The Next Batch Of Emails! She’s TOAST!
There has never been a time in US history where our leadership has failed us this badly. Over the last either years, Obama, with the help of Hillary Clinton, has done everything in his power to destroy what makes this country great.
Obama wants our military depleted, he wants the world not to be afraid of us, he wants millions of immigrants to come and go as they please, and he is perfectly content with allowing ISIS to grow into the global threat that they are today.
BREAKING: Julian Assange Just Delivered
Is it happening now
So where is the link to the leak?
Why isn't there anything new on the WikiLeaks twitter or website?
Nobody cares. Normies who are Dems literally do not give a shit how corrupt this bitch is. They'll vote for her purely for the fact that it means the evil bad man who says mean words won't be president.
Link to wikileak files, you faggot.
Wheres my gooby reaction pic when I need it.
I'll give you 5 guesses.
wow totally not bias kek
>he wants millions of immigrants to come and go as they please
except for europeans who get fucked at immigration no matter how qualified they are
The website is nothing more then a conservative tabloid.
Conservatism isn't a bias.
This wikileaks bullshit is the boy who cried wolf.
If he ever released anything worth a shit, people would all be too bored of it to grab a pitchfork.
>The documents show us that Ozkok served as the national finance co-chair of the pro-Clinton Ready PAC. He is on record contributing $10,000 to the committee in 2014 and $2,700 to Clinton’s campaign in 2015.
>He is also a member of the Clinton Global Initiative, and has given between $25,000 and $50,000 to the Clinton charity.
sage subversive threads
also where the fuck is the e-mail field
fuck off CTR
True, my first encounter with a Hillary supporter was at the bar the other night. She berated and physically threatened some poor girl for 20 minutes, made her leave crying, and told her "I hope you get raped and robbed on the way home". This was all because the girl said she thought Hillary was corrupt
Some of the articles there are written by a (((Bernstein))).
Sup Forums getting tricked by the Jews once again.
There was a supposed leak yesterday and threads about it kept getting deleted and now posting the link to it is an automatic ban.
oh, sorry
here you go:
fake and gay
Kill yourself fagboy.
all this boy cried wolf shit is dumb, every time i come on here i get excited thinking theres some sort of new leak, and its always bullshit.
based Julian if you hear me, please release the emails this week, for the love of god please. you said you have something that could destroy hillary, well fucking release it.
can this happening finally happen already
People have short memories. Best to btfo of her closer to the election.
Sage? Sage.
From the article:
There’s absolutely no denying that WikiLeaks has been a world champion of bringing justice to those that are corrupt and abuse their political powers, like Hillary Clinton.
In a BRAND NEW leak late last night, Julian Assange (Editor-In-Chief for WikiLeaks) not only guaranteed that he had enough evidence on Hillary Clinton to put her in jail, he released a PDF file that we have our hands on.
I expect they will be out soon.
Have patience folks.
their twitter is seeing an uptick in activity. They seem to be trying to get noticed, and this is the start of the news cycle. Who knows, it may actually happen this time.
unless those mails prove that she is literally an antichrist, she will win.
>inb4:b-but muh drumpf
The MSM kikes must be going crazy right now trying to figure out how they'll pivot and pretend her actions were somehow Trump's fault, as they attempted with her hacked email server.
are you fuckin serious?
any proofs?
Wikileaks could leak literal proof that the Clintons have people murdered and literally no one would care.
>mfw the article called Julian Assange a great patriot
>calling an aussie being persecuted hardcore by the US government an american patriot
The irony.
Opposing the US government is pretty patriotic tbhfam
the MSM arent worried, all they gotta do is pretend it didnt happen, and not report.
It took them awhile, but they finally figured out how to counter trump, go full marxist propaganda, decide for the people whats news and whats not, reduce anything trump says to a 2 second soundbyte with 30seconds of contempt delivered around him, and small nippets of hillary not fucking up.
But liberalism totally is
Said the increasingly nervous trumpkin for the 987564th time this year.
I know somebody will construe this into white knighting but why didn't you defend her? Coulda played batman for a qt redpill girl...or a fugly one either way
Why didn't you stick up for her?
Says the man before any debates or the summers over
>Something that never happened.
Its like you aren't even trying.
