Take pride in your race!
Together we march!
Neue SA general #3
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14/88 my friend.
Joining in from last one
Reiterating what I said in the last thread. Why are you obsessed with the SA when they were basically Commies?
This isn't a EXACT copy of the SA, a few things have changed.
They were the NSDAPs security troops.
Their very purpouse was beating the shit out of commies.
I still stand behind using the old stuff we made for the order of the frozen ash as our symbols. we made it for Sup Forums and it is totally unique content.
It is leaderless, it is Sup Forums'S
Still, it would be better to redpilled normie's than associate with a gay, Commie group from Nazi Germany.
Their leader Rohm wanted a partnership with the Soviets and Germany to basically become Commie. (Albeit with no Jews)
Reposting my post, please consider it!
First things first, be it an anti leftist/communist group, but don't associate yourself with the nazis.
If you want to debate people and not curb stomp them, you wont get people to join you if you have swastikas or similar everywhere, where did you idiots even come up with that. Make a symbol, a round symbol, with tons of curves, not edges everywhere as that implies something hard, painful to touch.
Something like a wave would be good as it represents a single form, with power to slowly change it's surrounding.
If you want to get recognized, you must never, even mention race, instead patriotism.
And what is the fucking worst, the german everywhere, are you guys larping nazis or do you actually want to achieve something?
Do you think that the nationalists in Asia, which are undebatably the most patriotic say heil Hitler and 1488? Have you ever read a book?
Our main goal is to redpill Normies, yes.
You know you love it
Don't worry, we are lowering down on the Nazi symbols.
The only things that are Nazi are our inspiration and our uniforms (which don't have Nazi symbols on them)
Seeing as he was only in the Nazi regime for about a year, i think it is unfair to base the entirety of the SA around his beliefs.
... He was also the leader of the SA. Once he left the SA went with him. They were all gay and wanted a Socialist revolution.
Dressing up as Nazis isn't going to do that.
Man, i was always a fan of the German Eagle.
Exept the new one, that one sucks.
Uniforms aren't really Nazi by look.
We have no armbands and no Nazi insignia.
(The flag has changed too)
A fucking BIRD
The SA existed untill 1945, it just went under the command of the SS.
In your logic the SS would be even worse than the SA seeing as the SS was a child agency to the SA, untill 1934.
its perplexed expression sums up modernity pretty well,though.
It wasn't even close to what it was at it's height. Either way, associating yourself with any Nazi or Fascist movement will basically discredit you.
That was fast
MOST Fascist groups don't do it the way they should do.
They're all skinheads.
whats going on here
Remember you don't want to have something overly complex. People have to be able to acquire these things. Something like for example a simple black shirt, pants, boots and some kind of symbolism aka an armband or badge would be much easier to achieve on mass since everyone has the ability to acquire that kind of stuff.
That bird looks really obese.
The future.
You guys know what allowed the 'old' SA to come to existance?
Tens of millions of people absolutely dissatisfied with the status quo.
Today, those people are still out celebrating the dawning death of their nation.
There is no point in groups like these, if the only ones who would ever consider joining are already being portrayed and seen as the devil by the majority.
The time will come when enough people awaken. That should be everybody's focus now.
We are looking for a symbol brown short, brown trousers, a belt, a Kepi (cheap SA Kepis can be found here epicmilitaria.com)
And some boots.
I hope
Our objective is to teach and redpill the people.
Even going for a fascist agenda is too specific in my view. All we're trying to do is further a nationalist agenda, right? With special specific opposition to Islamism. You can always go full authoritarian after we indoctrinate the moderates.
Don't use brown, use black or gray. The black shirt style is very easy to aquire while fitting brown parts are rare on the market.
These are the Kepis.
I wish I was 100% white...
I agree but the time is coming. We're already seeing left libertarians shift away from the liberal herd. We just want to set up the framework for when the ground is more fertile.
then rethink your approach.
Objective facts and logic will work on the valuable people.
Paroles and Symbols get the sheep under your banner and increase morale.. if you have enough presence
If you don't yet have the presence, all you will do is alienate rather than redpill.
