I made gay jokes with my buddy while playing video games, when my strict, right-wing, traditionalist, nationalist...

I made gay jokes with my buddy while playing video games, when my strict, right-wing, traditionalist, nationalist, anti-gay, anti-immigrant, anti-nigger, semi-religious parents were home.
Now they think that I'm gay and they've been nagging me about it for over a week now.
They don't take "no, mom and dad, I'm not gay, I was just joking" as an answer. They're legit pissed that I am even able to touch this subject as a straight, nationalist male, let alone joke about it.

How fucked am I?

And although this isn't /adv/, you can tell me what to do.

Stop making those Degenerate jokes for one.

Why they think you gay?

Fuck your parent of the same sex in the ass.

just tell them 2 fuck off cuz they old and shit

Detail the joke you made

if you find cosplaying faggots funny then you're latent homosexual already

I would say something like "dude, I'm gonna suck you dry if you manage to do this" or "when you did that, my dick went diamonds, holy shit".

Tell them about how international jewery pushes the homosexual agenda in order to degrade Christian values

Wow you're a faggot. Just suck your dad off to make him happy at least