The Incredible Hulk

Continuing from


I think I forgot to post Spider-Man #14 in the last thread, but it's a good one that I remember being my first exposure to the Hulk in comics.



>six issues and some crossovers
>"enough to last me a lifetime"
Oh, General. If only you knew.














>emo Hulk
Sheesh, why don't you just slit your wrists.

Just wait till we get to Bill Mantlo's run.


We're also returning to Ditko after Kirby being on the last ish.









As an user pointed out in the last thread and we saw for ourselves in Fantastic Four #26, Stan Lee DID make the mistake of calling Banner "Bob". And this is where the full name of Robert Bruce Banner came from.

I had always heard that that was the reason for the Bill Bixby version being named David Banner, but that's an entirely different reason.

>Hank and Jan decide to go on a dinner date
>Hank can't stop thinking about the Hulk and doesn't even bother changing out of his costume, just throws on a jacket

>hey Hank lets get to the restaurant fast
>sorry babe I've changed my mind we're going to New Mexico no time to talk

>Jan straight up ready to die in a nuclear explosion as long as it's with Hank

I love these two.

Multii-part stories had become a kind of comics taboo by the early 60's, which is why Marvel is so important to this era for making them more common again.

Di...did Banner just create a more indestructible Iron-Man suit than Iron-Man himself?

I always wonder how much of this stuff was genuinely the intended characterization and how much was just them not thinking too hard about it and focusing on the story.

In this case I have to imagine it's intentional because Kirby was doing basically the same thing with Reed and Sue in FF at the same time. Either way, it certainly went on to inform their personalities for decades after.

And he didn't even need magic "transistors" to do it!

Banner is the most underappreciated super scientist.



















Uh, forgot the cover to that one for whatever reason.

Get the hell out of my storytime, Hank. You'll get your own when Bendis kills you in Secret Invasion II.











The Leader will essentially become the Hulk's Joker or Lex Luthor over the next few years. Though because of the TV show everyone kind of thinks it's Ross.

And to this day the best we've gotten in live action is a half-assed teaser though Tim Blake Nelson is incredibly inspired casting











I guess it was just his idea of romance.

That's a pretty spooky final panel.

And here we have the second of many, many, MANY identity adjustments to Hanky Pym.













Man, I actually sort of can't believe how long this story is going considering it's only 1965.

Coincidentally, the '78 TV show was also a bit ahead of its time in how it was told in long arcs.



>Lonely Man playing while reading a Hulk story.

I like your taste OP.



