Chicago General

How can one city be so amazing and so shit at the same time? It doesn't make sense.

How do we fix it, Sup Forums?

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Day of Rope.
No other solution.

It's a very interesting city and this is coming from someone who's lived in both New York and LA. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.

How do you fix it? Give it time. A lot of the shitty areas are being gentrified and all the human garbage is moving out to Indiana.

What's wrong with it? Weather is beautiful today, tons of lovely girls of every flavor in the park, transportation is great, living is affordable (expensive, but not too bad). Clean city, tons of resturants, bars, museums, activities, sports. Could smell a bit better tho

Overall B+ city, a lot of the downsides aren't controllable

>A lot of the shitty areas are being gentrified and all the human garbage is moving out to Indiana.

Seconding this. A bunch of people who have never set foot in our city are going to come through "Muh violent crime", which is true, but misleading. The news about shootings in Chicago are almost entirely on the outskirts of the town, in hoods that aren't easy to get to. Those neighborhoods are being priced out of the city pretty quickly too and we don't have a ton of section 8 housing, the majority of it is spread out to avoid forming new ghettos.

Blacks shit it up.

The "good" part is an illusion, that's why you have such cognitive dissonance.

Whats the place like to live? I want to move my trading firm there and make Chicago my home.

How does it compare to NYC/Seattle? Those are the other bigger Americlap cities I've been too.

Ignore the flag. I am not Cypriot.

Gentrification is pretty much pushing all the niggers further and further south. Soon chicago will be all good

I agree, it's just the amount it's in the national spotlight for the bad.