I heard a rumor that Trump won't release his tax returns due because he donated money to NAMBLA

I heard a rumor that Trump won't release his tax returns due because he donated money to NAMBLA.

Is this true? Well, no. Probably not...

But that raises the question... WHY won't he release his tax returns? What's in there that he doesn't want us to see?

in b4 Sup Forums says it's nothing. If it's nothing, he should just release them. It's not like he's going to be hurt from it at this point.

$0.02 has been deposited into your account

Fuck off.

go back to r/politics fag nigger

I went to the politics forum on reddit and this was one of the top stories

CtR is pathetic and OP is a faggot

Publicly releasing your taxes to competitors when your business is under audit is a stupid thing for a business owner to do. Liberals are too dumb to apply reason or think independently, they can only parrot whatever clickbait headlines are sloshing around in the useless space between their thick skulls and their atrophied pea brains.

What do you think would happen if Trump's competitors could suddenly see his tax returns before the auditors have worked through corrective actions with his business? Think hard, I know it hurts but it's good for you.

Furthermore, you're too dumb to understand, so this might be pointless, but here in the real world - not liberal child fantasy land - most violations that auditors find aren't big red letters that say "IM A CRIMINAL". They report on small things that need to be improved and recommend corrective actions. Since liberals are amazingly stupid and susceptible to brainwashing, the media would spin every one of these small findings to mean that Trump is an evil robber-baron. Frankly it's amazing that I even need to explain this to anyone, I truly assumed that it was common knowledge for anyone working for a large company.

Bye bye liberal retard.

>your good boy shekels have been paid into your PayPal account

he's being audited and said multiple times he will release them when the audit is finished

your response?

Warren buffet is being audited, and he said he'd match them. There is nothing about being audited that should impede the release of the returns.

Obviously he has shit to hide. You would too if you owned a lot rental properties in New York.

who cares i bet if you use the right make up he looks like marlon brando anyway.

He could release previous tax returns.

Yeah them evil tax returns whats in them. Lets forget about those emails tho

there's nothing that says he has to release his tax returns

what is your point?

>there's nothing that says he has to release his tax returns
Except tradition and the interest of transparency.

so nothing

as has been stated multiple times in this thread he has said he will release them when his audit is done

There's nothing preventing him from releasing older tax returns.

If it's a tradition to release tax returns then Trump will be the first one to break it since Ford.

how is that transparent?


Wrong NAMBLA you stupid shit. He just likes Marlin Brando.

>how is that transparent?
It's as transparent as he can be since he's under audit and refuses to release his most recent tax return.

Ford wasn't elected though.

CTR is really going at Sup Forums recently.

Ok, I'm going to state my idea again:

It should be illegal for paid shills to post political messages or otherwise without specifically stating that they are being paid for said post.

This would remove corruption and slander on both sides of the board. There is no reason to be against this unless you are a paid shill or you are paying shills.

Hey dumb shill, if he had anything to hide why would he even run for president? Its common knowledge that releasing tax returns, while not a law, is a "tradition" that will be looked down upon if broken. If there was something incredibly damning he'd done that he wouldn't want released publicly, he would have just stayed out of the race.

Seriously why not release previous years.
He has some fucked up shit on there.
If I had an opportunity to bet I think the biggest thing he's trying to hide is how much he supported the Democratic Party. Also probably nambla

True but he was liked as a president even without releasing tax returns. Hell he even restored public trust in the gov't.
