Only God Tier political savants can post here
Also r8 me
Only God Tier political savants can post here
Also r8 me
Other urls found in this thread:
reddit pls leave
How is right wing nationalism Reddit?
Heil Hitler/10
>having opinions
So this one was from a month ago, now it's this.
Le yugoslav feel dot peeengee
Never saw that test before. Where can you do it?
Welcome to Sup Forums user.
>Look up national liberals
>Don't agree with many of their fundamental beliefs
What did I mean by this?
What test is this
Does anyone have that political compass that measures collectivism vs individualism and traditionalism vs modernism? I can't seem to find it.
Second time I've taken the test after doing a bit of reading to figure out what some of the questions actually meant. Am I really coming up as democrat because I don't believe in God and don't think Government should have any role in someone's education, religious or otherwise?
I'd think that would put me closer to libertarians than democrats
authoritarians literally have no understanding of history.
Every government is doomed to corruption but the authoritarian says "lets give them all the power!"
Complete retardation
the closer to the center you are, the blander you are
libtards GTFO
anarchists GTFO
libertarians and conservatives stay
Also did this one..
Apologies for phone ss.
Rate pls
Could it be this?
Not rating any plebs using that shitty political compass.
Okay how the fuck is the AUTHORITARIAN RIGHT WING Reddit?? How do I appease these people?
>implying green is god teir
I'm obviously not surprised backwards yanks have opposing beliefs.
Also a question: Does ticking agree/disagree a lot more than strongly agree/strongly disagree put you closer to the centre? I'm pretty sure it does as I only put strongly on 5-10 questions.
Rate me then you god damn libral
You're just a same-old, same-old traditionalist American. Don't really think for yourself. Maybe you follow Sup Forums every now and then but you're basically the same as your dad and your dad's dad.
There's nothing special or interesting about your results and your only differences to me are totally due to you being raised in America - a traditionally far more right wing country than the UK.
>implying anyone "thinks" for themselves
Anyone's political beliefs is a product of their upbringing and what they are shown. Your parents and teachers, like me, decided our political beliefs before anything else did. You said so yourself, your country is more left wing, so you will end up mending to it and you did.