Whelp, it's later than I had planned, but let's continue with more Goon

Whelp, it's later than I had planned, but let's continue with more Goon.

I demand weirdness, people. WEIRDNESS!









By pudding, he means, excrement?






That link by link and yard by yard line always gets me. Kind of a sense of dread. Always make me wonder if I'm fucking up my life.


I'm much more the 'make what you want' not the 'be defined by what you've done' mentality.

Makes it easier to deal with the madness that people cause.








So apparently Powell wanted this guy to do a short Goon strip, but he misunderstood and wrote a short prose thing.

Powell loved it, and here it is.










always have a plan B



So who likes Lovecraftian madness and horror?




Ahh Willy Nagel.

One of my favorite characters.

Grifters are always amusing.

I use the dialog in the first panel to describe this comic to people. I feel it's accurate.


Well *that* can't be good.

At least he loves his fluffykins!

If *humans* go nuts when looking at the oddities, I can only imagine what happens to the robots.

I love dem sci-fi noises.


That is one ugly critter.

My only question is, was that a contest where one *eats* chaos and hot dogs, or is it just a chaotic tourney where one eats hot dogs?


Crazy train, off the rails, into the crowd and leaking insanity.

Always with the tentacles...

Poor ugly critter.


Some quick thinkin' there.

Just a flash of nightmare fuel thar in panel 3...



That is...ominous.

You, you I like.

*Ominous trumpet badumping here*


I think it's eating hot dogs while chaos happens all around you,

So...eating hot dogs while on a rotating table of fire?

And now we see Jimmy Turtle in the flesh, co-star of the prose story a few issues back.





I love the look of resignation on the Zombie Priest's face.


>So...eating hot dogs while on a rotating table of fire?

while being pelted with half finished rubik's cubes.

Being thrown by sexy women in duck outfits.


I knew that corn ad was canon!



Well, that's convenient.



With some editing that first panel is a Sup Forums banner waiting to happen.

Pandemonium pounding primarily in the yeah I don't have another p word.

Huh...you're right.


El! did it!

That...that don't look comfy.





Bog Lurks...just...bog lurks.

What a coinky-dink! My childhood home had a sign like that out front too!


The man commands respect. Heh.

Overload...prison movie...references...



Even bigger coincidence, this was pretty much my grandmother. She kept like five foster kids at a time. and barely did shit for them but feed them. And when they did something fucked up like got in a fight or got pregnant she'd kick them out.
