branch, mos, typical bullshit that happens day to day
> Army > 11B (Infantry) Two deployments (Iraq, Afghanistan) sick of career officers and SHARP training. Also oldfag Sergeant's Major bitching about eye pro and knee/ elbow pads.
Tell me your stores Sup Forums I'll share some as well.
Kayden Hill
How about you kill yourself, worthless welfare recipient
Noah Walker
> Canadian That new prime minister is really rubbing off already huh family?
Gavin James
>Army >13B >2008-2011 >Konar province, OEF9-10
I lifted a lot of heavy things and banged a lot of people's wives.
Anthony Bailey
Kek I was Zabul and Kandahar Provence 10-11 pretty quiet tbqh desu. Did you get to sling a lot of rounds? We only needed indirect 1-2 times
Grayson Wright
Jack Kelly
who's wives
Nathaniel Price
Grandfather in world war 2 and father in vietnam, anyone want to hear any stories?
Liam Morgan
Share f@m
Easton Lee
I was at Korengal. We shot 14,000 rounds. I also direct fired haji off the walls of the FOB with 155 when our base was getting over run in August 2009 around the time Keating went bad.
Willy P'd some villages into dust too. At the end we lit Restrepo, Dallas, Vegas on fire and watched haji fight over the burnt wood.
10/10. Would get high kill count again.
Kayden Kelly
Data mining thread shoo
Nathaniel Barnes
Army 11B schofield, Hawaii. 94_97 Alcoholism, bad knees, depression, and a hate of all things foreign.
Thomas Brown
Some whiny supply guy. Me and my friends gangbanged her. Her kid saw it all go down. Felt weird man
Mason Martinez
>Joining the military in modern times >To help invade foreign countries and commit all sorts of fucked up acts against the local populations.
Kinda funny how the early Americans were crying and whining like babies and England taxing them and quartering soldiers in their houses, while modern America is doing much worse things to other countries.
You're all fucked up fucking losers for joining the military. You pieces of retarded shit who couldn't get a real job.
Leo Gray
I already had a degree and a job when I joined. Now I'm working on my third degree and 8 pack abs. Enjoy your debt and paying for my healthcare friendo.
Parker Foster
Sounds awesome. Afghanistan was a snooze for me, lots of walking and ied but hardly any direct contact. Iraq in '07 was balls out tho, miss that shit
Were you Viper Co.?
Logan James
>edgy So tell me son, when was the first time you self harmed?
Jose Baker
That's pretty hilarious at least familia, story time?
Carson Carter
No but we were all at the same FOB oddly enough. I was 82nd at the time. Viper co. was out of goddamn control lol. We were maximum bros B Company 1SG walked off the base with nothing but a machete and went on a killing spree apparently. Fucking good times
Evan Rogers
elucidate why don't ya
Henry Murphy
I did 4 years as a grunt Marine(0351). 2 deployments(16 months) to Helmand province. I've been out for about 3 years now and can say that civilian life fucking sucks. Our military is cucked beyond belief now though, so I would never re-enlist. I plan on joining the French Foreign Legion in January when my Inactive Reserve time ends. Already bought the plane ticket.
Noah King
You mean the healthcare you guys constantly whine about lol? "Wahhhh the lines are too long."
I have a real job that gives me health insurance. Me > You.
Everything I said was right and you know. Early Americans whined like babies about taxes and soldiers being quartered in their houses. Modern America is doing much worse things to other countries.
You're a piece of shit with no integrity if you join the military.
Liam Harris
>USMC >4341 PA correspondent >4 year mark is up and getting discharged next week >feelsgoodman.jpg
Austin Clark
Haha sounds about right, my old room mate was with Viper, we went to Afghan together in '10. He came to Germany right after that deployment and went straight back lol. he had some wild stories about that place
Lincoln White
This. Yank abroad here. Finishing my second Masters degree (paid for) in the UK and having my D sucked on the reg by British slags.
