Priest Interview about Deathstroke: Rebirth

It's from DC's site, I'll copy everything here though.

>I wanted to begin by asking the question of alignment. Do you see Deathstroke as a hero, villain or anti-hero?

He’s a villain. He is unquestionably a villain. He’s Darth Vader. He is a bad guy.

>So how do you approach a story where you’re asking readers to cheer for the villain?

I think to adopt Deathstroke’s attitude, it’s the readers’ problem to work out. [laughs]

If you look at the film Collateral with Tom Cruise. Half of the audience is rooting for the assassin character and half of the audience is rooting for Jamie Foxx’s character, but at the end of the day, the Cruise character, no matter how much you want to like him, he’s a bad guy. He runs around and kills people. So my approach to Deathstroke is he’s a hired killer. He’s an assassin. He’s a bad guy, and he’s the world’s worst bad.

I think Slade is ultimately amoral and a sociopath. I think he struggles with relationships and so forth, but he’s addicted to the action. He’s addicted to the run and gun and the challenge of different things.

>Can you tell us a bit about your story? Where is Slade Wilson when we first look in on him?

He is in what we consider his status quo. He’s gone off to assassinate someone, and there are complications along the way. But basically, what we’re dealing with for the first half a year of the series is a sort of rebuilding process. We’re redefining Deathstroke himself and reintroducing his supporting cast, who have been systematically shot, stabbed and thrown off rooftops over the years. Over the years, just about everybody in his circle of family and friends have been wiped out for one reason or another

The Rebirth issue is mainly Slade’s book, and then in issue #1, we bring Wintergreen back into the fold. But those issues are basically one story told in two parts. They’re sort of our series pilot, if you want to look at it in that way.

Other urls found in this thread:

>It sounds like we’re dialing back some of the more mythological elements we’ve seen in Deathstroke over the past few years in favor of something a little more straightforward. Would you say that’s correct?

Yes, we’re scaling back his world and trying to make Deathstroke more or less like the evil version of Batman. Like what if he had become corrupt at one point?

The Deathstroke I remember was the George Perez and Marv Wolfman character. That was what my reference was.

>One of the more common tropes when dealing with anti-heroes is that they often don’t care about anyone other than themselves. How much do you think Slade cares about his family?

I think he cares a great deal, but I see him as a sociopath. I see him as someone who really struggles to express emotion. I think Slade loves his children, but has a tough time expressing it. This isn’t a Deathstroke who’s going to be hugging Rose or angsting over Joseph. I see him more of the Hugh Laurie character from the TV show House. That character was an emotional cripple, and he demonstrates his affection or his caring about people in very roundabout ways.

We’re bringing the characters in slowly. We don’t see Rose until issue #3 and we don’t see the Joseph/Jericho character until even later.

With Wintergreen, who is also pretty much a family member, he has a different problem. He’s kind of reached a point where he’s having ethical problems with some of the things that Deathstroke does. So he’s kind of hanging around with Deathstroke reluctantly because he’s no longer in lockstep agreement with some of the choices that Deathstroke makes in terms of jobs he takes and the people he pals around with. Wintergreen is having a real struggle with it.

The whole thing is kind of a morality play with a lot of push and pull in terms of good and evil, and also the consequences of the lifestyle that Deathstroke leads. We’re exploring the concept of heroism and villainy, and the difference between being a super hero and being a vigilante.

In order to serve justice, back in the Silver Age when life was simpler, we just had Spider-Man web up the bad guy and leave him outside the police station. You know if we actually did that today, the cop would have to let the guy go because without evidence there’s no arrest. The reason why guys like Deathstroke exist in the DC Universe is that unless Superman is going to lock all these guys up without a charge, Guantanamo Bay-style, or kill them, then it falls on guys like Deathstroke to find legal ways to walk between the raindrops. The guy I’m writing is not a compromised character. He is a super-villain, and he’s dysfunctional in many ways because of it.

>Finally, as the World’s Greatest Assassin, Slade kills for money and over the years, he’s killed a lot of people. So it stands to reason that he’s made A LOT of money. I’ve always wondered, what do you think he does with that money?

I don’t think he cares about the money. I think the money is how he keeps score. [Editor] Alex Antone and I developed a very different storyline for Rebirth initially, dealing with that very question of Slade’s wealth and what would happen if it was to get away from him and all of a sudden he didn’t have access to the toys. What if the guy was dead broke and we really showed you what this guy could do when he’s pushed out of his comfort zone? That was the arc we were going to start with. That arc is now being pushed back, probably to year two. Assuming we’re still around because for all we know, we’re all going to get fired as soon as this book ships. [laughs]

Source, if you needed it for some reason:

It feels so weird to be excited about Deathstroke. Hopefully it pulls in some good numbers.

I think it'll do alright, he has his characterfags. Priest has probably been away from the big 2 too long to have any pull though.

>Assuming we’re still around because for all we know, we’re all going to get fired as soon as this book ships. [laughs]
oh you

But I hope it's good so Deathstroke can have something good for 2 years

I really like this look. It's simple and functional, very DC-like after all the armored versions we've got within the past several years. Even the radio piece he has on the orange side of the mask looks like it blends well.

