When will the shitty cuck meme die?

When will the shitty cuck meme die?


When all of the cucks die.

fuck off cuck

Only a cuck gets offended by the cuck meme

is louis ck a a cuck?

When you walk in on your girlfriend/wife getting pounded by blacks or muslims and your dick gets hard OP.

when you stop letting sluts walk all over you

When the white race is extinct

Cuck is the new faggot. Get over it, cuck.

Even this board's getting weary of it

It's not all that funny no matter how much people try to force it

Why? Do you want to be proud of your hobbies again?

maddox, youz a bitch

only a cuck would say that

no but pol say yes

Cucks spotted.
Stop behaving and talking like a cuck and you won't be called one, cucks.

t. cuck

Opinion discarded

Wow, you sure showed me.

>not even denying being a cuck



The cuck meme will die when people find the next "super insult."
Go back in time to the 1980s.
"Retard" "Fag" "Gay" were all in common use when trying to trigger or troll someone.
Then the PC police came in and said "Don't hurt feelings! Homosexuals have feelings too!"
The funniest part about "Don't call people retarded" is that they don't understand that the definition of "retarded" is to be held back (either by outside means or by lack of ability).
So we didn't want to hurt the feelings of retarded people by using the word "retarded" when referring to someone who is smart but uses insipid, illogical arguments.
(not that truly retarded people care about you calling other people retarded, or calling them retarded, or that they even have the ability to understand, for that matter)
So the new derogatory term changed to "autistic" and everyone was using it to troll and bait and ridicule and name call.
And now that "autism" is no longer in vogue, we have cuckhold. An emasculating term that mostly targets men, since I doubt women care about being cucked.
I'm curious what the next tween generation will come up with next.
Here's hoping it has something to do with clowns!

yes, Louis (K literally has to pay his ex-wife to fuck other men

It does feel like we're approaching peak cuck, but I'll give it a year or two before it starts to really run out of steam. That's not to say we haven't accomplished some great things.

>offending actual cuckold fetishists for "stealing their word"
>tricking the #nevertrump camp into trying to use it as a badge of honor
>overall butthurt caused by its proliferation

I would freak

As soon as some NEET coins a new Swiss Army knife of insults.

>When will the awesome cuck meme die?

Also the answer is never, cuck.

More seriously the spanish equivalent of it (cabron) has been an extremely popular insult in spanish speaking countries for fucking ever and there's no signs of it going away any time soon, we could just be seeing the english speaking world getting with the times in terms of the latest most state-of-the-art insult technology. Just look at how badly it triggers people (including you apparently).

Pro tip
It won't

Even though I like his show Louis he is a massive cuck.

In his new show he had a whole episode of this 50 year old rinsed out bitch talking about how she fucked her husbands father. Literally an hour of a close up of him and her discussing how she fucked her father in law and how we the audience should be sympathetic.

I stopped watching after that.

Not before the cucking stops