Why the fuck do grown-ass men watch cartoons?

Why the fuck do grown-ass men watch cartoons?

Ask Sup Forums

Because weed

Jesus christ i was in ninth grade when south park aired for the first time. I feel soo old man.

Because it's fun.

because it's not about how ideas are communicated but the ideas themselves

Because being a grown ass man does not mean you can't like cartoons. who gives a shit if they're drawn.

That's like asking why young kids watch porn.

Why do grown men go on a Norwegian whaling forum to complain about things others do?

Who cares

Seasons 1-10 are hilarious

Whats with people saying grown "ass" man all the time? Just say grown man you faggots

Why do grown ass men browse Sup Forums?

chans are pretty much the only place where the spirit of pre-2006 internet is slightly preserved.

boards are really bad and unfunny, but at least you can be anonymously terrible to other people online here

Because we like a good woman's ass, faggot.

why do grown-ass men watch capeshit? why do grown-ass men post bait on vietnamese fabric weaving boards?

Why do grown ass men browse Sup Forums? Don't you have real friends to talk to?

user is my friend.

question begged: why were grown ass men attracted to pre-2006 internet or want it back

South Park was always fucking garbage

Forced nigger colloquialism forced upon us by mainstream media.
>use it and you are "stealin from da black people like white folks always be doin"
>refuse it and you are a racist

answerAnimation allows people to be creative and make messages that would otherwise cost a lot more to make because of real world logistics: shooting on location, special effects, and of course hiring an actor to do a role that specifically makes fun of that actor...just can't be done irl.

Why the fuck do grown-ass men watch sports?

Why the fuck would a grow hairy ass man watch people play make believesies and dressy upsies?

Because it's better.


The real answer is alienation from mainstream society.

No it's not.

Because it's much better than 70% of the trash on nowadays

I have an active interest in the art of animation & wish to put some out in the near future

that said, I can't watch ANY modern cartoons. they disgust me

flippity floppity floop

why grown ass men post on Cambodian basket weaving forums?

childhood is idolizing Stan
adulthood is realizing Randy makes more sense