>If you look at the film Collateral with Tom Cruise. Half of the audience is rooting for the assassin character and half of the audience is rooting for Jamie Foxx’s character, but at the end of the day, the Cruise character, no matter how much you want to like him, he’s a bad guy. He runs around and kills people. So my approach to Deathstroke is he’s a hired killer. He’s an assassin. He’s a bad guy, and he’s the world’s worst bad.
How can Priest be so based?

>He’s a villain. He is unquestionably a villain. He’s Darth Vader. He is a bad guy.
>I think Slade is ultimately amoral and a sociopath
Eh. I prefer the other things he said though, Slade's addicted to the action, he doesn't take a contract for the money, he dopes it for the challenge. And i like what he said, he cares about his family, hell, guy isn't a douche bag, but he's just...he's just bad at expressing his emotions.

I'm so damned happy to see Priest writing a book again.

Actually Christopher Priest was trending on twitter the day Rebirth and the books were announced. Granted it's twitter but it's nice to see that people are still excited to read his books.

A lot of creators and Twitter people went "oh shit" with that announcement.

I guess we'll see how that's executed. Reading that I mostly got the feeling that he didn't want people thinking that he as going to make Deathstroke too sympathetic even though there would be emotional stuff too like the family interactions.

That was the most unexpected rebirth announcement.

Which is fantastic because that means a lot of people are going to be curious about this book because come on it's Christopher fucking Priest working on a book again.

This is never going to make it past 20 issues

It has every capacity to be good that means normies will overlook it for schlock

Don't be this negative, the last (current) Deathstroke book ran 20 issues and hasn't yet hit actual cancellation level.

How long this one doubleships will be interesting though.

Dude, if Didio kept Palmiotti and Grey's Jonah Hex/All-Star Western going for years despite shit sells he's definitely going to keep Priest's Deathstroke afloat.

This will be one of those books that sell bad but get tons of praise.

As long as he's genuinely trying to do evil acts and not saving his family/settling past debts I'll be pleased.

When the story is about a villain, make him do villainous acts. Not good acts in bad circumstances with rough methods.

The last Deathstroke issue hit 21k despite most other books being basically destroyed in sales thanks to rebirth so even with this one double shipping it'll sell okay

On his blog he said he and Abnett had a Titans crossover coming, probably some villainy there.

>On his blog he said he and Abnett had a Titans crossover
And my hype just disintegrated.

Only read downside for me would be Booth art and for a crossover they'd probably get a fill-in artist anyway judging by how the other books are doing theirs so I'm not too worried. We'll see though.

Please sell

I'm glad he's not going to be portrayed as misunderstood sad man and all out a villanious prick.

I'm excited about Titans crossover too. The team in Titans is pretty damn interesting and Abnett is a good writer, it'll be good.

he wrote even more about it on his website

Because it was an 'o shit' thing, he's a great writer who was out of the game for a long time

He was the archenemy of a group of teenagers how can you not seem him as evil as fuck?

He seems excited, I hope it goes well so he sticks around at DC, I'd love to see him on Steel again (after he writes a bunch of white characters so he doesn't feel pigeon holed)

>it's a "rich character goes broke" episode

>If you look at the film Collateral with Tom Cruise. Half of the audience is rooting for the assassin character and half of the audience is rooting for Jamie Foxx’s character, but at the end of the day, the Cruise character, no matter how much you want to like him, he’s a bad guy. He runs around and kills people. So my approach to Deathstroke is he’s a hired killer. He’s an assassin. He’s a bad guy, and he’s the world’s worst bad.

Man I can't wait for this

it'll do alright

I'm liking the description of how he's using Wintergreen, since he was originally kind of an Alfred type character who aided and abetted Deathstroke's villainy like Alfred did with Batman. I hope he touches on how Wintergreen was, while loyal, pretty much a fatalist when it came to Slade, to the point that he was unsurprised when Slade killed him.

>living in an era where people consider Slade a villain but Wade a hero

at a time he was both Slade's Alfred and Robin

Know fuck all about Deathstroke, I might be reading this though.

I haven't read Deathsrtoke for a while. What was the end of that story when he was turned into young again?

>That’s the emotional headlock I’ve placed Rose in. I see her as a deeply conflicted very young person on the cusp of adulthood who is still trying to figure herself out. She ends up following Batman around in issue #5 (and driving the Batmobile!) lost in a kind of awe at this iconic hero and father figure of her mentor, Nightwing. Only, much like Deathstroke himself, Batman rejects her. She is a killer. Batman despises killers. Batman is the product of a killer. Batman should be extremely conflicted about Damian.
>She ends up following Batman around in issue #5 (and driving the Batmobile!) lost in a kind of awe at this iconic hero and father figure of her mentor, Nightwing.
>her mentor, Nightwing

From what he's mentioned so far in interviews...

New Teen Titans TPB #1
Teen Titans: Terra Incognito
Teen Titans: The Judas Contract
Teen Titans: A Kid's Game
Nightwing: Renegade

Also Deathstroke: The Terminator Vol. 1: Assassins

>the only thing Devin Grayson did that was worthwhile

So is this his pre-Rebirth costume or does he have multiple costumes in this?

