Here comes the third party

Here comes the third party.

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At least she isn't rasises tho:((


thanks obama

>Claims he has proof
Fucks sake Assange just release it already!

>Implying this needed to be confirmed

tfw supplying weapons to a terrorist organization wont even dent Hillary's poll numbers but if Trump asks a person with a crying baby to leave his rally he's down 10 points

Assange mysteriously dead when?

>Assange fond dead

I wonder if she was behind he huge airlift of supplies and weapons to the FSA from Libya during the early days of the Syrian civil war

So, when he will show it? In this point I start to seriously question his credibility.

>Ties emerge between Hillary Clinton & accused #TurkeyCoup leader Fethullah #Gülen

W-well at least she isn't Trump!

He's showing it in the picture. Is a higher resolution photo available?

They have been claiming October. It will do most damage then.

Despite all this, people will vote for her

I mean, arming enemies of the US is absolutely treason

Another question: did your fellow burgers even care?

Nothing on wikileak's twitter

This is straight up treason and she should be jailed.


The powers that be are going to berenstain it to the point that it doesn't exist.

When the Iran Contra shit happened people lost their mind.
These days people know the government funds terrorists and don't give a shit.
Times have changed.

>the Islamic Stats
What did they mean by this

They were behind just about all that shit, It's the worst kept secret in the world.

Widespread media censorship of talking about Wikileaks allegations or contents of DNC emails. Nothing on CNN, MSNBC, the Guardian - except for Fox News. Wtf?

Fox news also called for Assange's death like 5 years ago, but now that he's got dirt on Hillary, they're sucking him off

He's never leaving the Ecuador embassy in London, so he is literally untouchable. Not even the two dozen police standing outside can get in. The man is clever.

Won't matter she'll still win.

can't obummer grant him complete legal immunity and amnesty to the states, meanwhile the Clinton foundation slides him a couple mil to keep his mouth shut?

That's how ((((politics)))) works right? that's the tinfoil hat directive if i ever heard it

Iran Contra should be way better known. My dad is a Reagen fanboy and he knows his speeches etc but didn't know about Iran Contra til i told him. The media has a way of writing things outta history

>Hillary commits treason
>Man proves she committed treason
Boy, I wonder what side you're on.

>Assange commits suicide after prolonged isolation, CNN reports

it would be pretty stupid of (((them))) to put that shit off, to be honest


It's hilarious and shows that democracy doesn't work. I mean if this is true than it's bigger than Watergate. If Hillary sold weapons to ISIS then people need to know about it. A person that do such a thing obviously isn't suitable to be the president of the USA. What she has done is a war crime and is something she should get the chair for. Just imagine all the innocent people including children that are now dead because of Hillary's actions.

Could he ever escape to Russia?

>Assange found dead of an apparent suicide
>He shot himself 4 times in the back of the head

Hillary is still the better choice. She's not mysogynistic or racist. Down with the dog trump!

Will it even matter? You could release the most vile, disgusting shit about Hillary but Hillary supporters will still back her up because "well at least she's not racist like trump".

Clinton could molest and then kill a baby girl on live tv and the american media and people will still support her.

Nice reading comprehension.

The majority of people polled were upset that she was not indicted over fucking emails which are the smallest of potatoes by Hillary standards.

are you threatening me, master jedi?

exactly, biggest news story of the decade and people are talking about Trump's hands. Unbelievable.

The media will do everything it can to avoid talking about the leaks come October. Interesting times

shes still the lesser of two evils though because at least she isn't a fucking white male

>lies about emails
>mishandles classified emails
>lies about emails some more
>illegal by the definition of illegal
>lol nothing wrong no idictment

>Assange found shot in the back of the head 4 times and packed inside a suitcase
>Ruled a suicide

If she backed them privately, isn't that illegal as Secretary of State?

october bammmmmm max damage

trump will stroll on in to the white house
make the white house white again!!!

>Julian Assange, 45, was found dead after he accidentally cut his own throat with a butter knife whilst baking a pizza. Assange was a master chef for 16 years.

Check this out
The US government secretly repealed the ban on domestic propaganda in 2013 so now they're free to force media agencies to spead government made news and propaganda.

Guess which side the Obama administration is on.

Wait for Johnson get into the debates.

Hillary's already done far worse and she's still not in jail

Ecuador embassy nuked when?

The lesser of two evils is still evil.

Would you have preferred American troops on the ground?

What's funny is her supporters won't even care.

They get their food from somewhere

I'm sure looking out a window can mean catching a bullet

and so on

It'd be too obvious if he died, though

>Julian Assange, 45, was found dead after he accidentally stabbing his own neck with a butter knife whilst baking a pizza.

I'd have preferred America not interfere, much less help an iteration of AQI/ISIQ that killed many American troops.

*the back of his neck

HRC has a tiny amount of supporters, too small to be worth mentioning. What she has is a lot of disinterested lesser of two evil voters who can be persuaded to sit this one out.

>it's a suicide by three shotgun blasts to the back of the head and throwing yourself into the river, but only after having ransacked your own apartment episode

So Hillary committed perjury. She said under oath that she didn't fund Isis. This will certainly land Hillary in jail... this is too much now. Hillary will drop out of the race soon. Biden will take her place.

>trusting not just an Australian shitposter, but one of the most infamous shitposters in Australian history

He is laughing at you Sup Forums. Us Australians have a keen sense of who is and isn't being genuine, and I can tell you for a FACT that he is just doing this to stir the shit in America. He's got nothing.


>convicted rapist

yeah nah, hillary is still winning this

>smug anime poster

low energy aus poster

at least your fellow mongrels put effort into their shitposting


I'm guessing she was warned that they would fall into, or they already were in the hands of (those already supplied), terrorists, but she'd do it anyway.

