Christianity general: No fedora tier memes edition

Daily Reminder that Christianity is the reason we managed to prosper this far ahead of every other civilization and that the reason we are quickly crumbling is because we decided we don't need it anymore.

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its not that simple. west was crumbling before people stopped believing in Christianity. fucking protestants.

> Thinking a Church started 1500 years after Christ is the true Church
> fucking kek

I want to start with a dicussion about the current Pope situation: Are Catholics obligated to follow the pope even though they might not agree with his attitudes towards immigrants and homosexuals? Is there a way of fixing this without starting a new psudoprotestant movement?

>Two Thousand And Sixteen
>Not worshipping KeK

>Christianity is the reason we managed to prosper
Where the fuck did you get that from?

>Implying protestanism didn't serve as a proper reality check for the at the time corrupt Catholic church.

I agree, my fellow white American. Let's circumcise our children and spend billions shipping weapons to kikes!

>even though they might not agree with his attitudes towards immigrants
You can't very well be Christian and not want to help all the poor scum of the world.

>implying the catholic church weren't themselves heretics

The root of the degeneration of society is the rapid growth of the internet and its accessibility.

It put too much power in the hands of too many fools, and now the world is paying the price because every dipshit thinks he is an enlightened philosopher before the age of 12. I don't know how to fix this and restore the prevalence of the faith in society, but something has to be done.

I agree but his attitude his compasion is completely misguided, accepting mass immigration does more harm than good. It would be way better to make missions and help them recover their own countries.

Catholics only have to follow official Church teachings, including dogma and doctrine. Off the cuff remarks by the pope are nothing more than vapid recommendations.

>accepting mass immigration does more harm than good
Doesn't matter. Did Jesus say "give everything to the poor if it's convenient"?

He's a heretic who hates everything western because of muh colonialism and other such Third Worlder bullshit. I'm Catholic and I say fuck the Pope, if he gave a damn about any Christians he'd be calling for Crusade already.

The muds have killed over 700,000 of our Christian brothers over the past few years. His response? Let em' in so they can kill more! Fuck him, I hope Satan has a good time with his asshole for the rest of eternity.

A religious based system of morality is important to a healthy society, the lack of one gives rise to moral objectivism under which anything can be justified, the only thing preventing immoral action becomes self preservation and the fear of punishment. Fear of punishment plays a part in religious morality as well but in it judgment is reserved for God, in his absence the state must become god to fill the void and if one can get away with their crime without being caught there is no longer any reason not to commit it.

Deus Vult!

>calling for Crusade
Do you think thats what Christ would want? For people to do the opposite of what he said?
>The muds have killed over 700,000 of our Christian brothers over the past few years
>implying that's bad
What kind of a Christian are you? Being persecuted and killed is very holy. Why would you want to stop it?

Elect Trump.

Holy fuck the mornoms are getting more and more awesome with every day passing.

Can anyone tell me about them? They seem to integrate well with modern world rather than being stuck in medieval times ( Orthodox and Catholic ) or boring or retarded as fuck ( Protestantism and other shit that sprung from Catholics )

Mormons by all means are the closest thing to the original prrotestant ideal the original colonies held in america. The only issue i have with them is their additions to the fait, the whole book of mormon is very hard to swallow, but i can't deny that i admire their current stance.

Additions are good - every cult needs to be open to reformations.

I think early church was ultra retarded - with their apocalypse scenario.

NOTHING will change until you literally see FIRE IN SKY, comets, demons flying, literal supernatural events... until then no change, no prophets nothing - eternal stagnation...

Jesus recorded words in gospels actually leave room for constant reformations...

Jesus along the lines said something - there will come others after me that will do greater..

I think Jesus envisioned everything properly and his cult idea was actually projected for long future - but dumb, greedy fucks - just broke everything up - mainly because they got scared of losing power.