I've been wondering while looking at my globe. Imagine if Europe had no meme countries. You know, all those artificial states made up for geopolitical reasons (Moldova) and those states made by people who tried to manufacture an independent identity (Croatia). This is honest Europe.
What would Europe look Llke with no meme countries?
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying Portugal is a meme.
But the territory of Latvia and Estonia has been in the same boarders for almost a thousand years
>no meme countries
>"celts" is a country
>Implying Germany isn't a meme
you have basically always been part of Poland or Russia. Give you to Poland. congrats, you are less of a meme than estonia at least
couldnt really call it ireland. was tempted to say 'fucking celts' but it felt like overkill
why historical sources mention Serbs in antiquity but not Croats ever?
> meme tier
both ireland and scotland are full on meme countries so you should just put them back into the uk.
Historically we've been a part of Germany, founded by Germans after the Northern Crusades.
Even during the Russian Empire German nobility and local leaders were in charge. Same during the Swedish and Polish-Lithuanian rule.
We even had collonies in South America
Lines on a map are for autists, they mean nothing in reality.
Fuck off, you history illiterate.
Holy shit! Latvia is right. The history books have been lying. Check out this ancient map of the Latvian Empire!
All hail Latvia!
who gives a shit who is mentioned,croats always had better army than serbs , Constantin himself called croats to fuck up Avars and after that fucked up bulgarian kingdom, even Napoleon said if he had 100 000 croat soilders he would conquer world , oh and we stmearolled serbs in 95 in just 2 days, so fuck off with serbia meme
>no portugal
>norway is not part of sweden
You are just a catholic serb, silly boy
Why are the Gauls independent and why don't we have those small islanders
They're closer to us than Denmark REEEEEEEEEEEE
look who's talking United Kingdom of Mudslimes
go praise allah
>removing Switzerland and Gibraltar
>keeping Denmark
WEW lad
pretty good senpai
what the fuck is this KFC
Stop calling us Scottish people Celts, you mong. We're basically Anglos who pretend to be Celts because we're full of separatist wankers.
nice power balances
doesn't know shit, is shit
>Hungary that tiny
>leaving Russia that random fucking exclave in Poland
>Iceland not Independent
>that awful celt shit (scots are mostly just different speaking anglo-saxons anyways)
>No basquelands
wtf I hate this user.
where's netherlands
Water Germans are still Germans.
>this map
I like this one
Why is Poland still there?
>Channel Islands to France
>no meme countries
>Poland is on the map.
Europe based on language family.
Strong state with a (relatively) common culture.
>breaking up the UK
No user Nice is in south France!
>he actually fell for the fucking cornwall meme
didn't you vote for that kek
They were more relevant than you
>romania kicked out of the red cool kids
not very nice
you're right.
I fixed it
it would lack memes
who is she? she looks hot
>not meme
Epic Gross Germaniums my friend, simply epik
I think that geographic proximity also is an important factor
Having a country split with that big oversee territory just can't work.
Britney Spears
I wonder if Macedonians would rather be part of Bulgaria or Serbia?.
Their language is close to Bulgar than Serb, so is their culture probably.
Do not forget all of South America with Spain
> Finland
> Not a meme country
The only reason Finland exist is because we had to give Russia something. It's not a real country. If you want to say Finland is their own country you could just as well claim that Gothica should be its own country, or Svealand.
Why no Czech Republic or Slovakia?.
What the fuck is Poortugal anyways?
If that ain't east prussia kill self
This is sexy, but Scandinavia should be part of Germania!
Wow does nobody here like small Buffer states to relieve border tensions? Really?
Learn to love your buffer states properly guys they're so cozy looking!
Switzerland should technically be split between Italy France and Germany.
And fucks sake give Germany it's real eastern border again
Why didn't you include portions of france and spain?
It seems like Sven has finished of eating his somalian bulls cum out of his wifes pussy hole just in time to shitpost on this thread about superior Finland. Nice try Åke Cuckenström
Name one flaw
>Cetatea Alba si Nordul Bucovinei la rusi
You realise that Southern Scotland is English, right?
Ever wonder about Edinburgh? Literally Edwin's Borough?
It's Anglo-Saxon property. It's the difference between Highlanders and Lowlanders.
>no Portugal
You're a meme, baka senpai
What are those islands? Are those our slave colonies?
More like
Sweden is not the Islamic Republic of Swedeb
Holy shit, that actually looks like a young version of my dad
should be "Suomen Imperiumi"
Or Suomen Keisarikunta.
Why is Saudi Arabia finnish?
>No Hungary
> Who cares
The capital should rather be called Suur-Helsinki.
Imperiumi is a foreign word and should have no place in official use.
A better name would be Suomen valtakunta.
And don't even get me started on that stupid eagle.
I guess I found three. Better luck next time, little brother.
I love you Eesti
You let Sweden be a part of it.
Concentration camp islands of racially inferior populations of norway, denmark and sweden, replaced with untainted Aryan Finns.
n-am rabdare sa trasez granitele
Serbia is a meme country.
They suck russian shlong for 24/7
Instead put germany,turkey or greece incthe balkans.
Wtf that looks like Pepe in the 60s.
I do
Because those celts are competant
>no meme countries
>Germany exists
Sounds amazing. I would be stationed in Aland gassing swedes
You're a part of Spain, fucking Lusitania
The gypsies are thirsty for stealing even more rightful Hungarian clay.
>Albania exists
>Russia has Königsberg
>Finland isn't larger
>Ireland isn't part of the UK
>Wales and Scotland aren't part of the UK
>no Slovenia or Croatia (Serbia is gr8 m8 but unity doesn't work for them)
Because that would be fucking retarded
>Great Serbia
>Portugal part of Spain
not an argument
Romania bringing the bantz
agree. fuck off swedenistan
How cute
this guy gets it
hungarian butthurt is not like slavic butthurt, its more phlegmatic, not wild. but it is persistent.
tell you what hun, lets split catholic serbia aka croatia, you can get an outlet to the sea, and we ll get rightful serbian clay.