You can print out a life-sized outline of Trump’s hand here, and see how you stack up:


According to data from Ergonomics Center of North Carolina, the average American male’s hand is 7.61 inches long. Trump’s hand sits at the 15th percentile mark. That is, 85 percent of American men have larger hands than Trump. As do a third of women.

>As do a third of women

Can't make this shit up lmao


Other urls found in this thread:


>not an argument

t. Ahmed

Sage, faux-controversy. This isn't even funny.

I will comment that I measured my hand and it is 1/4 of an inch longer than Trump's. But nobody in my entire life has ever told me that I have small hands.


Counter-sage :^)

Hmmmm. Would I rather have big hands or billions of dollars with a 7.5 inch cock??? I wonder...

>nobody in my entire life has ever told me that I have small hands

"Mom told me I was the prettiest girl at the ball!"

>7.5 inch cock


His hands (and penis) are too small relative to the rest of his body. This is a problem for America, anons.

Evidence: I took this photo yesterday evening.

It's pretty fucking funny, user.

lmao saved

>manlets so bitter they resort to hand size as an insult for trumps 7.3" hands

also, care to post the source of your data? Highly doubt .3" below average already puts you to the 15th percentile. In addition, the measurement method isn't standardized, other sources have the average adult male hand at 7.44", just .14" above trumps hands.

If we wanted to continue in this direction, we could also make fun of obama for only being 6'1" tall whereas trump is 2" taller at the perfect male height.

>also, care to post the source of your data?

It's in the OP, Trumpcuck.

Jesus Christ...

>washington post
top kek, nice cherrypicked peoples-magazine tier trash

give me actual data you low IQ mongrel

> they are all black, so trump is racist

>I prefer Breitbart and Infowars links


I have tiny hands this makes me feel bad

>when you wear small gloves and the thumbs still have room

>It's pretty fucking funny, user.
>this is humor
Fucking child

>I have tiny hands this makes me feel bad

Trump knows your pain. Have you considered putting on a massive wig and exaggerating your wealth to compensate?

It's at the Strand bookstore in NYC. Stop by and purchase your own Trump hand.

Is it irritable bowel syndrome you suffer from or something else that causes such ill humor?

>I shill for 1 cent a post


just checked the data btw, first off the measurement method is different, the data I mentioned relied on a measurement similar to the scribd-graphic in the OP, putting trump .15" below the average. given the stddev of .39" you can see on first sight that there is no actual issue, his hands are still in the lower average range (i.e. equivalent of being 5'10" tall).

Tl;dr: Biased non-factual accusations, nothing to see here.
Bind dir den Strick um den Hals Achmed.

Based NYC.

>being THIS defensive of Trump's tiny, tiny hands
You do realize he won't sleep with you, right? He won't fist you either. Because of his tiny, tiny hands.

My hand is 7.5 inches by Tim only 5 9'
Am I a handlet

his hands are most likely still bigger than yours, dirty turkroach midget

>Am I a handlet

Are you running for President of the United States, and would your tiny, tiny hands have trouble pushing the button?

Then you're fine.

>all of a sudden, hand size DOES matter


There is a 33% chance that Hillary's hands are bigger than Trump's.

On the other hand, his tits are probably bigger than hers, so it all evens out.

Okay first off. You're wrong about the average human hand. It's actually 7.44 inches in length. Trump's hand is 7.25 inches in length. Which would mean that his hand is 0.007480315 inches shorter than the average human, which is basically nothing. Also why are we even talking about this? Do honestly think this is a good "argument" against Trump?

>Shills are getting desperate

>7.44'' - 7.25'' = 0.007480315

American education.


Why does this even matter?

I don't care if they're small, I just want to shake them

>I just want to shake them

Be very very gentle or they'll break!

>tfw his hands are bigger than mine

Can you confirm that small hands = small dick?

You complain about trumps hand size, but how big is hillarys vagina?

Wide and open, like the border if she's elected

Too big for your virginal micropenis, user. It's taken Bill for years and you're not going to match up, I'm afraid.

>but how big is hillarys vagina?

Yeah, that's really gonna help your messiah win the women vote :^)

lmao Trump is toast

CNN and the MSM think they have Donald Trump on the ropes. The Globalists and Cronyists that they work for will not prevail. The American Public will see through it and elect Trump as the next PRESIDENT!
Watch short video here youtube.com/watch?v=zRpeCyb7BGs

How severe is a person's autism when they make the same thread about Donald Trump's hands every day?

>Watch short video

Not nearly as short as Trump's hands.

why are some people so obsessed with trumps penis?