Would you consider yourself white?
It shouldn't matter. If anything, mixed race people would help establish our validity. Like I said, we have to give the 'ad hitlerium' arguments as little to stick to as possible.
I actually concur. If it was up to me I'd do away with uniforms and keep the symbolism to ourselves for now. Keep in touch, exchange ideas on a closed forum and cooperate.
Getting uniforms would be stupid at this point.
Seeing as we have 15 different posters in this thread, located all over the world, we are not nearly large enough for uniforms to matter one bit.
Getting uniforms at this point would be stupid*
How often are you going to make new threads?
yes, the left has come out with some insane bullshit causing a lot of people to swing.
Now there are lots of people who are concerned with freedom of speech etc.
These are the ones you can redpill, but greeting them with 'Heil HiItler' won't help the cause at this point.
first, objective facts and logic,
when they see the issue, ideology
when the numbers are there, posters and paroles
If you are serious about this project to be sort of underground group until there are enough nationalists, you have to set up somewhere else to organize efficiently
Depends. Everyday I hope.
Most white people aren't even 100% white and have small traces of other races. If you look white and consider yourself white, most would consider you white.
How about normal clothes but every member buys a Kepi and sews division uniform into the Kepi?
That's not a Politcal uniform....
Only reason why I post in this thread is I'd love to separate the shitposters from the people who really want to be politically active and actually discuss what to do about all this bullshit. Probably futile but it's fun to play make believe with political ideologies!
Exactly. Alas, I've not the ability to set that up. I'm probably the only person who's actually started on this and actually gotten involved with politics.
Lets not make this about race. I think it's better to talk about 'free speech' and advocate for running the country for the benefit of people who are already here.
you get laughed at walking around in town with a damn kepi, just use single colored shirts and agree on certain type of footwear for now. anything else is over the top and does no good at this time. we can talk about kepis again when its civil war time (which will come no doubt)
You know what they call the 'uniform' of a super fringe political movement? A 'costume'...
I get it, you like iconography, so do I but it's not the time.
You can make threads on Sup Forums but the organization has to be somewhere else.
Take the natsoc general for example, where is it? It runs for a while, and then it's gone and nobody cares, not even the posters.
>Lets not make this about race.
Exactly, it's negative advertising to most.
Another reason why these groups can't be made official. If they were, anyone who heard something from a member of the group would look at the group and see statements they would call extreme
I think we do need a uniform, or at least an item of clothing.
We're making a Forum.
I would agree, was just pointing that out. I don't consider myself a racist, but a nationalist.
>using any brown/khaki colors for anything
fuck off nazi. race identity is for people who haven't accomplished anything - losers. They are mooching off of racial welfare. Guess what? The accomplishments of other white people mean nothing to me. The shortcomings of people with my skin color mean nothing. I am not bound by them. What sort of person things that these things matter?
Should we have different uniforms for different Divisons?
im a strong proponent of /natsoc/ and as much as I love the uniform idea of the 1930s/1940s i dont think it'll pan out as well in this current day and age.
The whole aesthetic of the 1930s/1940s allowed for such uniforms that were seen worn by the SA and SS, because wearing more formal dress on a daily basis was accepted. Today the majority of people loaf around in tshirts and shorts causing a highly casual atmosphere.
I believe that if you want a uniform, i dont see why you would considering you have maybe 10 members who will actually follow you for more than two weeks, it should be more modern and involve more of a suit/tie mantra. Good luck with everything, i will be perusing this board/thread on a daily basis as long as it says alive.
How stupid do people have to be to think that Nazis aren't socialists?
m8 what is your obsession with uniforms?
Have you read this thread? If you want to yell at the 'Hitler did nothing wrong' crowd you ought to find another thread.
just settle with a rough combination of colors for pants/shirt/sweater and something unique
You could wear that anywhere and it would still bring the benefits if you want to identify each other or meet in groups
if you refer to racism as supremacism, yes.
But most nations are racially homogeneous making a distinction pretty much necessary.
That sort of Person that has to watch his country going down the Gutter. Live and in HD.
