Fuck you Germoney and your mini pieces of shit. Any white Americans buying these faggot cars should be fucking shot
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Welp, time to make them meet reality. Gib dislikes...
They are just trying to such money out of cucks. They don't buy things unless they feel like they are betraying their race. Don't blame the fag bug 2.0 blame the fags that by those cars
Whites aren't good at sports big deal.
Think you may have missed the point, user
>It's a Sup Forums demonstrates horseshoe theory by chimping out like an SJW over menial shit episode
I still want an M2.
I-is Mercedes okay?
Thanks op my wife's son really enjoyed this commercial
Fucking Germany keep your shitty cuck cars over in cuckland. REEEEE
>downplaying validity via liberal snark
Fuck off, Colbert
Only sandniggers buy bmw anyways. White people stick to Audi.
The funny one to watch will be if Soccer every gets a pro America image.
I knew many a liberal in my younger days who gushed over the sport because the USA didn't do well in it. If USA got even a slight bit better, say they start making the top 16 on a regular basis instead of the top 32, will Liberal still like the sport.
The USA players have got the memo to be pro America too. I bet the lib's will start saying that Soccer is "too macho" these days.
The mercedes CEO welcomed refugees with the words "These men are young, well educated and motivated. They're exactly the people we need."
Mercedes now employs something like 70 refugees btw.
Oh, and they're also implementing female quotas.
they used to be
BMW = Black Mans Wheels
The only acceptable German car is AUDI
Why the fuck would buy an arabic car in the first place?
Sup Forums = alt-right SJWs
I just down voted the video
Fuck diversity
Only faggots buy minis, BMW knows that, so they have to cater to them.
Im still mad at how bmw killed mini
>small, pure economy car that is incredibly popular
>I know, let's turn it into a large luxury car!
The modern mini is the precise opposite of what the original mini was supposed to be
Yah. You should all either buy GM, Dodge or Ford to support Canada. You know you are driving quality too, as Canada is making the best automobiles on earth right now. No idea why you stupid burgers literally gave us this gift.... I mean shit.... You bail out GM with billions of dollars, they take the money and come to Canada. Talk about being cucked.
Fighting fire with fire hardly makes the redpill blue
why do mudshits love 20 year old BMWs, mercedes and audis so much?
Imagine none of the non-whites don't even win.
Mohammed and the Williams sisters have already lost, so that's about a third of them so far.
Of course it's a German company.
Because they are the only poser cars they can afford.
Audi's are overpriced shitboxes
They're barely catching up with Western countries.
Same with blacks buying Rolexes and other high end items. Those aren't as high class any more.
Chevrolet and Jaguar are the only white man's car brand left
Remember, Only Volkswagen can keep you fahrfromjuden
Would any of those 70 jobs have gone to Germans or were they specifically created for the mudshits?
Here's a video from Mini's Youtube account. Down vote it into oblivion.
>not based Toyota, Nissan and Suzuki
These are literally the only acceptable cars to drive as a proud white man
What about sports cars like Ferrari and Porsche, if you can afford them that is.
>this is my car (ok not an actual picture of it but close)
>literally the most Canadian car. Only American thing about it is the brand and engine
>near indestructible
>actual room inside to sit 4 people comfortably
>you can actually for things in the trunk
>actual v8 with some actual speed
Mine doesn't have the cow catcher though
>leaving out mans best friend and most loyal ally the Honda
Gas yourself.
The fact that there's a FUCKING RAPEFUGEE TEAM should tell you that the world is beyond saving now
No Ferrari, SOROS owns shares in Ferrari.
Lamborghini is fine, even though expensive, you don't lose too much money with them.
RR and Bentley are overpriced and you will lose a lot of money.
Don't know about Lexus
>crown vics and fairly priced petrol will never be available in australia
Niggers can't even afford BMW
You should keep increasing taxes on petrol, that'll fix it
What about ford
>still owned by Henry Fords direct descendants
>it's rumoured they're still redpilled on the Jews (but have to hide it for business of course)
Some of their new cars are a bit... Tiny. However they are designed to save on fuel which is a big plus up here when the federal government imposes 5 different enviro taxes on your goddamned gas
i keep getting tired of how they promote that fencer
do they realize that most of us never even had a shot to do that? that it's literally a city/rich-person's sport? must be nice for her that she has means, but she looks stuck-up and privileged to most americans
Sheeeeit forgot about based Honda, a truly red pulled car
I feel like this kind of thing is the work of the marketing section of these big companies who are populated by women and other leftists.
Meanwhile men are actually creating the products women are thinking with their vaginas on how they can attach some social justice message to everything from inside the marketing section of the company.
USA is turning into Europe, you cannot stop this.
