What would a Sup Forums show or even comic be like?
What would a Sup Forums show or even comic be like?
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>30 minutes away
remove jews from the tv
That christ-chan comic was mode by someone from Sup Forums.
So like that, I assume
Well for ONE thing it'd already have an official site and logo
Maybe a issue 1 cover and patreon page?
Id even say it'd have some evil brown lolis as the villains for the first issue, who already have porn of them before the comic even came out
But since Sup Forums cant agree on the looks of characters, there would be a design page where sketches are placed as reference for the final design later
Im willin to bet that such a comic would have characters based on world famoys politicians, like women who desperately want to be called Native American. Such characters would make for great storytelling where many scripts could be written
Last but not least i think if such a comic existed, there'd be a Discord server where people can come to write in all their suggestions and see whatsup.
But thats just me.
>youve lived long enough to see a Sup Forums comic reboot
Wasn't expecting to see your promotion, OhPee.
It wouldn't be this autistic, I know that.
It would probably be something like this great show.
>this premium deluxe bait
I think if we made a show, we should have funny characters who act kind of like Sheldon and Leonard
got any more character designs of hill and don? or anybody? this is cute.
Steven Universe
>intergalactic Nazi empire
Thanks for the words! We're gonna do Donny right after Huma. But first we gotta color and shade Hillary.
Is this tumblr lip?
The fuck is that?
>that puffy skirt to hide her diaper
>he doesnt wanna embarass hilloli plunging nose first into pantydiaper
Its like you dont wanna spray on her tits
Fuck outta here with the IRL pedoshit. Only kid love C&C encourages is between based Donny and Mel. And maybe Benny with his fatfucking humungasaur of a nigress Candy
Blow a load to the rule34 i dont mind but kids are kids m8
You see that /wsg/ thing? I would watch that show
/wsg/ thing? mind explainin?
Stop shilling your tumblr shit OP.
Ive had a few people last thread apologize for doubting this when i first brought the idea
Trust me user, we're gonna make comics great again. You'll be a believer in Sup Forums too
Big Bang Theory is the blackface of nerd culture
It would be this for 45 minutes straight
you must not know where you are
I dont care if im on Mars senpai. Shouldnt pedophilia be as naturally disgusting to us as incest is? For the betterment of passing genes youre supposed to go for fertile older women outside your family with child ass baring hips to hear clap in the bedroom, right? With thick fucking voluptuous women like pic related? Whats not to want man. Anyone who days otherwise is defective and unable to compete in the evolutionary line.
fuck YOU you fucking faggot.
if you knew better you`d know there is scientific EVIDENCE that lolis feel sexual stimulation at age THREE
No such motherfucking thing.
It would be called "How can you be this Autistic" And it would be Sup Forumsacks coming to tell their greentext stories/Show their "Collections". The public vote for which of these 5 anons is the most autistic, Percentage are worth points, And 3 judges vote on the autism level of these anons, Those don't work in percentage, They can all give -10 points or +10 points and everything inbetween to any user.
Oh and the judges are Sam hyde, Milo and Donald trump.
ironic cuz ur an autist for posting that
Why not make it anime tho? This is Sup Forums after all.
desu the team figured an american style would be easiest to appeal to mass audiences who could be redpilled and entertained at the same time. doing it in eastern animation might be taken as weeb
> doing it in eastern animation might be taken as weeb
As it should be. Sup Forums is basically nazis, weebs and pedophiles.
By your low use of letters, I'd say you're dyslexic.
I know but dont you think western animation is more charming? I mean we arent jews but patreon seems to take real kindly to american games/videos and shit. Besides anime has been done to death.
practical joke show where we catch rapefugees at the border with overly complicated mantraps
Murdoch Murdoch
>I know but dont you think western animation is more charming?
I really don't. But I guess whatever works for you.
Refugees Welcome
There has never been a good anime other than Cowboy Bebop.
Debate me.
Hey i remember you! Are you the artist? Just want to say i hope you like what little we have so far. Im real excited for this project.
Who can hate that face though?
Thats actually what i thought too first time seeing it.
pretty much.
wayyy to cutesy to represent a conniving bitch
these are absolutely unbearable if the lolis have a love interest. stay cucked
Something like this
>brown lolis
>fat ginger
This isn't Sup Forums.
>the Negroids have colored eyes
No sex before puberty mate, sex without precreation is pointless.
fuck off
aesthetic ID
>Just calling them points.
>And not Good Boy Points
not riskin it
I long for the day these are bannable
the only reason pedophilia is an issue is that for the last like 1-200years we live longer and longer
when the average age of death is in your 30s and 40s having kids with 14 year olds is pretty fucking important
>having children with older women
>a good idea
enjoy your autistic kids and assorted birth defects
this shit is why I'm leaving Sup Forums. One less trump supporter, I hope you're happy
i love it when theyre absolutely surprising like those Fallout 4 spoiler ones
>tfw no Moonman the animated series
>not Garisson
cammy is love cammy is love
camey needs to be MAGAd
make ass great again
MLP already exists, famalam.
how is MLP Sup Forums?
commie detected.