You'd look like an idiot. You need to be more subtle than dressing up as Karl-Otto Koch.
nice strawman but people in this thread are allready educated about national socialism and know what its about. you can try and stirr up the discussion in other threads, feel free.
>The accomplishments of other white people mean nothing to me.
well maybe that would be true if I was from a non-country like Nicaragua as well
How about a small little button?
small little button + certain colored shirt
An ignorant person (aka product of public schools) watching their country go down the gutter.
It isn't race morons, it is culture. I don't have any problem with Irish though once their were seen about the level as blacks. I don't have any problem with any Asian races in America. These groups assimilated. I have a problem with groups who fight against the culture. You might see those by some shade of skin, but that is shallow. There are very white college professors who are teaching messages of hate for America. There are very white actors in Hollywood who are spouting it. The color of their skin shouldn't matter. Ideology matters. I have a lot more respect for a black man who breaks free of the chains of his ghetto culture and makes something of his life than I have for you nazi wanna-bes who have never accomplished anything and ride the coat tails of your perceived great leaders.
I would always go for something that is just enough to be 99% certain, but still have it be as subtle as possible.
At this stage.. when it's more underground
I am from the US. Traveling in Guatemala right now. Not from here. Can hardly speak any Spanish. Sorry to disappoint.
your race is irrelevant for the ideology you choose to fight for.
It is part of the nation you can be a part of, however.
Immigration nations like America are a different case (though the % demographics should remain roughly the same), but of course America shouldn't be white nor black anyway. The land should belong to the natives. ideally
Yes, I agree, glad we got that settled.
>le race and culture don't go hand in hand maymay
this so much. national socialism is realizing that through history their is continuity, whenever people of their own race got together great things happened and from this events in history we draw duty before pride. its is not about talking others down but instead lift your own people up again and keep the flame lit.
But they don't. If that was the case there wouldn't be so much cultural divergence between ethnic groups of the same race.
Actually being economically and professionally successful everywhere they go.
Yellow niggers without the big dicks.
Fuck you cockroach
Human live as part of a group sharing culture and blood.
Human life is not individual unless you are some sort of left wing clown into solipsism
it just doesn't go both ways.
being french means you are white.
being white doesn't make you french.
>The land should belong to the natives. ideally
Land belongs to those than can hold it.
>An ignorant person (aka product of public schools)
The German School system mainly operates on Public Schools. So, yes. I'm as ignorant as 90% of the rest of Germany.
>It isn't race morons, it is culture.
Partly agree. But there are differences in intellect and agression between Races.
>There are very white college professors who are teaching messages of hate for America.
Race traitors.
>There are very white actors in Hollywood who are spouting it.
Asking for political Opinion from an Actor is never a good idea.
>you nazi wanna-bes who have never accomplished anything
I'm quite pleased with my progress so far.
>ride the coat tails of your perceived great leaders.
I don't like my current leader.
Like I said, there are white college professors who I am ashamed of and would throw out of the country if I could. But you would embrace them as your butt buddy just because of their skin color. YOU are the one betraying the values of the country, not me.
The point was that cultures are an extension of race. It's about preserving nation and identity.
not sure if shitposting.
Brexit won't save you from the muzzies.
As for the cultural darwinist notion, the west and europe could easily hold itself. It's the infiltration that makes it destroy itself.
leftists rely very heavily on group pressure. They shame people with "the debate is over" type rhetoric. Find a better group, that is all I am saying. Group yourselves by ideology, not race. I for one will never hold hands with Hilary Clinton. She isn't my sister. I don't care what color her skin is. I identify by my values, not my color.
That's wrong though. Dissentors were sent to Reeducation camps. They weren't part of the national community.
Seems way too forceful try a calmer more subtle word
you are a Swede, is what i am hearing from all your posts.
you are this women, she thinks exactly like you.
I got a 3D Model of the SS-Hat. I can put your logo on it if you want. I'd suggest something simpler though
Oh, interesting! I made a MK42 Stahlhelm in Blender. Which Software did you use?
Seems good.
Use this.
thats way better!
blender + substance