Devin Grayson's Gotham Knights run was wonderful.

I don’t think I actually realized how popular Rose was with fans until I Googled around for images of the character and found a lot—a lot—of Cosplay (and even pornographic) images of women dressed like her.

But where? There are so many images!

This was the costume Tony Daniel gave him when he started on the book.

he seems like the kind of character to get multiple outfits of the same colors

I like how he talks of a Titans crossover on one hand, then talks about being judicious with placing Deathstroke in front of other DCU characters. What is the point of the crossover if someone doesn't die? Why should he hate them if they don't get Grant killed? How did Dick become Rose's mentor if Bludhaven and the old Titans never happened?

Will any of this be explained?

Sup Forums I wish you were as hyped about this as I am

I am hyped

>He’s a villain. He is unquestionably a villain. He’s Darth Vader. He is a bad guy.

This pleases me

love it, but that white arm thing triggers me. wished it was all Orange.

>white arm thing
It was originally supposed to be sleeveless and instead of that white thing it was skin showing. But their was some mistake and it got coloured white. And then someone (I think the editor) liked it so much it stayed

>He’s a villain. He is unquestionably a villain. He’s Darth Vader. He is a bad guy.


Eh. Priest is great but Deathstroke is garbage. It evens out to "eh".

Every character is garbage. Every character is great. It's all down to the writer, characterfag.

>More than that, I’ve pushed DC to be careful who they stand in front of Deathstroke. Deathstroke is a killer. He doesn’t knock people out and turn them over to the police. Much as fans would love to see Deathstroke versus Aquaman or Deathstroke versus Harley Quinn, my point is, if Deathstroke loses every encounter it dilutes the brand. If he wins but chooses not to kill his opponent, it violates the character.

Finally somebody who gets it.

>He’s a villain. He is unquestionably a villain. He’s Darth Vader. He is a bad guy.
Thank fucking god. Anti-Hero Slade a shit



Bat-characters always sell well, Midnighter was the only excpetion

>Gotham By Midnight
>Gotham Academy
>We Are Robin

not exactly

Thank you for that. Is this from the new Flintstones book?

Gotham Academy had a decent niche audience that settled to be fair. That Yearbook shit was a mistake

it's good, read it


Doesn't look half bad. I'm assuming this is Jason Paz' part?

Variant by Stephen Platt

with colors by Peter Steigerwald



Gotham by midnight was the only low seller in them.

You forgot Red Hood/Arsenal. Marvel would cancel his 15k ass.

>Bat character
No. Next you'll be trying to tell me that Wonder Woman is a bat character

Not that guy but...
>Book starring Wildstorm's Gay Batman
>Part of Mark Doyle's Batman family editorial group
>Title is spun out of Grayson and uses him as frequent guest-star
>Main villain is Prometheus, Morrison's Anti-Batman
How was it not a Batman book?

>How was it not a Batman book?
Because it didn't star Batman. But I said he's not a bat character. Which is true.

The last two years of comics have repositioned Midnighter into an ancillary bat-character.

>confusing Priest and McDuffie
kys racist

Are they the best black comic writers of all time indisputably? Is Ewing black? I've always assumed he was.

>Is Ewing black?
But first, are there publicly available photos of him?

just googled it, he looks Jewish
I thought Ewing/Gillen were the same person for a while
so I'm not racist
just ignorant

Aaron McGruder I think deserves to be there.

Kyle baker is more known for his art, but I would put him as a contender.

Maybe Robert Washington for his Milestone work.

Talent starts to get thin after that. Who's left. MD grimm?

that Walker guy who only writes black books that I made a bet with the owner of my lcs his Cyborg would be shit and Yang would be a successful DC writer so I'm winning that bet
I'm gonna get a few cels from Johny Quest and if I lost he'd get all my Marvel comics my ex's great uncle was the letterer for in the 70s, all signed, including some signed a few Ditko signed that she gave me before she caught me cheating

Yeah buddy. And it'c chock full of reaction-able panels and pages.

>I don't read comics lel

George Herriman the GOAT


Good; he's a fucking murderer.

I know he has depth as a character but at his base he's a really bad person

Casuals fucking OUT

No GA and WAR ended up selling very poorly a few issues in

Not coming for multiple years, read the post

>He’s Darth Vader.
That implies the opposite of your claim, Priest.

Midnight is at most a Grayson side character. He is most definitely not a bat character

>He’s a villain. He is unquestionably a villain.
Does this mean he will fuck an underaged Terra again?

Midnighter became a Bat-character.

Question is, will Apollo become a Super-character? That'd be neat.

Fund it.

That's really not true at all. Characters have inherent qualities that make them better or worse, more likable or less. Deathstroke is an edgy evil Mary Sue, and that as a concept is very much "worse, less".

What? The series was around 20k and only fall around 19-16k when rebirth started.

Maybe because he's a hyper violent edgeguy who murders his enemies brutally and belonged to an entirely different non JL/Outsiders Superteam and is a Wildstorm character (as you mentioned) if you had to put him as an X-character

>I only read Identity Crisis

Yup and Rose.