Katy Perry loves BBC

Daily reminder that American women are all degenerate trash and that American men are all cuckolds.


>No way, I'm gonna waste all my time looking @ porn, @thedoctorluke. Who needs lyrics when you have big black cocks.

Then dogfart comes along, and offers her free membership

>Dogfart Productions @DogfartNetwork 30 Apr 2014
>@katyperry @TheDoctorLuke Katy, how about a free membership to BlacksOnBlondes.com ? You'll love our stuff.

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Are country singers the only redeemable American, female musicians? Martina McBride is my waifu

>Martina McBride
>50 years old

top kek

I think someone hacked her but either way she's just a worthless whore who can barely sing.

A Megan Fox type of person.


shes been coal burning since before anyone knew her name. she only got famous for dating the lead singer from Gym Class Heroes when he had his 15 minutes int he spotlight.

>someone twatted something
>thus, American men are all cuckolds

Really makes you think...


>shes been coal burning since before anyone knew her name.

probably why the Jew made her popular in the first place

But we'd all fuck the shit out of her

and Megan Fox

Looks disgusting with her nipples poking out in front of congress! Very disrespectful!

But seriously despite your cuck fetish, white woman/black man pairings are the second least desired/common interracial mixture, with white woman/polynesian men being the rarest.