>Trump isn't a kike.
>Obama wants our military depleted, he wants the world not to be afraid of us
This is basically what drumpf wants though. He's outright said he's going to work with the Russians and North Koreans.
This. Anyone but Trump.
At this point they would pick litteraly Hitler over Trump.
Your memes are stale bro.
Right on
People really don't get how Hitler came to power and how well he was liked. He spoke out against Jews, but it was basically him saying "jews are rich and are ruining the country". He also encouraged social policies and people loved it. It was only after he had the people's love with his pandering and social shit that he went all murder everyone.
Where is that mural located and what is the context?
If anything, Assange should fake his death and escape to Russia or something
he's AUSTRALIAN, he CANT be an american patriot unless he gets citizenship, the definition of the word makes it impossible.
so he's alive now? where is the hillary video that was shilled here a while ago?
Liberal censorship is the issue, not the bias
That, and completely fabricating poll numbers
Lucifer/Satan is the bolt of lightning that struck the tree of knowledge?
>I read Conservative Daily Post
The new email leaks are set for October.
All these fake releases. How about maybe their aren't any more emails? That was it and it wasn't that bad. Hillary really won't be too bad, she's definitely the most qualified anyway.
>Hitler as president
>Bad thing
Who wouldn't? Inb4 "le edgy Hitler maymay
2/10 see me in my office.
You know, countless huge controversies came out of that - a nuclear scientist was just executed in Iran because they found out he was a spy, due to those leaked emails etc.
This is just one pic of several, comey also said she broke the law flat out but they just wont prosecute.. she rigged the democratic primary objectively, and shes now been exposed as arming ISIS making her responsible for their actions.
Shes supposed to be dead about 20 times over by now, not just in prison, but dead.
Not really true. Only the die hard SJWs are like that.
There are plenty of moderate voters who can be swayed away from Clinton still.
Hannity just mentioned something about a spy getting executed because the leaks blew his cover. Whats that about
Almost as bad as all the people calling him a traitor.
But now you still need to destroy her credibility. Post articles of her monstrocity form Black Agenda Report, post Abby Martin's illegal arrest at the DNC, post bout anti-TPP people being thrown out of the DNC.
>he hired geniuses to run the campaign
This is legit true if Yanukovich's man is with them.
Do y'all know what Yanukovich's first job was? He entered toilets at railway stations, reached into stalls, grabbed people's fir hats and ran.
And these guys got him elected president of the Ukraine.
BTFO her all the way to the election,
if she lasts that long.
Nothing will ever be done about Hilary. No charges will ever be brought. Why? Because if the establishment were to turn on her that way then they would have to admit that the whole system (which they built/over see) is corrupt.
Will the press even care?
They are so fucking in the tank for this insane bitch.
Let's be honest, it's not like his line of work has changed that much ever since.
To be fair, this "she's toast" "its now" "she's definitely getting indicted next" routine is getting as old as the "Trump's campaign is definitely over now".
No one will care, your media is full of shills and they won't even report on any kind of scandal. I think she being affiliated to a business that funded ISIS is already pretty big, but literally no one cared. Just give up, guys. The only thing that will happen is all of us knowing how horribly bad the possible next US president is going to be and getting even more depressed over it.
Even plebbit faggots who hated Hillary and posted a lot of shit against her in /r/politics, have the front page full of shit against Trump with barely any mention of Hillary. Its over, not even Reddit (apart from /r/The_Donald which has an horrible reputation already) cares, the hype over it will stay here in Sup Forums forever.
>You know, countless huge controversies came out of that - a nuclear scientist was just executed in Iran because they found out he was a spy, due to those leaked emails etc.
Fucking SOURCE bro i gotta know!
you are a useless nigger
reddit has connections with the DNC, and is overrun with CTR and openly prunes anti-hillary threads. It's not a good point.
He is posting a lot of interesting stuff on his twitter right now.
one week later and he's failed to bounce back.
Depends. First of all, Reddit is the place where normies gather and would be perfect to spread anti-Hillary crap.
Second of all, Bernouts really hate her and were pretty vocal right until Hillary got nominated and Bernie endorsed her. That's the problem, not even Bernouts are as much against her and the ones that are don't get any attention.
>Referring to the US as your country
t. Julian Assange