>why are some people so obsessed with trumps penis?

His supporters love penis.



>this thread
Fighting the good fight, mohammed?

>Fighting the good fight, mohammed?

Are you, Shlomo? :^)

Wow, I was wondering what the new shill material would be. Now all of a sudden all of the shills are posting the small hands may may in unison. It's just sad and pathetic at this point. He's going to win and there's nothing these liberal retards can do but shit their diapers in hysteria.

>He's going to win

The delusion is REAL!


Just measured my hand, it's almost 8 inches long. Not sure if that's good or bad. Never cared about or noticed hand size.

>A person's hand size is measured by the length of their hand. A British Study found that hand sizes for males range from 6.25" to 8.1" with an average hand size of 7.44".[1] Female hand sizes overlap, but are generally somewhat smaller, with an average size of 6.77". Hand tools are frequently designed for the "average male" hand.

>Hand tools are frequently designed for the "average male" hand.

Holy shit, Trump probably needs to buy his scissors and cutlery at the midget store.

Nah I'm over 6 inches

Am I supposed to post my hand? I'm betting I'm in that third

no, you must post something else

>tfw every girl my age has bigger hands than me
>tfw i always mentally compare my hands to everyone elses
>feel some relief when there's a guy my age similar size hands to me
>tfw pretty overweight but hands, wrists and arms are still twiggy alien tier


I have yuge fucking hands, but tbqh pham, hand size is not relative to dick size, because if it was, I would have a 12 inch cock

how long will we allow these german filth to subvert our fair and prosperous nations?


Seriously though, CNN had an entire segment dedicated to the hand outline a couple of days ago, it was ridiculous.
>lol his hands are small let's send a reporter to make a story about that
Jesus Christ, really?

TFW You realize that most people's hands are larger because they're fat fucking pigs.

Half of America's women are certified hambeasts. Checks out, Ahmed.

no worries, easy fix

>whe the hand flew off
my sides

Please delete this. Thank you.


Your vagina has no power here. Leave.

so yours are smaller? how cute
>he's now turned into a mad dwarf



>he's now turned into a mad dwarf

This would secure me the much coveted polcuck admiration, I should totally run for president!

Triggered? :^)

German superiority triggers the weak.

Probably black women, they're pretty masculine. I was with this black chick who had a clit that was bigger than my dick. kind of gross desu

get pegged



I'm screencapping these because they make me happy

>25 posts by this ID

it's time to stop posting ahmed

>Moooooooom, he's posting COMMENTS in a THREAD!!!!!!


It's too bad German engineering couldn't do anything for your mother. My condolences.

>It's too bad German engineering couldn't do anything for your mother. My condolences.

It also couldn't do anything against your melanin rate. My condolences.

You Mongolian rape babies aren't even worth saving anymore. The German people are dead.

>he German people are dead.

Much like your sex life. Triggered? :^)

Holy fuck I don't even think my hand is 7 inches tall, it might even be shorter than the average woman...

What the fuckkk

Written by Kim Soffen, "Graphics and Wonkblog Intern". A fucking intern and a woman. Color me surprised.
But wait..something is actually missing. There is no conclusion to this "data", she just wrote this shit down and that's it.

Literally one of the most pointless articles I've read in my life. In fact, what is the point of this thread?

Don't be a pussy.

>I have nothing to attack the Don with
>I will stoop to attacking physical appearance

if he had no hands I'd still vote for him over a fucking stroke victum

I've seen horses with dicks too small for Hillary mate.
I'm actually not sure if there are any species on the planet who would qualify not to have a 'virginal micropenis' in front of her.

>Have a legitimate corrupt criminal running for office
>Leftist media tries to cover this up
>Instead they go after some businessman with personal attacks

>I have taken an intense interest in horse dicks and I've studied them profoundly





>I am ignorant and proud.
Knowing things is for nerds amirite?

>If you don't know everything there is to know about glorious horse dick, you're a loser


>If you don't know anything about anything only then are you not a loser.
How long have you been on Sup Forums yet you don't know how to identify animal dicks?

hand size is usually measured from pinky to thumb

I looked up average male hand height and it said 7.4 inches, I am personally nowhere near that.

Nice, now I can jerk myself off with the hand of DJT

America cannot endure 4 years of a President with tiny disgusting mouse-hands.

Trump BTFO

>This isn't even funny.

\Yes it is, because he gets so pissy about it.


Wtf? I hate trump now

And with the amount of M to F trannies in the world I'm sure most (((women))) have a bigger cock then him, what's your point?