That's racist.
Welp, guess I gotta vote for Hillary now.
That sign would look better if it was on fire
>The official beer of the burger
I'd just ask to buy one and state how much I love Trump, say thank you and enjoy it.
>payment + tip collected up front
No, there's no point in tipping for service before you get the food or service.
White Bread hahaha white people! xDDDD
and thats why you let the server know they will collecting a $0 tip for their owners stupidity
sounds great. but I'm not tipping
>bologna sandwich on white bread
>$11.95 plus tip
Why is this allowed?
wtf I hate Trump now.
This is why whoever wrote that sign makes $8 an hour.
Obama sandwich
Brown bread
No pork ;)
you have to tip or else the restaurant fines you
>tip collected upfront
Fuck off.
Sorry, waiter, but your owner's stupidity just guaranteed a 0$ tip.
>Tip up front
What the fuck is this shit. Why would I tip the server if they hadn't even brought me my food? This is coming from a burgerclap btw, so it shows how retarded this tipping scheme is.
Hillary sandwich
White bread
Full of shit
Glittered with corporate jew gold
Only white cis males have to pay for it and they have to pay for everyone else's food as well
Wtf i hate sandwiches now.
So when did "white" become an insult, and why?
top kek make a sign to make fun at someone else and no doubt show how intelligent and with it your establishment is...can't spell correctly and end up looking like a retard..priceless
>Hillary sandwich
>It's just a banker and a career politician you pay to spitroast and shit on you for the rest of your life.
I can see some liberals paying for this.
I would fucking piss on that sign.
>Payment(+Tip) collected up front
Bernie did this better
Sup Forums sandwich
white bread BLACKED (toasted)
Full with retarded opinions
+ stormfront dressing
Paid with banter and shekel
(+ 1 redpill)
$12 sandwich
Creative. Past elections were full of fun like this. The shit we have now is cancer. I can't wait for it to be over. Please.
That trashcan only has 3.5 stars on Yelp.
Wtf I hate Trump now
more like
Hillary sandwich
>you provide the bread, meat, condiments and make it yourself while restaurant charges you $35
are they implying buhlognah isn't good
Fucking american cucks....
That's the bernie sandwich
No the Bernie is
>you pay $35 Bernie eats the sandwich
Canadians really are the worst posters on this board.
IP range ban when.
Would have been funnier if the total was $14.88