgl58 >Trump in Maine 8/4/16 youtu.be/10USLAzk2vA >Trump in Daytona Beach, FL 8/3/16 youtu.be/qait77O0DJs
INTERVIEWS >Paul Manafort on FOX 8/7/16 youtu.be/S9Bywyd1qTI >Ben Carson on Hannity 8/4/16 youtu.be/L87c95h_BGo >Oliver North on Hannity 8/4/16 youtu.be/jWOyotpl1nk >Trump on O'Reilly 8/2/16 youtu.be/pJExikwK8tg
ENTERTAINMENT >Wall Street is #WithHer youtu.be/iunhY8_-gtU >Did you wipe the server? youtu.be/7gWRoa52sVc >New HIGH ENERGY Superpac ad: youtu.be/WvBDCBOjDwk >Compilation of Liberals Predicting that Trump Will Win the Presidency - Michael Moore, MSNBC, TYT youtu.be/lgpt3xsvv9Y >Hillary Clinton: A TOP TEN Breakdown youtu.be/qfj5s5r7_14 >What Trump Must Do to Win youtu.be/hiGDvph6D4Y >How Trump Trolling Hillary Clinton Emails is Genius youtu.be/4muXm4GwrXM >Hillary calm and collected around protesters twitter.com/ericdemamp/status/761299259513720833 >Hillary has something wrong with her youtu.be/OqbDBRWb63s >MAGAbooru maga.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list
>DUDE having a white country is IMPOSSIBLE >DUDE lke there are ZERO exapmles of WHITE COUNTRIES ever >we literally HAVE to have niggers in our country dude just TRUST me there's no other way
how do you respond to this?
Christopher Ross
Give karen a reflection, or replace big karen with anime karen somehow. airbrush her out and replace her, Stalin style.
guys.... this is bad. 87% - 99% chance of a trump presidency?
that's a 1% - 13% chance of failure... i.. i just can't do this anymore.
i've been a trump supporter since june of last year, when he took that escalator ride to make the announcement.. but this is just.. t.. too much.
i just can't take the risk. i'm s-so sorry, but... this is the end. i wish it wasn't, but... but i just knew it was too good to be.. true. this is the end of donald trump's campaign.
i used to be a trump supporter, but after this... it looks like i'm gonna have to s... start shillin' for... hill.
i'm now r-r-re-ready for.. hilla.. ry.....
Brody Howard
What is that all white town in Africa. Looks like heaven?
Anthony Martinez
Carson Campbell
I did have a reflection but it looked weird. Gonna give it another go.