Easton Harris
>2010 >be in NATO mission with turkey in afghanistan fighting along some US rookies >commander orders me to film with a night vision camera some barn with rocket launchers laying outside >see guy petting his cow >proceeds to pull out his dick and stick it in it's nose? because the cow kept licking and the cock seemed far from the tongue what the fuck is wrong with these people
Noah Collins
Fucking pog >0313 for lyfe
Asher Morris
Are there any Coast Guard on here? I think it's neat but I have the hardest time finding information about them compared to every other branch.
I know they can deploy just like anyone else so the idea of hanging out on the coast of American doing patrols all day isn't exactly the reality. Also S&R is pretty much a pipe dream.
Aaron Foster
Army paras (Colchester) No deployment yet but currently AATF so patiently waiting for happenings
Cooper Foster
>Roach >"in NATO"
Not for long, mein neger. Soon we'll have a video like that of you, unless you try your chances in the Med.
Sebastian James
Right on Marinebro. I knew a guy who did a stint with the foreign legion, he said it sucked. Like, imagine how you guys alreadyt get the equipment hand me downs from the Army, except 100 times worse.
Landon Stewart
If you want to go somewhere adventurous you could request Kodiak, Alaska. The largest Coast Guard base in the world is there and you should have no problem getting posted there if you request it.
Aaron Evans
I was in Leatherneck/Bastion. 6 months there - never left the wire. Ate a shitload of pizza and regularly swung by Green Beans for some delicious shakes. Most dangerous thing I faced was PMSing female medics. One time I had to look after a cat that had been flown in from one of the FOBs to get destroyed in case it had rabies.
So I guess you could say I'm a hero.
John Butler
don't worry abdul, your friends rarely got shot because of the US incompetence. they're free to fuck their goats now
Ryder Murphy
Watch out! This guys a bad ass. So tell me, who touched you inappropriately as a child?
Your bullshit argument about the revolution has 0% to do with current global politics, also ^ looks like you forgot your proxy dude.
Daniel Gray
>ywn smoke dune coons with white phosphorus
I will die with at least one regret
Lurking thread for more Afghan/Iraq stories
Benjamin White
I'll be joining the military soon, colorblind so my options are limited in every branch. My choices that I've whittled down to are some mechanic/engineering rates in the Navy (seabees, MM, EN, or HM/corpsman), 68W Medic in the army, or some sort of artillery/missile related MOS in the Marines, lots of those for us colorblind folk. Not interested in Coast Guard or Air Force, not enough jobs available. Any advice?
Ian Davis
Yeah I'm expecting it to suck, but once I get through it I will be 30 years old and have documented combat experience in the Marines and (hopefully) the FFL. At that point I will have a lot of prospects among mercenary groups (ex-legionairres are very desirable to PMCs).
I was at Bastion/Leatherneck for 3 weeks in August of 2010 and 2 weeks in May of 2011. Were you there then?
Levi Watson
Enjoy your herpes.
Kayden Howard
Welcome Britbro, what's your day to day like? I trained with a cpl dudes from England years ago in Germany, great guys, heavy drinkers.
Carson Wood
Grandpoppy was in the 30th infantry division in world war 2 and was deployed to Omaha beach after the initial landings, did not see real combat until june 29th in some small town in france, proceeded to fight into the hurtgen forest with the 28th and then the battle of the bulge with the 28th and 106th division. was put on R&R in france in mid january, came back after US troops crossed the Rhine river and only saw little to no combat due to the fact he was part of a reservist group, most serious combat he saw in germany was when a german sniper shot at his half track killing a G.I. and then storming the house to find out he was a kid who killed himself after he shot the G.I. He didnt see combat again and spent time in germany and france before coming back. Pic related is him
Hudson Campbell
>Navy >two different carriers
>cleaning stations, get ready to pretend to sweep dust for an hour again >mindlessly waving my hand against the bulkhead >officer walks by >say "good morning" to be polite >dude turns around >'umm, do we just forget our military baring now, SHIPMATE? I'm a commissioned officer, you address me as SIR at all times. I don't need the first thing to happen to me at seven fucking A.M. being you, some E-whatever disrespecting me like this. So how about we try that again." >can't even get mad at this shit anymore
>Middle of the Persian gulf >food portions being rationed out because the USNS ship is having troubles and is going to show up late. >can get barely half a tray of undercooked garbage for breakfast, lunch, or dinner >meanwhile the wardrooms are having a corndog eating contest for all butterbars and lieutenants that day
Colton Morgan
which one is you that photo my guy?
