This family is labeled "Hispanic" in America

>This family is labeled "Hispanic" in America

Only if the victim of a crime.

When committing a crime they're (((white)))

>ywn have qt daughters to cuddle and smooch like ted cruz
Just kill me now.

>arabs are labled "white" in america

They look pretty "spanish".

looks like a nice Canadian family desu

I don't know why these people aren't considered white

He is trying to appeal to two demographics. The Hispanics and people that can see with their own two eyes he is clearly a muddy white mutt like most Americans.

That's how you get the votes.

those shitskins look nothing like people around me

fuck off with your american "whites"

>muddy white mutt like most Americans

...Like most Americans used to be.

Don't fall for the 60% number, it's very out of date. Go visit an American city, jews are the most white people you'll see.