>war mongering murdering theiving child molester was a good guy, just listen to this murdering theiving child molester
He's outright lying.
Islamic theology states that if a later verse of the Quran contradicts and earlier one, the later one prevails.
After mohammad got a larger following in Mecca, he started waging war on everything and the evil siege/battle verses came out.
Hear that? The war verses came before the peace ones. So the war verses are the ones to focus on.
wtf I love Islam now
i'd like to see david wood wipe the floor with this hairy cunt with a smirk on his face the whole time desu
You mean the war verses came after the peace ones.
Your a shill a weak minded fool.
I've never been convinced by any man or person.
I never change my mind or viewpoint.
your post is full of tense contradictions
>Isis doesn't represent moderate Muslims
So, moderate Muslims represent Isis?
Do you seriously believe he is telling the truth?
Muhammad was a warlord. He founded a religion as a means to gain power and influence in Arabia, and as a way of giving his followers a common enemy in the form of nonbelievers, which he would use as a pretext for his conquests. His successors continued this conquest. There is nothing more to it.
I don't see how you can be dedicated enough to an idea to wear a literal towel on your head, and not be considered a radical.
Same goes with nuns, and priests. But they represent maybe .1-.2% of the christian population compared to >50% of the muslim population.
Mohammed suffered from schizophrenia, he can write those positive things but he suffered from paranoia and delusions.
It's same as following Jim Jones as your prophet. Sure, he did some good things and was seen as a messiah, but in the end he made people drink the Kool-Aid.
says the guy with a che guevara t shirt
not even defending islam,but i wont listen to this faggot
I mean, if Mohammed appeared today, he would be seen same way as David Koresh, Shoko Asahara or Jim Jones. A crazy guy who was leading a cult. We've seen countless of these cult leaders and where it leads certain type of people who are weak to brainwashing, so why it's so hard to understand Mohammed was exactly like this?
It's ironic, you fuck.
It is not about gaining people's trust and defeating them, it's about survival. You can only lie if you fear for your life or fear persecution. A recent example is you can say you convert to Christianity so you are of less risk to be deported since being deported is bad for you.
Steven Crowder
is today some type of ISIS raid?!? 5th thread on FP
Lying to preserve your life is only the first step of survival. The next step would be to remove your opposition, and the easiest way to do that would to be having your enemy unguarded or in a false sense of security.
Who is this based man ?
Yes, right here.
apparently a french exiled in Finland
Steven Crowder is an authoritarian, reactionist, Christian, neo-liberal nut bag though
don't really take him seriously
"Islam is truly a religion of peace and tolerance"
From 632 to 1915 the Arab and Turkish Islamic Caliphates launched yearly Jihads against the peoples of Europe, taking slaves, razing cities and looting to their hearts content. All one has to do is look at the history of Islam to discover that Islam is nothing more than an imperial ideology masquerading as a religion.
I believe there's a loophole there, however. Jihad is defined as "an eternal struggle against unbelievers". Taqiyya is defined as permitting a Muslim to lie in self-defense. Now, it's not far fetched to consider that Jihad is treated as always defensive on the Muslim's part, since it is an eternal struggle against the infidels according to them, whether it be true or not.
So Taqiyya (and the Sunni equivalent) can technically be permitted due to them always defending themselves.
Let not the believers take the disbelievers as Auliya (supporters, helpers, etc.) instead of the believers, and whoever does that will never be helped by Allah in any way, except if you indeed fear a danger from them. And Allah warns you against Himself (His Punishment), and to Allah is the final return. (Quran 3:28)
See? It says right here that you cannot make friends with a non-believer, except if you believe them to be a threat. In other words, you can lie to the non-believers to gain their trust.
Haha, nice try britbong.
ı mean peace not pee fug
Matthew 7
15Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16By their fruit you will recognize them.
Naw you were right about the piss
It's ironic, retard. It actually says something about the atrocities committed by socialism.
weak rhymes, uninspired flow, shitty clothes
I feel a light 6 out 72 virgins
wouldnt bump in the whip
Michel Paulat
fucken oath
>cussing an entire religion in broken english
The shirt literally says socialism is for fags, censored of course.
wtf I hate Islam now
The mekkanik verses stand before the medinic in the quran. According to your biased logic all the violent parts get ruled out
Brazil once again shows up to offer nothing but retardation.
Why the fuck are all of you people stupid?
Fuck off paki and take your muhammed with you.
He's a Christian libertarian. Literally none of his views are authoritarian, aside from his being pro-life which is far more complex than an individual rights vs government issue.
This is the design on his shirt
>Christian libertarian
Conservative, not libertarian....
Pretty nice general of the pigs.
Check out this other video where this muzzie got BTFO
Thanks for this burger.
I dint knew this guy, but this video was spot on.