Why do Americans shit themselves? Can someone explain this?

Why do Americans shit themselves? Can someone explain this?

I've never shit myself in my life except for when I was a baby. can't you hold it in until you get to the toilet? Are your ass muscles that weak?

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The delicious grass fed beef makes you shit pretty bad desu

>He's never had shitty Mexican food before

It's a fucking sport you plebe

Remember that time Americans single-handedly won Normandy for the Allies?

Where were the Brits then, eating tea & crumpets?

I love my country.

You should love your country

If you don't have the freedom to shit your pants in public, you have NOTHING.

Because FREEDOM!

yeah we don't really have Mexican food here

I guess Indian food would be the equivalent

I literally cannot stop shoving wads of toilet paper up my anus

i ate something i dont remember what but for like 4 days i couldnt shit and eventually i woke up in the night feeling like someone stabbed me in the gut
i had the most explosive burning diarrhea in my life and it was like black

Where are your muslims? Raping your women? The few that are attractive?

please be joking

The fat fucks you see at Walmart take diet pills that make them unable to process fat, which lubes up their shit and lets it slide right out. Walmart customers are a special kind of people.

When you gotta go you gotta go

Be proud of your capital

Yea and now the whole west is muslim-infested. Do you know who could've stopped this? The person that you've stopped when you didn't listen to him

Its the shitty food we eat, govna'

I have this funny ass memory of hanging out with my buddy when I was like 15. I sneezed and shat myself on the computer and right away said "I just shat myself" followed by us cackling

I buy my socks and work gloves at Wal-Mart desu

America single handedly won all of World War 2

Me too except I was on the bus and the black diarrhea drained under the bus seats and everyone lifted up their legs, as is protocol

Is this a stereotype of americans? I've never heard of this one before. Just burgers/guns/fat/stupidly patriotic.

Walmart people are the best. My favorite are the scooter riding fatties that breathe all heavy when they have to reach up to get something from a shelf. I love how pissy they get when you're in their way for a few seconds to get something.

>I love how pissy they get when you're in their way for a few seconds to get something.
stupidly true.
i just stare at them with disgust and take extra time getting out of their way. im waiting for one to try to run me down so i can just tip the scooter

Also, former Best Buy employee here, I didn't even work in a major high population area, and we had at least 3 customers while I worked there shit their pants and then kick the turds out the bottom of their pant leg. Can't even imagine some of the shit people had to deal with in major cities.

It's a part of our culture.

what the fuck

Too lazy to wait to go to a bathroom desu

Shitty (lol) diets lead to bad digestive tract movements. There's also apparently some diet pill that causes it too. Lol fatties think they can gorge themselves on 4000 calories a day and then take a pill that makes lose weight.

I'm a risky farter. Sometimes I end up shitting myself.

I've never heard of this stereotype.

I was born with a blood defect and am unable to process fats very well and I've never shit myself.

Can you explain to us why you and your people are fucking pussies and your women are ugly as fuck with jacked up teeth?

Americans don't shit their pants, only the fat landwhales at Walmart do.

Here's some videos of your people shitting themselves. The first one is some guy who stuck his hand down his pants to check if he indeed did take shit and the other is of a guy doing the ice bucket challenge and he couldn't even hold his shit in. Little girl's were doing that challenge and didn't shit themselves like this retard did.

Fucking disgusting.


I cant tell you how many pairs of boxers ive ruined desu