Ryder Jackson
So there I was... >be me >Fort Bragg 2010 >back from Korengal >out of my fucking mind from constant fighting and indirect for 15 months >drinking with two Buddy's , we'll call them Erin and Brunea > Erin gets wind that Brunea has been chatting up some local bird > were all good and sauced one night > Erin notices Brunea texting this broad >"Hey Brunea, you should let me tex this chick real quick. I bet I can set something up" > ok.png > Erin sends text > What Brunea doesn't know is that the text read "ya know, I just really would feel a lot more comfortable about this whole thing if I could bring my best friend" >awaitingresponse.gif >"Teehee sure ok" >RESPONSERECEIVEDFUCKINGGOTIME.jpeg >Go to bitches house and they bang her. >two days later I get a call from Erin >"Bruh - get some blow from the hookers downtown and get over to my rax. No time to explain!11!" > fuck it. Let's do this >get over to the house where he tells me the story. >wellfuckingcallthisbitchupman.wav >make the call >husband at work. Get the green light >Go to house and DP this hoe >it's dark and I'm all fuckered up. >from the corner of my eye I see movement > >tiny person >it's her fucking son >says "Do you wanna play Spider-Man with me?" >"NO YOU LITTLE SHIT IM HERE TO FUCK YOUR MOM!" >kid cries and runs away >I bust a nut in moms face
Austin Lewis
What city, we could hang out.
Jayden Ortiz
Hahaha miss tht green beans tho
Adrian Walker
A happy one at that. I've worked with LAV crews quite a bit. Good times. Don't have pics on my phone though
Adrian Walker
>army >65D >2011-2016 >prescribed frequent antibiotics to junior enlisted soldiers, you know what for. >doesn't matter where, but get involved in task groups and committees - discuss pertinent issues, plan interventions, but somehow never enact plans and the following month identify new issues and plan interventions but never address them, month after month
Ayden Evans
I will, thanks.
Adrian White
>patrol >just walking to literally where, the place >take small break to shitbang MRE >haji out of nowhere >drives 80mph to us with car >all jump out of the way as the car rams into the nearest building >haji does as he hits the wall >go to check the car, find artillery rounds rigged to blow >call in EOD >follow wire to front of car >wire goes to door >open door, when haji slammed the door on the wire it cut it >wire led to makeshift detonator >would have died if haji wasn't retarded
Caleb Bell
A happy one at that. I've worked with LAV crews quite a bit. Good times. Don't have pics on my phone though
Dominic Harris
Christ almighty, you can be colorblind and be a medic?? Tbqh family, if you are into rucking and physical pain, with the off chance to see some shit, that's your best bet friend. Every infantry platoon loves the doc.
David Sanders
Your Rate?
Robert James
Lucas Turner
>NO YOU LITTLE SHIT I'M HERE TO FUCK YOUR MOM based Thank you for everything
Lucas Lewis
6 foot 205lb white male, I'm actually in the process of joining the army, just waiting for some paper work from meps to go through, any tips ? Been getting my running, push ups, sit ups in.
Wyatt Morgan
eyepro is important, user
John Hall
I'm in London, m9.
Sorry - I don't do Sup Forums meet-ups until the Day of the Rope.
Aaron Price
I'm not in that photo but I'm the guy on the left in this one.
