how can cheetah beat up bane?
How can cheetah beat up bane?
He wasn't using Venom the very end of that run if I recall.
And Cheetah has magical mumbo jumbo
cheetahs are big cats
Cheetah can fight Wonder Woman. Bane is nowhere near her league even with venom
Bitch fights Wonder Woman. She's stronger and faster than Bane.
She put the whammy on him.
She can go toe to toe with a woman who can take a nuke to the face and be reasonably ok.
Even on venom, Bane can't even touch her
By being faster and stronger than he is?
Cheetah is empowered by an evil god. Bane takes a supersteroid. Cheetah wins.
>She can go toe to toe with a woman
Why don't we ever get to see that literally.
In fact, where does that colloquialism even come from?
Cheetah is canonically faster than the Flash last I checked.
She can also fight toe to toe with Wonder Woman who is canonically faster, stronger, and tougher than Superman.
Really? You're confused how someone who fights wonder woman can a easily take out bane?
Read some comics people...or at least a wiki.
>In fact, where does that colloquialism even come from?
It just means they're standing close to eachother, with their toes pointing to eachother (in other words, facing eachother), like at the start of a boxing match.
Going toe to toe means taking someone on one-on-one in a close fight or competition.
it comes from its precedence
Wonder feet thread?
Yeah not crazy about the crazy cat lady being faster than the fastest man alive or stronger than Superman
That just seems like trying too hard to make her a threat because she was on Superfriends
It comes from old bare knuckle boxing rules wherein fighters would begin a matching standing with the toes of one foot touching a line drawn down the middle of the fighting area, one on each side of it.
Doesnt she go toe to toe with Wonder Woman?
>learning that a nude cat girl is strong enough to dominate bane and fight 1v1 with wonder woman
just how many new fetishes do i need today?
Um Cheetah fights Wondy. Bane fights Batman.
They aren't even in the same league.
What is a street level?
>Cheetah is canonically faster than the Flash last I checked.
That happened ONCE, and Zoom was explicitly buffing her.
>She can also fight toe to toe with Wonder Woman who is canonically faster, stronger, and tougher than Superman.
[citation needed]
Cheetah is not stronger than Superman. Where the fuck did this come from?
fur zee
She's magic. She can go toe to toe with Wondy and Supes
Cheetah has magical elements
Supes gets fuccd by magic. How shes beaten him before
Because when written properly the Barbara version of Cheetah should handle the majority of street level villains and heroes with ease. She can go up against Wonder Woman so she needs to be relatively fast and strong, not job to Catwoman or Green Arrow like writers often make her do.
Is she seriously wearing "pants" that leave open the crotch?
Holy shit your reading comprehension is bad...
No it's cheetah print
No she's wearing cheetah print but they didn't realize that cheetah print on a cheetah is a superfluous as fuck.
No she is wearing pants that have the same patterning as her fur.
Doesn't make her stronger or immune to heat vision.
And how does that translate to being physically stronger than him?
Honestly Superman would be able to beat Cheetah fairly easily if he didn't fuck around. He's defeated beings of magical origin who were more powerful than her.
She's always been a shitty villain anyway. Her power level has always been all over the map, writers can never agree on what the fuck her deal is and how powerful she should be.
>her power level has always been all over the map
No it hasn't, she's consistently shown to be Diana's equal.
ITT: If I throw CANON in the sentence it makes it true!
I do believe she surprised Barry and managed to cut his thighs so he couldn't run. Flash being surprised attack in one panel then fast enough to pick bullets hitting their foreheads in another is nothing new.
Not enough phallic firearm, cishet shitlord.
Because she is far stronger then he is. People really don't know how much of a powerhouse Cheetah is.
>Admitting defeat
>how can cheetah beat up bane?
That makes no sense whatsoever. She can't punch a planet into oblivion. She isn't FTL.
There is no way she could do anything to Supes. Who the hell would do something that idiotic?
We're not talking about SA Supes here user
>That makes no sense whatsoever.
What if Cheetah was using Kryptonite nail polish?