You guys really need to stop bumping shill threads and slide threads and get your heads out of your asses. This is real.
Start making this a fucking real thing and stop letting this board get so fucking diluted.
You guys really need to stop bumping shill threads and slide threads and get your heads out of your asses. This is real.
Start making this a fucking real thing and stop letting this board get so fucking diluted.
Other urls found in this thread:
"Hillary Clinton recklessly discussed, in emails hosted on her private server, an Iranian nuclear scientist who was executed by Iran for treason, Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., said Sunday.
"I'm not going to comment on what he may or may not have done for the United States government, but in the emails that were on Hillary Clinton's private server, there were conversations among her senior advisors about this gentleman," he said on "Face the Nation." Cotton was speaking about Shahram Amiri, who gave information to the U.S. about Iran's nuclear program.
The senator said this lapse proves she is not capable of keeping the country safe.
"That goes to show just how reckless and careless her decision was to put that kind of highly classified information on a private server. And I think her judgment is not suited to keep this country safe," he said."
Was this one of the emails that was included in the leaks, and was after them?
Or were these unreleased emails that the senator just called her out on?
and was he executed after them*
>stop letting this board get so diluted
You say this like we can all sit here and flood the board with automated bullshit CTR propaganda, all day long.
It's even on CNN
So... Hillary's unsecure email server got an Iranian scientist selling us Iranian state secrets killed?
Holy fuck, it was legit.
>That CIA agent in the other thread having a sudden horrifying realization was beautiful
I want to see this. Was it screencapped?
what kind of wizardry is this
Oh fug
He was executed after the emails were sent amongst her and staff. That's the entire point as to why this even matters.
I just want anons to stop fucking feeding the troll. 60% of the threads are obvious slide or shill threads. People need to stop being newfags and learn how to sage.
You can enable sound in the settings menu newfag
holy shit fbi user, spy user, who's next?
That wasn't my question, I understand that she talked about the guy some time prior to his death.
I'm curious if it was part of the leaks and what the chronology of it was in relation to the leaks.
this. i needa know.
What's the kill count for Hillary, at this point?
Has she beaten Breivik?
Yeah, essentially. Whether or not he was a "willing" informant isn't clear but he was clearly an important intelligence asset and Hillary's retarded-ass got him killed.
Way to make America safe. What a fucking stellar Secretary of State.
Her and Bill have over 80
Keep this thread alive, don't let them slide.
The record is for singleplayer mode only.
bump, up your ass CTR shills
Sup Forums is like that, though. They will slide everything.
Willing or not it doesn't matter, we had a source and her carelessness got him killed.
All I know is that it was in the leaks, buried somewhere.
Chronology is sometime when she was secretary of state, which would be around the time this man died. The hacks and access to her server would likely put almost a live feed onto which spies were where depending on who hacked and distributed/sold the information. Since the server has been destroyed for years, the chronology likely places it near the time of when it was first hacked.
Best answer I can give i find articles and regurgitate them to let the autists do the real strategy thinking
can i get a tl dr
fucking bump fuck shit
Hillary Dindu Nuffin, she was getting her life back on track, going to mosque, etc.
Another bump for greater Justice
explain plox
So Wikileaks essentially is responsible for his death.
Dutch guy made a thread saying he was in the Iranian embassy and he was getting info or something.
Later on we have this thread and yeah.
So enjoy.
It's a quote from the screencap in the post he linked.
I know and I'm keeping the faith alive but it just gets frustrating sometimes, you know.
Jesus fucking christ the question wasn't that hard to understand.
Was the guy axed before or after the leaks?
ie. is it proof of a hack, or could they have just found the information digging around in the leaked emails?
what the actual fuck
G-d user
People need to understand this. It could prove a hack.
Is the way CNN will likely try to spin it. Won't work - server was destroyed years ago and the info to be relevant to his death had to have been stolen at the time.
This is as red-handed as we've gotten on this bitch thus far.
RIP. ;_;
Holy fuck I'm retarded. And I was in that thread too.
C... could this lead to something, for once?
I want to fucking believe.
F for the brave Sup Forumsack souls now in heaven.