Kevin Rivera
>Army >14Echo (Patriot Fire Control Operator) No deployments thus far, actually just finshed AIT not even 3 weeks ago
Isaac Morris
Yeww bruh.
Nathan Torres
Right on. You could always try for triple canopy or one of the maritime PMC's, I get job offers constantly and I only did 7 years as a grunt. Do you have any schools? I'm sniper, mountain warfare and airborne
Jaxon Rivera
>Army >82nd Air Borne >87-92 >Germany for two years, Panama, Desert Storm
Germany wasn't bad. Was there when the wall was down. Anyone wanna hear? Panama was hot and pure shit. My first combat deployment. Desert storm was bad.
Aaron King
My time in the army was the worst
Brandon Perry
How tough is Marine Corps boot camp, lads? I ship out in 8 months to MCRD San Deigo and I have no idea what to expect upon arrival. Also, is Military Police a fun job, that's the MOS that I chose.
Joshua Robinson
I guess I can't bitch as much as those on the flight deck and reactor, obviously, but I can't count how much retarded shit happens in the stuff I have to work with.
>bumfuck master queef, same rate, been in for 20+ years >doesn't even know what kind of equipment we use for comms fucking end me
Brandon Cook
You are talking about the VA. Active duty doesn't use the VA. So they can't complain about it.
Asher Jackson
Joseph Brooks
Yeah my man. I've thought about being a medic because I know it's considered a respectable position, but I don't want to be stuck in a hospital. Same for Corpsman in the navy, I want to go field or bust. Honestly my dream job was 19k, always wanted to be a tanker, but lo and fucking behold that requires normal color vision. Such is life.
Jason Rogers
He looks like a bamf. I can't imagine what those WW2 guys had to go through
Brody Carter
That looks really cool, I'm going to write that down and keep it somewhere.
My grandpa was in the Coast Guard so that's part of the reason why it interests me more than the Navy. I'm just keeping it open as an option for after college if I get fucked over and can't get a job. I know their standards are high so I need to train and try to track down my ASVAB score which I have completely forgotten.
I also like that they use Sigs as their sidearm.
Nicholas Robinson
Too bad you didn't step on a fucking IED
Wyatt King
About 10,000 acres of pucci.
They had it alright, all things considered. No one bangs chicks in the sandbox.
Logan Davis
I've been researching the Maritime PMCs and it seems comfy AF. Gunning down some 95 lb Somali pirates from elevated positions all day doesn't sound too bad.
As far as courses I completed Advanced Assaultman Leadership course and Advanced Breacher's course. Nothing worth noting other than that.
Joseph Carter
Loll sounds about right, glad to know that bullshit transcends branch lines
Brandon Miller
Lots going on during summer months famalam, will do some training in Cyprus in October too so looking forward to it. >heavy drinkers That's British in general tbqh
Bentley Ross
Is military expierence required for joining the FFL? I have none but my French is almost native tier
Kevin Barnes
God bless
Asher Baker
Women fuck us all the time. You wouldn't believe the freaky ass tail I pull lol.
Christopher King
lel sounds like a bitch man. I'm actually thinking of joining the Navy soon, may end up being an MM or EN, or some other grease monkey type right. Any advice or thoughts on what life might be like for me or Navy boot camp in general?
Connor Peterson
Focus on lifting your own body weight and being able to run 3 miles without stopping.
Military police guys look pretty unhappy
Landon Lee
Thank you for your service friend
Colton Miller
>Be artilleryman in remote firebase in Afghanistan in 2005 >Rockets hitting all around base, one lands fairly close to parked Chinook >Can see where they are firing from with naked eyes >Ask FDC tent why we arent getting a fire mission >5 mins and 5 rockets later they tell us that map grid square is classified as a civilian zone >Get so angry that an hour later my E3 ass is asking the FDC lieutenant what the fuck happened
Adrian Thompson
Fuck yeah! When were you in?
