Post your best redpills on women.
Why do you think they shouldn't be able to vote?
Post your best redpills on women.
Why do you think they shouldn't be able to vote?
Other urls found in this thread:
They're overly emotional.
Since women gained the right to vote, no President with a beard has been elected (because women typically find beards unattractive)
They seem to be, on most accounts, physically and mentally inferior to men.
I was a member of a site a few years ago in which people had debates, and then a team of mods decided who won the debates. More often than not, the women that would debate on there would lose pretty much always, and their response(s) would be them lashing out, talking about sex and virginity when the debate had NOTHING to do with that at all.
So I would watch, as all these women would lash out and insult their male opponents when they were losing debates, talking about sex and virginity, insulting male virgins. The same goes for feminist blogs, women on Sup Forums, women on Reddit, Tumblr, and in real life.
They are physically inferior to men, and they have such poor debate skills that they have very short fuses, and when they lose their cool, they start talking about sex and virginity because they KNOW that their primary service to men are their holes. For many women, it's their only useful service to men and to the world. And so they reference that aspect constantly in life, because it's all they are worth. Most of them, anyways.
They go for the most capable men!
The strong and firm
The alpha
If a woman don't follow you is because you are a fucking beta.
>but Mhu sluts only fuck jamal and Chads.
is in their blood faggot use on your favor or embraced the sluts in you and become a trap
some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abuse!
They're only tolerated because of their moist orrifices.
This thread sucks so far. Can I get some links? Or some images?
Should I just start seeing escorts? I don't think I'm capable of becoming alpha.
It's way easier to manipulate a woman than to convince her/win her