Before, obviously. This wouldn't be relevant if he were killed afterward.
This is incredibly strong proof of a real hack.
Don't see how these two threads are intertwined. Your post makes it seem like Neder-user was responsible for his death possibly?
My line of thought regarding this is that Iran or other parties did hack into Clinton's email server, got classified data from it, turned it over to Iranian authorities, and a Mudslime got roped.
Anybody have the mail where it's discussed?
Cmon do you guys really think she would do this? Shes sick, she cant be doing any of this.
kek'd hard
Supposedly, it came from her Classified server, which was "destroyed" a while back if memory serves correctly. I don't believe it was from the Wikileaks mass dump.
my grandmother is bed ridden with alzheimers and she likes to lie to her 6 kids to get them to fight each other for her amusement.
Evil is evil user.
Alright, since it was obvious you're retarded several posts ago I went looked around.
Shahram Amiri was executed last week.
This is AFTER the fucking leaks. So if there was any evidence of him spying within the leaks, the Iranians could have looked there, executed the guy, and it wouldn't have anything to do with a hack.
Still browsing through wikileaks to see what they have out on the guy.
Neder-user isn't the mudslime that got roped. Why would they kill a person seeking asylum in their country, who has state secrets of one of your biggest enemies? Use your brain jackass.
K, keep us posted
In the clusterfuck that is international politics right now, I would see that as possible.
Not likely, but possible.
I haven't read the stuff yet, but when dealing with Clinton's, common sense goes out the door.
For some countires, they would cut off their own right hand just to be friends with the Clinton's or their bosses.
>MFW i was in these threats
Feels good
F snowden2
To follow up:
Here's the CNN article: cnn.com
>U.S. officials said Amiri defected to the United States in 2009 and provided information about Iran's alleged nuclear weapons program. Iran maintains he was abducted by U.S. agents in Saudi Arabia.
relevant quote
Iranians would have already known he handed secrets over as far back as 6 years before he was executed just by reading CNN, and certainly knew about him prior to the article.
So it's not happening. Not proof of a hack.
Bump. Shills will slide this
Trump better capitalize
The scientist was an Iranian National. I find it hard to believe that Neder-user, what with his Dutch Passport and all, would also be an Iranian National.
Neder-user is still awaiting the bomb to drop to see what his fate will be. Who knows, he might get black bagged by some fucking commando group yet.
b u m p
I hope he's fine, user.
Further reading:
Christian science monitor gives a more complete story, and also links a CNN article of all places calling clinton out on discussing sensitive information on her private server.
CSM: yahoo.com
CNN article calling hillary out: edition.cnn.com
Still not proof of a hack though, so OP remains a faggot.
Yeah I'm a huge faggot but this is solid ammunition. She should never have mentioned his actual name at all. They have code names for a fucking reason goddamnit.
For that reason alone if anything else the blood still remains on her hands.
actually, that webm has sound because he cross-posted from /wsg/, one of the few boards that allows for webms with sound... newfag
Also worked graveyard so my reading comprehension and critical thought abilities are that of Bill's super-AIDS ridden brain right now.
Fucking niggers.
7/26/16 - RDS Dutch user flees to Iran w/ valuable information. Says his passport is now useless, guy is all-in
7/27/16 - Dutch user gives Iranians hard-drive(s) w/ information relevant to the Iranians.
8/3/16 - Shahram Amiri is hanged by the Iranian Govt.
Iran imprisoned this nigger for at least 5 YEARS, but they only decide to execute him within the past couple of weeks?
rly makes u think
And no one will ever call the cunt on this and since she doesn't ever take questions from reporters it will all go unheard of by 99% of the country.
this has nothing to do with the OP though?
he said his info was about ISIS and oil
not nuclear scientists
Another shill thread. Shahram Amiri is only mentioned once the emails - and it'a "CNN INTERVIEW WITH YBA"
This has nothing to do with it, plus the guy has been in prison for quite some time.
This dumbass gave Iranian secrets to the US and was found out.
He was given safety in the US, but wanted to go back to Iran because of his son. He was even warned he risked death.
Anyways, try to keep it on Clinton. Even CNN was talking about Clinton discussing him.