Nathaniel Brown
Government jobs in a nutshell
Josiah King
You can go to Bahrain If you request it. My buddy just finished there and he said it was the best time of his life.
Oliver Thomas
I did step on an IED, but it low-ordered because it had rained a lot recently and the Taliban hadn't properly water-proofed the charge. All that happened was a sharp pop of the blasting cap and some fizzling of the soaked explosives.
Jace Gonzalez
Neither of those rates will see the sun if you agree to be in the nuclear field. Honestly if you want to be a filthy grease monkey you may as well join an air rate. They at least work on airplanes while I know some still live that flight deck life.
Even then, I don't suggest enlisting in the navy at all. It's getting a major queermo upheaval and they're being total cunts on the standards they want people to follow due to budget cuts. If I could, I'd rather be unemployed or a student again honestly. If you really want to join the military get a degree so you can attempt to be commissioned. At least then you will never have to actually work.
Christian Cox
That happens to our battalion a lot. I just would "accidentally" load some WP with a long timer fuze and let er rip. Geneva conventions BTFO
Jace Sullivan
redpill me on the Coast Guard
Joshua Martinez
Practice standing around smoking cigs, that's what 80% of your life will consist of once you sign the papers. Good luck famalam
Gabriel Sanders
Is there even a point to having officers anymore at this point? Maybe in the past when the educated gap was so much wider, but now???
I had some whiney fucking O4 bitch to my entire watch section because he had to stand duty once every 8 days, and all he had to do for that day was answer a radio and pick up AMCROSS messages. Yet here I am doing 1 in 4 and I'm not even allowed to sleep.
John Evans
Y'all niggas will probably like this >Mafia fag in Army >11C(Mortar shit) >1 deployment, Wardak Province, Faghistan. Purple heart, CIB, fucked up body, wah wah-PTSD bullshit, ect >Somehow still not applicable for medboard because PA thinks thinks I'm a fag >Low functioning alcoholic living in the barracks >Female NCO on CQ stops me while at while I'm on my way to my car, sober >"SPC user, haveo w you been drinking?" >"I don't think that's any of your business, CPL." >"I'm gonna have write this up, you can't walk around the barracks drunk! I'm calling staff duty!" >Me: "You can go fuck yourself, cunt" >CPL Cunt: "What did you call me?" >Me: "You heard me cunt, now fuck off" >Walk about the door >Fully prepared for that company grade ART15 >Get back later and her husband is there >Neat.jpg >He stares me down, doesn't say anything >Smile as I walk past because I'm fucked so it doesn't matter anyway >Go into work next day >Get called to Commanders office after PT >"You know why you're hear, SPC user?" >"No, sir." >"You are being accused of SEXUAL HARASSMENT by CPL Cunt" >What the fuck? >"She says you called her a cunt, SPC user. These are grounds for separation from the Army. Do you have any comment on the matter?" >"No, sir." >SHARP investigator finds me guilty >Field Grade and chapter with 14-12C seperation >Lose GI Bill and all benefits >General (Under Honorable Conditions) Discharge >There goes 2.5 years of my life >Out now making 56K a year living in the most beautiful city on the East Coast >Happy as fuck >Fuck the Army
Juan Cooper
No military experience required but they don't like Belgians. Their most famous chant "Le Boudin" has a line that goes like this:
"For the Belgians, there's none left(food), they're lazy shirkers"
Lucas Collins
>USN >Coprsman working at military hospital
Matthew Allen
My knees and back feel like it was longer though.
Joseph Fisher
Spill it buddy! I was Grafonwher 06-12 with breaks for deployments, love that German snatch
Alexander Scott
Keep your 13B away and know you're rank. FDC owns your ass, gun bunny.
13D reporting in
Austin Cooper
This. Also; start drinking now. Preferably early morning.
Austin Gomez
It's not bad, worst thing you could get is a 378 and be gone for a few months at a time. Once you hit 10 years and make e6/ e7 and know your shit no one fucks with you