Kinda like FSA folding to Nusra and them folding to IS

He can't leave the building or he'll be arrested by the police outside. Currently the Swedish government has an extradition request out for him on spurious rape allegations. At the moment, under guidance from his legal team (60 strong), they are waiting for the statute of limitations to run out. It's a stalemate.

>Julian Assange, 45, found dead after accidently dismembering his limbs with his hands tied behind his back and his nipples wired up to a car battery during an erotic masturbation session gone wrong. Sources close to the investigation claim that this is beyond unreasonable doubt that it is most certainly a suicide and does not need further investigation. We now go live to Hillary's acceptance speech.

Uh, why would you discriminate on who gets to buy weapons off the US government, bigots!!

m8 we passed watergate a very long time ago
this is just another tendril of a fucking lovecraft tier monster case that will never come to light, it would shake the very core of society

>Assange commited suicide later this night by swallowing the entirety of the alleged documents.

That's the point, it can't happen. The knock-on effects from an assassination attempt within the grounds of an embassy would cripple the UK government on countless fronts. And the media would go into overdrive, naturally.

Though I am smug, I'm certainly not shitposting. He has nothing, but it's hilarious seeing Americans beg for an Australian to save them. Damn right I'm feeling smug.

any updates/info on the supposed leaked Huma videos???

it's already been 48hours since Friday...

Pretty much the whole west was behind it.
Keep in mind the FSA was almost non-existent then, and is non-existent now.
But we still supply weapons... To people that don't exist... Really makes you contemplate who actually receive them... Hmm...

I rage every time I read french MSM and they keep portraying "rebels" as heroes.
Seriously, there's like what, 5 rebels that are not muslim savages? And they parade those 5 over and over in the media to support their narrative.

Wouldn't surprise me. In germany, two "nazi-mass-murderers" shot each other, died, reloaded a shotgun and finally set fire to the camper they were in. Yes, in exactly that order. That is the official story they media and politicians go with.

This is what they nailed Bill for.

There's only a small number of "moderate" rebels in Syria, yes.

They're mostly in the rural mountainous regions.

Pretty much any of the ones that came from the cities and "suburbs", are complete Jihadis.

Why are we always right?


>Secretary of State
More like Secretary of Islamic State.


It's not the embassy that's keeping him alive. It's the dirt he's not releasing unless he dies.

Remember when Snowden was fleeing, and they intercepted the plane of the BOLIVIAN PRESIDENT? Seriously, the leader of an allied country, and they just hijack his plane and send a team to search his plane and "capture" Snowden.

And ALL "civilized" and "human rights compliant" countries were complicit. All of them. None of them hesitated even for a second before starting an aggression on another country.

When your leaders try to sell you "regime change", from a dictator to Muslim fundamentalists, and said dictator didn't attack your country, you know something is up.


> JULIAN ASSANGE: Well, WikiLeaks has become the rebel library of Alexandria. It is the single most significant collection of information that doesn’t exist elsewhere, in a searchable, accessible, citable form, about how modern institutions actually behave. And it’s gone on to set people free from prison, where documents have been used in their court cases; hold the CIA accountable for renditions programs; feed into election cycles, which have resulted in the termination of, in some case—or contributed to the termination of governments, in some cases, taken the heads of intelligence agencies, ministers of defense and so on. So, you know, our civilization can only be as good as our knowledge of what our civilization is. We can’t possibly hope to reform that which we do not understand.

> So, those Hillary Clinton emails, they connect together with the cables that we have published of Hillary Clinton, creating a rich picture of how Hillary Clinton performs in office, but, more broadly, how the U.S. Department of State operates. So, for example, the disastrous, absolutely disastrous intervention in Libya, the destruction of the Gaddafi government, which led to the occupation of ISIS of large segments of that country, weapons flows going over to Syria, being pushed by Hillary Clinton, into jihadists within Syria, including ISIS, that’s there in those emails. There’s more than 1,700 emails in Hillary Clinton’s collection, that we have released, just about Libya alone.

Is he talking about stuff to be released or stuff already released?

This is the email archive:


I guess they will release this near the debates.
And nobody will care, literally everyone on the planet already knows ISIS was created & funded by US and Saudis..

Also, Clinton will just claim they didn't know it was ISIS at the time they were selling them weapons..

Also +1, not selling weapons to muslims just because they're following their religion would be problematic.That is something a racist like Trump would advocate for. You're not a racist are you anno?


What I dont get is

Assange is a Bernie faggot right?
But all of his actions play right into Trump's hands...
Does he actually think the DNC will take back their nomination and nominate Bernie instead?

Is it just a revenge thing at this point?

Is he going to release information on trump like his tax returns for instance?

the lesser of three evils is still evil
you just got BTFO

Assange is a WhiteHat Anti-Corruption Activist.

Clinton is a Criminal.

International trades that includes weaponry should not be kept in secrecy. Your argument is invalid.

Ya, democracy is shit. But well, better Johnson than a Russian spy or a weapon dealer.

obama and hillary administration is responsible for his current state of affairs.
He probably wouldn't survive another 8 years of that.

We all might not if hillary is batshit crazy soros tier. If she's mentally off, I don't want somebody like that in charge of nuke codes because they'll either use them or misplace them like grandma and her purse.


meant to reply to

Could someone kindly explain why exactly Killary and our government in general wants to tear down Assad? Gaddafi I can understand, but what has Assad ever done to us?

>A person that do such a thing obviously isn't suitable to be the president of the USA
America is (by far) the largest supplier of arms to the world. If there isn't an existential threat, no-one will be buying US munitions. This shit is just the real-politik of the arms trade. If anything, she's an American hero for putting more tax dollars into the pockets of Daddy Warbucks & co.