Ford was only redpilled under Henry ford himself, after him the company only care about profit
Sport fencing is a joke
loads of sports in the olympics are joke, no body does them so why to they get so much attention and praise for winning in them
who the fuck does dressage or water polo yet we are meant to fap over the golds given
>implying BMW doesn't refuse Jews and non-whites to managing positions still
BMW is based
You guys do have modern Ford Falcons right?
My dad has a 1960 one from back before they stopped making them. Pretty neat car
What do your cops drive? I got the police interceptor model pretty cheap when I was in Vancouver and I then took it apart cleaned it up and modified the exterior so as to not look like a cop.
There should be some way to import a Vic from Canada or somewhere right? It wouldn't be right hand drive but I know of people here with Australian made cars.
It's the other way around. Yanks and Jews, bad news.
You're mistaken, user.
Only us whites can be privileged
The only White Man's vehicles are Audi, Volvo, BMW, Alfa Romeo, Jaguar and Range Rover.
I've been seeing this pic a lot around lately. What's the story?
Average Australian by 2050
And all those vaginas were undoubtedly quota hires
women are not properly oppressed. That's the problem
it's rick harrison the pawn shop show guy
im glad BMW is getting their muslim pussies pounded by tesla.
Fuck this shit. We're all in the same (white) boat. Our governments hate their own people. Conservatives are cucked beyond the point of return.
In germany, we are now discussing migrant quotas in managing positions of companies ... '''free market''' my ass. DIVERSITY IS STRENGTH.
Wonder why they hate us? They dont, actually. Its all capitalism. Keeps the wages low ...
It's just Graham turned into a Pepe
>look at how clever I think I am everyone
>look! look!
>BWM promotes this "muh diversutehyy" to libtards with the only car they can afford
> some of Sup Forums cries because they out-jew other car companies, because they think "they pollute mah aryan blood" and "promote shitskins"
We'll never let it get as bad as New Pakistan laddie
>"they pollute mah aryan blood" and "promote shitskins"
unprincipled cuck/Ahmed detected
Any conservative whites who try to galvanize themselves are immediately branded as a lunatic fringe group by msm. Whites need a voice in the media before ANYTHING ELSE
Maybe the Quattro. The 1.8 and 2.0t's are shit. Over engineered mess. I've had 3 audis and 2 vw. I was an ameritard thinking I was supporting some sort of white heritage by buying them. Not any more. The guys over at the local Audi dealership in ATL call to see if I would come back in and buy another. He was a black guy named Marlon. I redpilled him on the current rapefugee problem and told him I was never buying another German automobile. Told the poor guy I was buying a Cadillac. It was glorious.
Yes, Honda is perfect. Have a 2007 Civic with 90K miles, still runs perfect and gets up to 40MPG on highway
Stealth wealth Americans drive tahoes/suburbans/ denials/ pickups or used cadillacs
elitist anti american/ spoiled rotten trust fund kids/ faux wealth who lease luxury cars drive European cars
Blame both, cuck. Integrity is important
nike clothes are made by slaves oh the ironing
But we do accept hierarchies: the hierarchy of liberals being smarter, more educated and wealthier than conservatives.
Thanks. I haven't had such a hearty kek in a good while.
Ah, so it's classic "all the animals are equal" then.
>the hierarchy of liberals being smarter, more educated and wealthier than conservatives
How much is a fried egg sandwich in that fantasy world you live in?
But, what happ- Oh....
Nice work on the dislikes, phamalam
Only buy jap cars
What the fucking irrelevant bullshit.
There is a huge difference between a goatfucking sandnigger who blows himself up after a machete attack after running over people and an olympic athlete who was duped into becoming muslim.
It doesn't change that they are still those things, like fatherless, black, cancer survivors, niggers, retards, whatever.
What the backwards fuck?
>jap cars
>not plagiarized tasteless garbage
>There is a huge difference between a goatfucking sandnigger who blows himself up after a machete attack after running over people and an olympic athlete who was duped into becoming muslim
Nigger what the fuck are you talking about?
This is about a car company latching on to the current of anti-white sentiment in America in an effort to sell vehicles.
Slither away, kike
I have literally canvassed thousands of Canadian houses during elections and I can tell you there are very few lefties in most wealthier neighborhoods.
Cricket is the only sport worth watching anyway.
>he's not a Miata fanboy
Fkn this. White people buy Audi or Mercedes (except that one ghetto turk AMG version) in germany if they have the money. They are the only "status symbols" left. BMW isnt seen anymore as a german status symbol, it was hijacked by turks. CULTURAL APPROPRIATION, DONT BY BMW TURK SCUM.
If you see a BMW, most of the time a non german sits in it or if it's a german, he is above 40yo and it's a model the degenerates can't afford.
They were most likely created for the mudshits so that they have something to do. Muh propaganda.
One of the black guys seemed really upset about being black.
Or so BMW could trot out their diversity statistics to impress Merkel