Batman Will Assemble His Own SUICIDE SQUAD This October

>“I Am Suicide” part one! Batman has always been crazy…but this? This is suicide! In order to retrieve Psycho-Pirate and save Gotham Girl, Batman must recruit a team from Amanda Waller to break into the most impenetrable prison in the world and steal from one of the Dark Knight’s greatest foes…Bane. The next great Batman story begins here!

that cover tho

Oh boy finally a book about batman!

>CIA writing Bane

Truly we have reached peak meme magic.

I spy:

>Poison Ivy (I think)

The black arm with the glove is Catwoman, maybe?

Who would spike knuckles be? I'm drawing a blank

I'd guess the huge hand is Solomon Grundy.

Is that Harley with what looks like a jester's hat? Has she even worn that recently?


No that's Psycho-Pirate. He was revealed last issue.

That doesn't seem very piratey, but I'd never even heard of him before people started speculating an issue or two ago.

Is it DC that so blatantly spoiling these comics or are these leaks?